Civil War #8 spoilers

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From the issue of Spider-Man out tomorrow

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How is this a spoiler? We're months into Marvel Now(ER)

Why are people always dying in Miles's arms?

Because marvel's retarded and doesn't into deadlines or fucking integrity to make sure this doesn't become known until after the fucking event ends.

Bitches love Spider-Man even the dead ones

More like Miles is getting the runoff pussy from Peter and its the real reason why hes a hero.

By the way, how fucking long has Civil War 2 been going on? Feels like forever

>By the way, how fucking long has Civil War 2 been going on? Feels like forever

Because Bendis was too busy ______, he fell behind schedule. This is highly uncharacteristic, and very unlike the Brian Michael we all know and love.

Fill in the blank, Sup Forums

so he's dead, dead, eh?

when's the last time Tony died?

>Civil War 2 is STILL going on

I thought it was sure to be over by now.

I have no idea why, but this song just came into my head when I opened OP's spoiler

>>Carol Danvers kills Tony Stark
>>The general public loves Carol Danvers

WTF I love Carol now

why is this a spoiler
we got the new improved spoiler]iron wimmen[/spoiler]

Does the Dark Reign reset count? Or the death right before Secret Wars?

Wait a minute, Civil War 2 still isn't over?

Marvel's citizens are idiots.

They'll only love Carol until they're arrested for crimes they didn't commit, which is allowed to happen because they support her.

Pretty sure Doom still has his dangly bits an identifies as Doom. Doom is above your pathetic gender politics.

Can't for Nova to just call both sides out on their bullshit like Dick did years ago.

>The Greatest. That’s what they call her. Carol Danvers has been to the depths of outer space and back, but that still hasn’t prepared her for her newfound status of biggest super hero ever.

>Yaas, Queen! Danvers may not like the crown she’s wearing, but boy does it look good on her. Just watch out for the thorns it comes with — forces trying to take down everything Carol has built.

it's kind of perfect how Dick is coming back just in time
>we fought a war and where were you?

>Bendis spoils a delayed event with his own book

So what dirt does Bendis have that allows him to keep working at Marvel? He's been called out as shit for god knows how long and this event somehow manages to be worse than the original Civil War

I imagine it's a Greg Land situation where he wouldn't be able to work anywhere else but he's friends with the higher ups so they just let him stay

The epilogue comes out next month.

>stopping criminals
>Carol is evil
I hate this meme

I mean, he probably doesn't need that much dirt.
Land still works steady at Marvel and he doesn't even hide that he just traces everything.

yeah, that office worker lady and Bruce Banner were definitely criminals that needed stopping

You're a meme.

>Fill in the blank, Sup Forums

"going Bendis? Brian Michael Bendis?"

And people said it would be a fake out and Bendis wouldn't have the balls to kill Tony.

I second this, Bendis doesn't work well with others so I would imagine any other company wouldn't put up with his shit.

Is Land's tracing even well known in the industry? I've only seen it on assorted forums so I doubt an editor or higher up at Marvel would even be aware of it.


People didn't think Bendis would actually kill Tony off kind of like how people didn't think Bendis would kill Ultimate Peter Parker but he did so good on him for going through with it and not doing a fake out of Tony faking his death.

Civil War Two has just been one huge cluster fuck and and, can't wait to wipe my hands and be done with it.

A shit ton of good will for his success with Ultimate Spider man.

If you take a bunch of photos and trace over them, it then becomes your intellectual property unless you are drawing over someone else's drawing.

Marvel knows but straight up doesn't care because there is nothing technically wrong about it.

Hell, it's considered "using good reference". They'll even, for speed, tell people who are fantastic painters like fucking George Pratt, for DC anyway, to just use the photo and paint over it instead of trying to redraw everything - which is why Pratt hates DC.


remember when bendis forgot they were sober

Remember when he went against orders and killed off Scott Lang the first time and how that shit got shut down fast?
Remember how the Dark Beast revelation in Uncanny X-Men came out of nowhere and people were thinking Beast got replaced/saved at the last minute?

So Carol wins? Are we to assume this is the correct side? Hasn't ben following this drek but at least with the original Civil War it was a subject of actual politics that in theory have no easy answers (they still fucked it up tho)

But isn't this basically Minority Report vs not Minority Report? You're telling me Marvel considers this grey morality? In-universe maybe, but it can't be for readers.

I'd actually buy Carol merchandise if it'd happen to movie Stark too.

Carol wins pretty much. She kills Tony, becomes famous, the only lose end is what happens to Ulysses. I guess Stark's death convinces her to stop using Homer and hand him over to Captain Hydra or something.

Except that's not the right thing to do at all. There's no need to hand him over to anyone, they just don't have to listen to his visions.

And, surprise surprise, Cap didn't get impaled by Miles so that means another incorrect vision, which means Carol has to be at fault just as much as Tony is for being reckless during this whole thing.

>Miles, I need you to tell Carol something for me
>You need me to tell her something? What?
>Yes, tell her something. Tell her...her haircut...makes her look like a dyke
>A dyke?
>That...would be...a yes
>Tony? Tony! A dyke?

#Tonywasright May him and Cyclops rest in peace

she's vindicated by history in-universe but knows full well she fucked up and that through the pursuit of her crusade she burned nearly every bridge she had, and a decent amount of the population think she's the next Doctor Doom

>People didn't think Bendis would actually kill Tony off

Yeah but we've actually read the first couple of issues of Infamous Iron Man and we know very well what was going to happen here because we've already read the next couple of months worth of story.

>Bendis wouldn't have the balls to kill Tony

How could it have been in any other way? It's fucking CW 2 (which is ridiculous already), and now it's Stark Vs Someone Else. Of course Iron Man was gonna die this time around.

Holy shit who's managing this bullshit? This is why I prefer DC: at least it's heroes doing hero things, not this soap opera bullshit.

How does this play into HYDRA Cap

But people still doubted it even when they had proof.

>Except that's not the right thing to do at all.
user, did you forget what comic this is?

Because Miles is cancer.

This is the second straight event that has been rendered irrelevant by delays. We already know how most of this plays out. I wonder if this will stop Marvel from doing 8 issue events seeing as they're incapable of keeping them going. And why wasn't the event even finished when it started? Marvel has dozens of ongoings and they can't even get 8 issues of their continuity changing event done on time?

>#Tonywasright May him and Cyclops rest in peace

I wonder what Cyke would have thought of the mutants banding together behind an inhuman pet of the royals. Cyke + Magneto teaming up against Storm and her uncle Toms?

It's because they literally rushed the entire process. They said so themselves. None of it was thought out aside from attempting to sync the event up to the Civil War movie. And even THAT failed.

because the endings are less important than the #1 sales

To make him "relevant"

It would have all been worth it just to have Beast admit that Cyke was Right and to have the Uncle Tom Squad trudge, shamefaced, back to their mutant brethren.

His smugness would be felt in the Negative Zone.

>Ragnarok, X-23, Kaine and Ben Parker, etc. all point to functional cloning technology
>Tony has proven mind restoration/transferrence works by fucking downloading and uploading his brain into a hard drive

Oh noes, he died. What ever will we do?

It must have been something he said

he just wanted his turn

I hope it ends with Hydra!Steve eventually taking over everything and then smugly lecturing Carol about what a fucking idiot she is.

Would Spencer have the balls to do that?

I dont get it.
Carol is a nobody.
Everyone on Earth knows Iron Man. He's highly respected on Earth.He's saved Earth multiple times and he's friends with every goddamn hero.How the fuck is Carol is liked?

Tony's helped out in a thousand ways a lot of heroes, he's an avengers founder, he's bankrolled the avengers for years, and has saved the planet more the times than I can count.

Who the fuck would compare him to Carol or make Carol a hero for killing Tony?

I dont get it.

on the one hand
>smug lecturing
on the other
>from a white man towards a woman
I'm going to put my money on "he takes the coward's way out, changing little in way of status quo and Steve doesn't remember anything when it's over and done with"

Doc Sampson was mysteriously resurrected right after Rhodey died. Death has no consequences in the Marvel Universe.

I feel like that just gives her an out, if she finds out that Cap was EVIL ALL ALONG or whatever.
The whole shitshow should sit squarely in her lap. She wanted to be Captain Fascist and play the bad guy from Minority Report, she should have to deal with the consequences instead of being able to blame anyone else.

You forget when Rhodey was a cyborg, and Tony GREW HIM A NEW CLONE BODY TO UPLOAD HIS BRAIN PATTERNS INTO.

Has Tony made any backups of that harddrive? Does it still exist? Make him a transbod like they did with Rhodey, and they can just upload him again.

Because he's a murderer

He uploaded his brain patterns to serve as an AI companion for Ironpornstar.

Tony is a straight white male. That's why he's in the wrong here.

Is Magneto our only hope in this madness?

>Doc Sampson was mysteriously resurrected right after Rhodey died. Death has no consequences in the Marvel Universe.
Brava Bendis.

>How the fuck is Carol is liked?

If Carol is pushed as being liked by everyone ever forever in the comics people IRL will eventually like her.

And thats why Marvel keeps pushing her.

Even though she's the villain in this whole situation.

>In Civil War Steve dies
>In Civil War 2: The Electric Boogaloo Tony dies


are they still calling her Iron heart?

Not to mention "Guy who was about to shoplift an apple"

They've been doing the whole "I haven't decided on a name yet" thing after someone asked Bendis if he realized Iron Heart was the name of a Japanese porn parody.

Like, how hard is it to be an editor? Or to just CHECK if a character is currently dead? We have wikis for that shit!

Marvel has been pushing Carol for four years straight now and people still don't like her.

>They'll only love Carol until they're arrested for crimes they didn't commit, which is allowed to happen because they support her.

Huh, kind of like trumpfags and the econo-
>YFW you realize out there some alternate universe is writing a shitty comic about us

Yeah, I know. But if they keep doing it eventually people will tire of hating her.

They're gonna wear you down and make you suck the Carol cock, and make you thank them for doing it.

>Why do i keep buying this comic all this guy does is post on message boards and jack off all day

They totally knew Samson was dead, hence that line.
Bothering to explain? Eh, who gives a fuck, we have superheroes to punch.

"Passing the torch"

>Buying comics
Where do you think we are?

well if it's alternate universe Sup Forums they would buy comics

Not if I just pirate all their comics.

Marvel seems to be doing a whole lot of not explaining lately.
>Why is Thor not Worthy?
>How did Flash lose the Venom Symbiote again?
>Why is Cyke the new Hitler?

Hypothetically Sup Forums, what if Superior Tony returns to replace this Tony despite the events of Secret Wars? Would you be alright with that?

Read the book published next year to find out, true believer!

>Woman vs Man

Subtle Marvel

I was really hoping the Japanese porn company would sue THEM for trademark infringement.

Tony got a lot of flak for what he did while AXIS'd. he had to liquidate most of his assets just to pay everyone off.

meanwhile Carol has(had?) a very good PR agent who put in a lot of work expanding her brand strength. she's a hero of the skrull war. she got all the credit for the heroics Moonstone did while dressed as her. also she had the good fortune of being put in charge of extraterrestrial threats in a period where most of the usual suspects from space are to busy teetering on the edge of extinction so it seems like she's really good at her job. she also got points for preventing a thanos incident the moment he showed up with only one fatality and one casualty. also the people who hated banner give her credit for his death while the general public who did like him put all of the blame on clint.

it's some Dickens tier stacking of coincidences but it checks out in-universe. plus in more broad terms, progs like her because she's a woman in position of power and widely believed to be a closet homosexual. fundies like her because she wears american colors, is white, and isn't afraid to kill the enemies of america.

on the other hand, 'evil tyrant' side is the onnly one with a black man

all they have to do is wait for the right moment then start shitting on Carol super hard while propping up characters worse in every possible way

It took years for Scott Lang to come back, that didn't get shut down.

Also I give Tony 2 years before he's resurrected.

Also, almost nobody knows about her pet InHuman and the secret arrests she made with his visions.

Wolverine hasnt been ressurected and it's been a long while now.

it's only been 2 years

although consider what the next big X-men thing is called

If it wasn't for Old Man Logan he'd be back.