Dean dont talk to ruby like that im serious

dean dont talk to ruby like that im serious

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Jared is such a terrible actor.

I wish Jensen would put a stop to the show so he could move on to bigger and better things. He's got real talent and range. Jared sucks at everything he tries.

Holy shit this.

Who'd win in a fight season 4 demon blood Sam or Dean with the mark of Cain and the first blade

Whatever the plot demands.

Demon brother vs angel brother

You mean Demon Sam vs Angel Sam? Demon Sam for sure. Angel sam was weak as fuck.

Fucking have a little kek everytime. Keep with a new line everyday OP

Mark of cain dean would just power through everything demon blood Sam threw at him. He totally no sold abbadon. Sam would be a cake walk

So who will be the bad guys this season?