Rewatching the US Office for 6th time in three years

>rewatching the US Office for 6th time in three years
why is this show so comfy? why am I like this, Sup Forums?

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>why is this show so comfy?
because of the lack of laugh track and the overall style of humor
>why am I like this, Sup Forums?
I think most people here binge watch shit constantly, even if they already have recently.

Creed was best part of the show

he could've been. we only had small glimpses of Creed lore

>we only had small glimpses of Creed lore
too much of something is not always a good thing
it's best to not over do it, which unfortunately the series did with itself


true, it probably should have ended when Micheal left.

Has there ever been a more bugman show before or since?

what's this implying?
not sure what you mean