What the fuck were they thinking?

What the fuck were they thinking?

Other urls found in this thread:


That a cartoon drawn by adults and voiced by adults and not featuring actual children in any way would somehow be exempt from hysterical censorfags.

I'm offended by how shit it is not what it is. What it is is shit. I'd rather they just filmed someone shitting and then eating the shit they just shit it would be better than this shit show.

fuck off back ro reddit

This isnt about censorship, its about how horrible this show is

Wow, regressive much?


>Sup Forums pedos will like it.

can confirm


>We should show he talking to her vagina
>I don't know Gary, that sounds fucked up and it might get backlash
>Backlash? I think you mean publicity! Those idiots at Sup Forums and Reddit will pass this shit around like the clap
>Brilliant! Who cares if it's bad as long as we get people to watch it?

This. A lot of people on Sup Forums have Netflix and will watch this show.

I don't even care about the underage pusspuss but the show has a disgusting artstyle and looks to be a load of family guy tier garbage

>How do we hasten the sexualization of children to further the leftist agenda?
>I know, let's put a show about kids masturbating on Netflix, a service very easily accessible to children?
>Oh, splendid Mr. Noseberg! But won't the parents keep their kids from--
>Golly gee, you're right. You are our greatest ally, Mr. Noseberg. Your father Mort would have been very proud of you.

Baaaaah fuck off Sup Forums

I love how you bring your agenda into this before the topic even approaches it.

(((((they))))) are trying to sexualize something as ugly as themselves

>Little girl has Roastie Vagina
The hacks involved have only had Roasties HAHAHAHA

Are people able to post this on Facebook and not get banned?

does it show her cartoon butthole? asking for a friend

I'm more offended by the image on the left than the one on the right.

This shit has disillusioned me to western animation and turned me into a weeb

The animation style is fucking atrocious

>her vagina looks prettier than her
what the fuck

I was just browsing rarbg.is and it seems (((they))) have corrupted a new 2017 Ducktales too. Terrible animation style and looks plastered with LGBT friendly characters and themes... im mad as hell Sup Forums

Correct me if I'm, but she's supposed to be a 13yo girl, right? If that's true, why does her snooch look like a blown out roastie, instead of a papercut?

All I care about is the hormone monstress, somebody make a compilation video of her scenes yet?

How did they make this whole thing so god damn ugly

>Correct me if I'm wrong

This looks like something you could find on newgrounds

they don't want anyone to fap to them but that will obviously fail

I'm not normally a Sup Forumstard but I watched the first episode of this and I kinda believe that there might be an agenda to sexualize children happening in Hollywood now. The show seemed more erotic than informative, if that makes sense.

post a link to stream or fuck off

Why do people think kids have problems with human anatomy and sex. One porno and you get the gist

That is ugly. Ol' Walt's rolling in his cryo tank

>Terrible animation style and looks plastered with LGBT friendly characters and themes
It's a woman in a sweater.

Look, I'll be the first to admit there's a lot of hinky leftist shit in the media today, but you're jumping at shadows here.

>virgin detected

The talking vagina is cuter and more attractive than the lovecraftian abomination of that face
Beat me to it

I cannot comprehend how bluepilled you have to be to see a show where a young teenage girl shows her vag clearly and you think it's """regressive""" for people to be upset.

>If all else fails, call them a virgin.

Actually it is regressive af that you are so fucking mentally underdeveloped to be mad about a cartoon aimed at adults.

Are there any links to watch online yet?
>actually paying for netflix

ducktales is actually really good and shows that there's a lot of love from fans of both the old show and the scrooge comic

there's a lot of corrupted media but ducktales is pretty rad

>virgins actually think this is a roastie
protip: the labia are separated so as to make space for a "face". the best innie slit will look like this if you spread it out. i'm not seeing an hanging curtains on this so i'm giving it my stamp of approval.

I love how the new generation has gotten over trivial things such as race

yeah? Ducktales was a good show.
it's fucking terrible now.

>Brilliant! Who cares if it's bad as long as we get people to watch it?
This. They want the "bitch about it" audience.

have you watched it?

its about women knowing their place

>he fell for the innie meme

>Who cares if it's bad as long as we get people to watch it?

this philosophy worked really well for bojack horseman

You know, lefty democrat types are in a hurry to normalize pedophilia. Now that they've embraced every other form of deviancy there's nothing left.

because vagina shape has very little to do with use, "roastie = slut" is nothing but a maymay forced by literal virgins.

Thats right and get ready next year for a hundred thread a day of "i fell for the it was a good show meme" and "just watched the first 3 seasons when does it get good"

>lefty democrat types are in a hurry to normalize pedophilia

I like how you never hear about this anywhere but on Sup Forums and there's never any proof.


t. blown-out roastie
theres no way to get its youthful tight look back, like the rest of you

You now realize this maymay only gained traction because of the increasing number of people on Sup Forums who've never seen a single bit of cp, where girls still have vaginas of all shapes and configurations.

Hell there was a french sex-ed cartoon that made the rounds a while back about a girl freaking the fuck out because her vagina didn't look "right" that also proves that stupid maymay completely wrong.

It gained traction because it triggers people like you

>shows underage genitalia
>aimed at adults

That's exactly the fucking problem. This shit shouldn't be allowed fucking period. Pedophilia isn't something that should be "normalized." That's not regressive, that's basic fucking sense.

It also doesn't help that it's humor is somehow worse than Family Guy and that the artstyle is so fucking terrible it's an example of why eastern animation is currently more popular than western.

>say something stupid
>get corrected
>lol u triggerd

... trolling used to be an art form. Not just going out of your way to get straight up fucking told.

>vagina shape has very little to do with use, "roastie = slut"

The only men who actually believe this are virgins because they've never touched a vagina.

the characterizations are so ugly and basic it would be practically impossible to to be sexually attracted to the show.

Nice "no u" response.

The guy you corrected was clearly baiting, it's your own fault for giving him (You)'s. Also trolling was never an art form, you just grew up.

>trolling was never an art form, you just grew up.

Way to betray the fact you didn't even know what the internet was till the iphone dropped.

if you watch child porn you will notice they dont have roasties or used up cunts.

based pedo posters

That is the most horrifying style I have ever seen in animation

intentional, so they don't get accused of making cp

Reminds me of when Sam Hyde acted out a sketch idea he had as a stand-up bit after WP got canceled where he's meeting with an Adult Swim executive who's this nebbishy stuttering Jewish guy talking in circles about their quotas and policies for season 2, then this shadowy figure sitting in the corner just says "We want you to make pedophilia normal" in a demon voice

>aimed at adults
>pubescent girl's vagina
>aimed at adults
>pubescent girl's vagina

>OK, OK, what if we, like, took the overall blandness of Family Guy art... actually just kinda copy how they do the bodies and inks/colors, that'll work... and make them all look like horrifying Agent Orange babies with giant, dead eyes? If you have any other thoughts about how to make our art simultaneously generically bland AND uniquely grotesque, I'm all ears!

Yeah those psyop bots trying to condition pedophilia into Sup Forums users are probably huge fans of this show

pedo here, Not seeing anything that interests me famalam

almost as if it was designed to be as non-arousing as possible. the art is just a small step above stick figure.

What did (((they))) mean by this?

>In 1919, Georg Lukacs became Deputy Commissar for Culture in the short-lived Bolshevik Bela Kun regime in Hungary. He immediately set plans in motion to de-Christianize Hungary. Reasoning that if Christian sexual ethics could be undermined among children, then both the hated patriarchal family and the Church would be dealt a crippling blow. Lukacs launched a radical sex education program in the schools. Sex lectures were organized and literature handed out which graphically instructed youth in free love (promiscuity) and sexual intercourse while simultaneously encouraging them to deride and reject Christian moral ethics, monogamy, and parental and church authority. All of this was accompanied by a reign of cultural terror perpetrated against parents, priests, and dissenters.

>Hungary's youth, having been fed a steady diet of values-neutral (atheism) and radical sex education while simultaneously encouraged to rebel against all authority, easily turned into delinquents ranging from bullies and petty thieves to sex predators, murderers, and sociopaths.

>Gramsci's prescription and Lukacs' plans were the precursor to what Cultural Marxism in the guise of SIECUS, GSLEN, and the ACLU--acting as judicially-powered enforcers--later brought into American schools.


>its called steal your familys netflix you dummy

Fact: anyone who has ever made a WAAAH GREENTEXT BABY STRAWMAN post is a subhuman ape.

>Black man white women
>Disabled cuck in wheelchair
>"You taste like birthday cake pop tarts" some kind of negro fetishism?
>disable kid is getting off to being cucked
>Kids show

what the fuck is going on

>five head
>fish lips
>Jew nose
>talking vagina

Literally the most unattractive prepubescent girl I've ever seen.

Oh yeah also
>Intimate child relationships

The absolute state of western animation.


Sup Forums is always right

Yeah... That's not true.

Do you people not remember what puberty was like or have your balls not dropped yet? It was sexual as fuck. Children think about sex and are already sexualized by nature. Deal with it prudes

>puberty exists so we need to make this disgusting cartoon about a talking bug eyed vagina that is so poorly drawn and animated that it literally hurts to look at
Kids have no problems learning about sex. Nobody asked for this shit.

>We want you to make pedophilia normal
they should. would stop people from going to jail or getting killed because some 14 year old ho got some dick by her older friend.

its just sex. people need to chill out about that shit. and people are such hypocrites too. girl gets fucked by dude, travesty. boy fucks older woman, why did he tell anyone, slap on the wrist. just dumb shit. lower the legal age for sexually capable people and you won't have to deal with disasters you hear on the news anymore. tho you may end up with more babies beingborn, and more welfare people. maybe thats the real reason

(((Who could be behind this post?)))

i don't mind the jokes, but the design itself looks ugly and rotten to the core.

Don't talk shit about the spaghetti monster... it's real... it's listening

>talking about kids' genitalia = progress
>being afraid of making a nigger joke = progress
fuck your world, m8

Ken Kenith?

What show is this?

its not the 50s anymore. you don't have to whisper about sex. You do have to whisper about you racism though.


Ok nigger

i'm not racist - it's not okay to have no jokes about niggers, mexicans, pasty pale skin whites, women, russians, jews, faggots etc. It's not okay to be afraid to insult somebody with a joke about some real life stereotype

I can't believe you just said that on an anonymous image board and not on a street corner in the Bronx

what are you some kind of faggot?.

>It's not okay to
the only thing its not ok to be, is funny. if the joke isn't funny then you'll deal with the repercussions.

many jokes of such kind, no matter how funny they are, won't even get beyond the approval board in movie production. Now that's some open-minded progress right there