Was this supposed to be intimidating? He just looks goofy. And his voice isn't exactly as authoritative or aggressive as you'd think a man called "The Bear Jew" would be. Compare him to another baseball-wielding figure, like Negan, and he just looks like a pussy.
They couldn't find a Jewish actor that was tough enough, or what? Were you impressed by the Bear Jew?
Was this supposed to be intimidating? He just looks goofy...
As a Jew who is 6'4" and 250 lbs, I'm a little sad they couldn't find anyone with a bear like frame to play the bear jew
No he was never supposed to be intimidating. Adam Sandler was originally offered the role.
Now THAT would have been kinographic.
why did this movie have so many characters that didn't do anything
why wasn't there any characterization
why did they bother introducing fassbender's character just to kill him when the basterds don't have enough screentime or dialogue as it is
why was the guy from the office suddenly a main character at the very end when he had few to no spoken lines up until that point in the film
why did Tarantino make a "Jewish revenge flick about killing Hitler" but he still killed off every Jew minus one?
Adam actually could have redeemed himself in the eyes of all his fans who came to hate him (READ: They grew up) if he'd taken this role. Greedy fuck probably wanted some supermodel to play his jew girlfriend.
>why did this movie have so many characters that didn't do anything
haha dude it's tarantino chill
>why wasn't there any characterization
haha dude it's tarantino chill
>why did they bother introducing fassbender's character just to kill him when the basterds don't have enough screentime or dialogue as it is
haha dude it's tarantino chill
>why was the guy from the office suddenly a main character at the very end when he had few to no spoken lines up until that point in the film
haha dude it's tarantino chill
but tarantino expertly used all of his characters efficiently in pulp fiction and reservoir dogs
I can remember steve buscemi's character from pulp fiction who has one line better than 75% of the basterds
brad pitt (aldo raine) had characterization, as did Hans Landa. Also the Jew girl.
There were really only three main characters, one being the antagonist.