I have been lurking here for ages. I've always been really proud to be a hetero white male and never thought any differently. Until my wife bought me a 23andme kit for my birthday. I never knew my father and was curious about that side of the family. I had to take a battery of tests to get my current job at which I make +$100k a year and they were astonished at my IQ. I'm very fair complected with blue eyes and all the features that make me white. To find out I'm 15% black is killing me inside. My mom finally told me my father was a light skinned shit skin. She had no idea who my dad was, so this kind of helped her figure it out, too.
Can I assume with all my features and traits that it is watered down enough or will I forever be a shitskin?
PS...married a total caucasian and have 3 kids with blue and green eyes.
>Have I watered the past down enough? Dude, you're fine.
You're not a shitskin by virtue of your achievements. Additionally, you're still whiter that America.
Thomas Bell
Don't be racist against individuals. An uneducated and violent white chav is just as bad as a uneducated and violent nigger. It's just there's a statistically significant higher proportion of these people in certain groups. Clearly you've achieved individual success that was independent of any affirmative action since you yourself didn't know you were 15% negro, therefore you've got nothing to be ashamed about. Just don't chimp out in future.
Sebastian Baker
Daily reminder that shit will be detectable in your descendants' blood 2,000 years from now. You are a shitskin. Your family is now a shitskin family.
Adam Cox
Yes. You are a mongrel.
Zachary Hernandez
Your mom is a fucking slut.
Where can I buy this test in England btw?
Isaiah Cox
>My mom finally told me my father was a light skinned shit skin. She had no idea who my dad was
Color me not surprised, color you colored
Elijah Foster
>I never knew my father >My mom finally told me my father was a light skinned shit skin