When did you realize that JRE podcast turned into a right wing echo chamber?


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rogan just flip flops depending on who is on. eventually it will bite him in the ass.

Joe "Obama was the best president we ever had" Rogan


when did you realize he only brings alt right youtube celebrities on to laugh at them?

When Alex Jones was on and a certain percentage of the audience was taking him seriously

He's a hunter, fan of MMA, comedy and talk radio of course he leans right.

Everything he said during the "big enchilada" was true

stupid meme-loving faggot

he's a sellout manlet whore who has Jamie beat him off every episode under the table

>Sup Forums - Alt-left pussies cry about literally everything

The elite are trying to transcend humanity in a breakaway society and are using black magick to do so, this is no meme

get shaprio on again

>being this dumb and bluepilled

>he doesn't take AJ seriously
Don't come crying to me when the inter-dimensional shape-shifting psychic paedophiles use mind control to enslave you.

stupid meme-loving faggot

What are you talking about? He's definitely not laughing at them.

The funny part to me though is he doesn't pear to realize or at least doesn't acknowledge the impact he is having. That Alex Jones podcast was probably one of his biggest ones. Ben Shapiro was 2nd on iTunes after his JRE appearance, when he normally hung out in the

lol are you retarded op

>doesn't pear

Meant to say doesn't appear, typing on my phone

It's called keeping an open mind and changing your views when presented with new information. More people should try it.

Alex Jones has been around for decades before anyone even came up with the term "alt-right." It's important to remember that back when Jones was going after George W. Bush, the few mainstream media mentions he got labeled him as radical left-wing.

yeah, wow, would you look at that.. how do you think they got those chimps driving those things? ecstasy? I heard Hitler was on some pretty wacky drugs, Jamie pull up that clip of Hitler, you know the one

Im kinda the same as rogan, only instead of politics it's with conspiracy theories
Just whatever the last one i've heard I take as fact and assume it's true and will comment it offhand as if it's normal until something else that contradicts it comes to me

Currently 9/11 was done by holograms and Drumpf is a Zionist lizard puppetted by Hillaries angry caretakers

THis is spot on. Used to love joe Rogan until he became an obivious right wing nut job shill that kept bringing on right wing retards on his show. Joe used to be way more laid back and liberal when him and Redban ran the show .

Show has gone down the shitter since

>modern liberal
>laid back
pick one

I could really tell Joe "Alt-white Supremacist" Rogaine was an echo chamber for the alt-right when he has on extremely left wing comedians like Moshe Kasher and Reggie Watts. That really drives it home for me.


Brian, stop ruining the show after you've already been kicked off of it after repeatedly ruining the show. Go to bed, Brian.

Is this where it all started?

Friendly reminder that Drumpfshits and Conservashits ignorantly vote against their own economic interests

ya right every comedian he has on he's all
>lol fuck drumpf and white people they just need to stop oppressing people.

Not an open mind, Joe just understands the nuances of things and argues for both sides cuz if you just sit there and circlejerk in the podcast it quickly gets boring.


Thank fuck he is gone

>more government control of your life is good because you get some gibs

Love this meme

You are retarded. I listen to every episode and I have never heard this nonsense. Maybe from some of the guests, but not directly from Joe.

>when Joe is too dumb to argue with Eddie Bravo

No he's just easily gullible and impressionable.

stopping the flow off illegal immigration would have the biggest impact on my economic interests. far greater than any tax reform or healthcare bill. voting republican will never stop it. voting will never stop it.


the last 3 comedians he had on they went right into that shit.

Why won't he just look into it?

all he was saying was look into it.

>the left has gone so crazy that a dude weed lmao dmt junkie comes off as right wing

Exactly. Look into it, Joe!

Since when is this a criticism worthy of 4chans scorn


Except a lot of his views are pretty damn liberal bro

In the last couple months Joe has said Obama is his favourite president ever like twice

JRE is literally the opposite of an echo chamber. It is unironically the most rounded and balanced show you will find on the internet.

>that part where Eddie and Alex are punching eachother


Look deeply into the glutes.

Daily reminder that importing millions of dirt poor brown people isn't in the economic interests of poor people in Western countries

>brown people that don’t speak English with no skills
>likely to go on welfare and consume resources
>poor white people get jobs providing these resources

>Joe keeps telling them to stop
>Starts to get visibly pissed

I realized this when liberals went pants-on-head retarded over the last few years

JRE blows those guys wouldn't know comedy if it slapped them in the face i only listen to Norm now

your ideology has failed

time to reassess

>pro-drug legalization
>for basic income
>against the notion of natural hierarchies

I'm sorry, but how is Joe right wing?

That still doesn't mean Joe did, you goalpost-moving douchebag. Also, Jim Norton didn't. So fuck you.

You are retarded if you think that's how it works.

Jim norton is a right wing shitbag too. Anybody that associates with Opie and Ant are conservafaggots

>poor white people get jobs providing these resources
theft through taxation.

He has right wing guests on. You can't do this now for some reason

Funny is that most Conservashits are uneducated low brow shit stains that conflate right wing ideology with their fragile masculinity

Jim Norton fucks trannies almost exclusively. Exactly how is that right wing.
Also, you're a complete fucking moron and I'm done listening to your insanity. Bye bye.

get off his dick faggot joe and the guests go right into lol drumpf. that vapid whore and the guy before the nigger. i didn't even bother trying t watch the nigger.

because hes a paid shill. he already knows

In Joe's case it's called being lazy.

When he has a conservative like Milo and Shapiro on he'll agree with them when they say BLM is an extremist group. When he has a black comedian on he will completely play up to their black power sentiments. When a conservative goes back on, it's like what he said to the liberal before never happened.

I don't blame him, he's probably on thin ice because of having Alex Jones on talking about the creepy emails for 4 hours - he has to tow the progressive line when the opportunity pops up.

Why are left wingers so quick to call something a right-wing echo chamber when Google, YouTube, Twitter and others literally deplatform, ghostblock and ooutright ban right wingers?

Expressing a right wing opinion is an 'echo-chamber' but the entire online apparatus being geared towards defending leftists? Seems fishy to me.

Might could be you're just unused to hearing opinions you disagree with?

Joe is usually just for truth and logic, unfortunately in America today the right is the only party that cares about those things for the most part. Therefor the more left goes full retard the more right Joe will seem right wing.

The irony is strong with this one.

I don't think he's an atheist, he frequently mentions meeting god on DMT

I only listen to podcast when he has hunters on.

All of this stuff was more interesting before the conspiracies were debunked.

Conspiracy debunkers pretty much made the world less entertaining and there has been zero net benefit to making the Joe Rogan podcast less enjoyable.

> is strong with this one.

Go back to where you came from faggot

>In thread complaining about Joe Rogaine being "too right wing"
>Healthy banter back and forth, both sides represented

It's a good troll desu senpai. A very good troll.

THe irony Is very strong in this one desu

Actually it's called being a good interviewer. If he just argued the opposite side every time, it wouldn't be an interview, it would be a debate. Just watch the Steven Crowder podcast where they got into an argument about weed. It's a great example of how terrible and uncomfortable the interviews would be if he didn't "flip flop".

I've not listened since he described Paul ((Joseph)) Watson as an "intelligent guy and a great communicator

>right wing
You have to be FAR to the left to see Joe Rogan as right wing

Stephen crowder is literally conservafaggot

Wow Joe Rogan is a retard if he thinks Paul Nazi Watson is some enlightened intelligent guy

honestly, why does anyone listen to JRE? joe has no well thought out opinions that he came to by himself and sometimes hes right for the wrong reasons.

stop giving e-celebs (though joe does have a non-internet celeb status) your time and money. he may sometimes have interesting guests but its mostly garbage.

I don't even listen to JRE much. But it manages to avoid a lot of the common podcast pitfalls.

You don't watch JRE for Joe.

No, contrary to what people on nu-chan would have you believe, it is possible to have nuanced views and opinions on multiple issues without being married to a single rigid ideology. You can be against SJWs without being a fucking white nationalist stormcuck, and you can believe in equality without thinking eating sushi is racist.

B-But, [insert centrist strawman]!!!

Please go back to your safe space

joe rogan? more like NO ROGAIN!!

>being bald

I’ve listened to every fucking episode of JRE since they were doing it on his couch with handheld mics on a shitty Ustream feed, so everyone sit the fuck down. Joe has said time and time again that he thinks belonging to any political party is retarded, and has said time and time again that our society’s tribalist, ‘my team vs your team’ bullshit is what’s going to bring us down, but none of you would know that cause none of you faggots actually listen to his show and just want to verbally jack off in this thread and hide how insecure it makes you that 5’8” Joe Rogan would wreck you in any sort of fight.

> pro gay marriage
> pro weed
> pro all kinds of fucking drugs
> loves Obama for being articulate, intelligent
> thinks Trump is a fucking idiot
> mildly pro-immigration
> pro trans
> vocally cut the word ‘faggot’ out of his vocabulary

> is pretty fucking bummed he had to cut ‘faggot’ out of his vocabulary
> pro hunting
> pro guns
> pro law enforcement

> criticizes Obama for lying (conservative) but also against his drone strikes and military escalation in Iraq (liberal)
> pro police, but criticizes how they treat minorities
> meat eater af but supports vegetarians and vegans
>incredibly pro science

> pro decriminalization of all drugs and letting people figure it out for themselves

Joe is all over the place on all kinds of shit, and he literally addresses in episode after episode that when he has conservatives on his show, people bitch that he’s a republican shill, and then when he has too many liberals on, people bitch about the opposite. OP is fucking retarded.

>Still being this salty

I've been listening to JRE since nearly the beginning. He's left-center at best.

joe is a lefty is can have an open mind and see different points of view(just don't bring up weed). Though its always been the case the extreme/alt right and left have forced a more centrist attitude because highly vocal snowflakes will criticize every action of the other side while blindly no questions asked sucking the dick of their side.

>Alt Right
>Ben Shapiro

A Jewish midget Zionist is "Alt Right", haha, holy fuck you people really are retarded and have no idea what/who we are.

>Alt Right
No one is talking about the Alt Right you fucking annoying faggot.

You should read who he was responding to you illiterate nigger

THis. We are just making an observation that Joes has been drinking the right wing koolaid lately

Read this and learn to follow a thread, you are both brainlets

lots of suburban retards that lift


smart city people pay the brown savages to do manuel labor

Nah, mate. Credit where credit is due, NO ONE has made a better job of pushing people into the right than extreme sjws.

The political left attacked the comedians with political correctness. Some comics like Rogan took that as an attack on them and have reacted as most do to being attacked.

it did?

I can see why people like this guy