At least Germany isn't all lost like Greece or Italy

The debate in Germany over Merkel's migrant policies is heating up massively and there is virtually a consensus in the population that we should prioritize Christian Yezidis and other Christian minorities and not take any Muslims in the country.

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mmh are those christians white? becuase if they're not then it's just a slightly improvment

What makes you think you have a say in all this, dumb Fritz.

>it's ok to take in millions of invading shitskins and let them leech on our welfare so long as they aren't muslim

off yourself

christian arabs still form gangs, commit crime and leech on welfare they just tend not to blow themselves up as often

As if your administration is checking if the fugee is telling the truth. stay cucked

>allah ackbar
>sorry but we only take christians now
>oh but I'm a christian
>ah sorry welcome to germany

More like Western countries should only take christian migrants. Let their Muslim brothers in UAE take the muslims.

Go on Norway, no one cares what you take. Also build containment wall

Or we could just not take any mudshits at all.

>Muslim walks up
>We only take Christians now, are you a Muslim?
>Hired Muslim official sentences them to death for denouncing Allah.
Wouldn't that be nice.

That would be great but no one has the back bone to deport them.