Why are kids today such little faggots, Sup Forums?
>Oh my god, say some words already
Lost it, fuck these kids
prepare to be sued for this #react
Are they seriously listening to music on some shitty macbook speakers?!
What the fuck is wrong with normies
>not everyone likes metal
wow who would have guessed......
Fine Bros please fuck off.
Metallica is gay as hell.
why does this girl look like a gypsi ?
Fine Bros please fuck off
metallica is garbage
look at me , im a little wannabe intelectual chink
everything in the world has to make perfect sense
stupid little shit, you're gonna blow ur brains out when u grow up
JEW , there i typed it out for you hans, no biggie
>Rock band
My niece is hardcore. She's great. She could literally eat these kids.
she's a jew
>not liking Metallica
Tallica are also faggots.
>she's a jew
Post what you're listening to right now my niggas
>posts a band that should have called it quits after 1990
Every time I see that hook-nosed kike on react, I want to fucking kill myself. She's so fucking disgusting looking
That smug Loli face
Show them some real heavy like Pantera and see what the little shits say
oh wow
sorry about your erectile dysfunction, grampy
Who cares what these little shits think
Metallica does suck though.
my reaction to this
I wonder how well this would go down then if the wee cunts can't handle Metallica.
Why are you linking leftist drivel like buzzfeed you stupid fucking faggot?
>none of them like Metallica