Stupid shit that'll make you stop watching ST2

>kids are watching 1980's LOTR
>Sean Astin walks in
>"cool movie, my favorite character is Sam".
>Winks at camera


>kids play DND
>Sean Astin walks in
"Wow you guys remind me of my childhood friends back in Astoria. We called ourselves the Goonies!"

Other urls found in this thread:

Who the fuck is Sean Astin?

>Mike walks in
>at least this time we’re not fighting Pennywise!

that would be pretty good tho

That sounds exactly the kind of thing Sean Aspergers would try to put in

That'd actually make me want to watch this series.

>kids are playing 1980s Gi Joe toys
>Sean Austin walks in
>These guys are my favorite......Toy Soldiers (1991)
>*winks at camera*

Annoying character and shit girl.


Anything that could be remotely construed to be about Drumpf.

I just want nostalgia porn. I can't take anymore political faggotry.

I can't stop watching Stranger Things if I never watched that gay shit.

Well Trump was a thing in the 80s

Fucking this. Sup Forums has polluted everything. And I mean EVERY FUCKING THING

heh, true. Would be nice to have him show up on TV or something.

>*tips fedora*

Keep shilling for Netflix homo. Enjoy paying a $10 cuck tax for an your increasingly limited library and soon no Disney movies.

I know, plus it's the Reagan era, so it's not like it would be anachronistic.

It's not Sup Forums. Their tin foil rantings don't get on TV. It's liberals (if that's even a sensible term anymore) still going insane over ONE election. Just stop. It's over. Start preparing for the elections next year. It's driving me nuts. Every single in interivew, awards show, and movie and TV show is infused with this Y2K style hysteria.

Not an argument

Finn Wolfhard not in every frame of the first episode

>What are torrents

It would actually make me laugh and be interested in this show.

You forgot winking at the camera ass hole

>kids are watching 1988's Beetlejuice
>Wynona Rider walks in
>"cool movie, my favorite character is Lydia"
>Winks at Camera

>takes place in 1984
Stay in school faggot chan

more than 10 cumulative minutes focusing on winona ryder

>I just want nostalgia porn

Like Ten Inch Mutant Ninja Turtles?

Just imagine a late 80s/early 90s saturday morning cartoon line up of porn parodies

But that was made a few years ago.
Who Reamed Rosie Rabbit would be more appropriate for this time period

Bringing back Barbera in any way shape or form just to appease normies. Everyone I hate IRL would not shut the fuck up about her.

In the newest trailer, there's actually a shot of Mike's house with a Reagan board outside.
Guarantee there will be a part where Will Byers turns directly to the camera and gives a speech about homophobia and the Republican party.

The cast brought politics to the fray at the awards show. So i won't be watching.

Makes me happy i watched the whole series on putlocker. Same reason i wont watch star wars.

Whatever you say Tumblr

Are you triggered I'm not watching your epic 80's references?

Go buy a funco pop you queer.

Not an argument

Neither is tumblr.

Then stop acting like one?
This isn't hard to understand.
Just stop acting like a horse cock sucking cuck

You're getting triggered, therefore you are more Tumblr.

It ain't an argument but at least everyone here sees what a poof you are.

Okay jimmy, give mommy back her iPad.
It's time you go to bed

yea I just used it as reference. I dont stay up to beat on the latest porn parodies.

but the possiblities...oh man, theyre great

>Sup Forums gets pre-offended by show that isn't out yet

And you think This is an argument?

Ha. I forgot about that movie. Sean Astin was the badass hero in that one

Manlets not btfo