If you are not a millionaire and support capitalism you are a cuck

If you are not a millionaire and support capitalism you are a cuck.

Let's admit the truth of class warfare/interest.
The wealthy need an underclass to serve as a host so they can be parasites.
They will say shit like
>I bought the means of production
>because I have money, I am more (positive character traits) than the moneyless
when you call them out, on the fact that money is not distributed meritocratically (trust fund babies with money managers and such) and monopolies and corruption exists in capitalism (business owners can buy politicians to do anything). They will say
>life is not fair
And that is precisely my point. Life is not fair, who gives a fuck about fairness. When the economic systems pisses off the majority, why would it be wrong for the majority to revolt and collective the means of production? The capitalist will reply
>that violates the NAP, muh private property rights
which will lead the rebels to reply that classic phrase
>life is not fair.

Why should anyone defend an economic system that does not have you as the dominating class?

Other urls found in this thread:


>says capitalism is bad
>his country never experienced any form of communism

Why am I not surprised?

>Soviet communism is the only form of communism.

>business owners can buy politicians to do anything
And the solution to that that creates an actual meritocracy is to have LESS government control of the economy but you're the idiot bootlicker that keep clamoring for more government and more (((socialism))) and more politician(read politicians and their cronies) control of the economy.

>communism in any setting

How about no

Even Vietnam supports capitalism, compadre. We won the war. We have no need to kill the commies anymore since they'll die of starvation anyway.


>And the solution to that that creates an actual meritocracy is to have LESS government control of the economy
A meritocracy cannot exists alongside private property! You can always bribe the rule-makers.
>but the meritocracy constitution forbids corruption
lmao, rules will change for the right price.

>more government and more (((socialism))) and more politician(read politicians and their cronies) control of the economy.

this is not communism, communism eliminates private property so the means of production (the economy) belongs to those who work them.

Fuck off communist faggot.


>Let's admit the truth of class warfare
It's not a truth

Also, private property is a natural right and have legitimacy by tradition

There is a steady stream of lies concerning the shift of Asian countries to capitalism. you never get to see the perspective of the regular people who remember the times of actual socialism.

All the literature you see about people hating on communism is literally written by class enemies who lost privileges and wealth. Imagine a book on the U.S.A written from the perspective of guys in Guantanamo

>business owners can buy politicians to do anything
That's mostly in a liberal democracy.

I'm the old Kingdom of Prussia that kind of thing would not happen

>third world thinking
*pisses on your gas station*

I have first hand experience with business and economy overregulation.
Quite negative one.
Your government is not really your friend.
Really hard working when every legal tool is used to put you out of the business in favor of oligarchs and your competitor that belongs to the sister of the wife's son of a big politian.

Given this i'd rather join local warlord's death squad for fair pay, than to work for the government on the government's terms and being paid as much as government wants me too.

Fuck off memeposter

Eliminating private property is a terrible idea, it would immediately make might make right and "I have more guns therefore it is my private property" the law. And no, it never happens that a government went "well I have all the guns so I'm gonna claim everything ever", especially when people are armed. It's always been gradual control of the economy by regulation after regulation after regulation etc etc, which doesn't happen with limits on government(see 19th century america and europe)

Says a fat fucking ungrateful, entitled, retarded piece of Amerinigger shit.

Call me when your country actually does go through several decades of communism. You have no right to an opinion until then, you worthless fucking nigger.

In Prussia the nation superseded the interest of the business owner, a business owner would be forced to pay taxes to support military and to fight in the army.

Capitalist would say that violates the business owner's rights.

What if the Prussian business owner thinks war with France is stupid and doesn't want to fight in the army or pay taxes?

The stupidity starts when you shill.

Who the fuck ever said the opposite of capitalism is communism?

Who the fuck ever said there is an opposite to capitalism?

What kind of a broken brain do you have that there is always only two choices in your world?

You are stupid. Own it.

Then move on to where you stop thinking in Platonic forms and start thinking about
RECURSION: the story recurses towards usefulness through constant change.

See, your narrative is a recursion that is corrected by when the narrative no longer works. Capitalism as a story doesn't work. Never did.

Capitalism as a narrative never worked. What was going on was:
1. Abundance: there is so much of everything that even though it is not distributed evenly, it is distributed sufficiently.
2. Corruption: The only way anyone ever gets anything done is if they benefit, regardless of merit.

There are no natural laws for agreement; the theories of capitalism and communism are just stories.

The solution lies in laws promoting worker owned businesses and public banks.
Just like the laws promote billionaires, you can write laws to promote the common man.

>What if the Prussian business owner thinks war with France is stupid and doesn't want to fight in the army or pay taxes?
Treason, probably jail.

Okay, let's assume the army, court system, and contract enforcers are still there since there's supposedly no way to have them without taxes.

...what else do you need gommunism for?

Communism is a framework so that all workers become local deathsquads.
but these deathsquads get along with each other because they recognize cooperation is better than war and rape.
Capitalism - despotic deathsquads
communism - democratic deathsquads
>it would immediately make might make right
the world is already like this, communism wakes up the masses to this fact and permits them to rebel.
>you want to be at the bottom of the economic system
comr8, you need to believe in your own dignity as a worker and make the world to fit your needs. Are you going to let Tito define communism forever? Even though some ex-Yugoslavs feel nostalgia for it.

Communism is the elimination of private property, it isn't a set of plans, it is a goal and how you get there is dependent on its practitioners.

>cooperation is better than war and rape.
No that would be capitalism and the free market. If you want a good, provide a service to your fellow man and he'll provide a service to you. THAT is cooperation and mutual gain when private property is protected. Deathsquad vs deathsquad always leads to one person winning and having it all.

>The solution lies in laws promoting worker owned businesses and public banks.
some social conventions(laws) can only be established by revolution.
I guess you are not someone who values private property rights more than the nation. which is good because that means you have disrepect for private property.
Communism is for the laboring class to control the means of production solely through the principle of existing.
you don't need to cuck yourself for 10 years to get the permissions to go into debt and payback a loan with interest in while trying to start your own business. While a trust-fund baby enjoys their youth and their money while their money managers manage their money responsibly or face jail time.

You are born, and the community tries to provide a way for you to contribute and enjoy society.

Communism is about bringing back community, everyone trying to live together and help each other out.

>Even though some ex-Yugoslavs feel nostalgia for it.

Yeah, they had a pretty sweet ride working for the government ("""""working""""" being the key word) and having massive salaries for doing literally sweet fuck all. Meanwhile, actually productive people were getting shafted left and right, property that took decades to accumulate was confiscated by a bunch of illiterate 18-year-old yokels with guns etc.

Can someone give me a babbys first guide to communism? I seriously don't understand how people can non ironically support a system that leads to genocide this much

>Communism is a framework so that all workers become local deathsquads.
Imagine communism as a circle of people where everyone has a gun to next one head and to his own head from someone else.
Like a gay-train but with guns.
Those people enslave a guy in fron of them in fear of a guy behind them,
And so this is a closed circle where everyone has a gun to his head and the people are made to enslave themselves creating their own dystopia in fear of themselves.

Like a fucking gay-train of fear.

>No that would be capitalism and the free market. If you want a good, provide a service to your fellow man and he'll provide a service to you.
SOOOOOOOOOOOO NAIVE. Read history, real life corruption destroys this childish narrative of capitalism. What kind of service do trust-fund babies provide?

>communism wakes up the masses to this fact and permits them to rebel

So our revolution wasn't a wake up to the masses? Our founding fathers didn't see a need to rebel against a tyrannical government?

>communism is a framework so that all workers become local death squads

You seem to believe that communism is inevitable result of the current system like other revolutionaries before you. But like them you fail to predict the reaction, the people who want nothing to do with. Take a hint from Clausewitz, the ideal and reality are two different things. Your ideal is that everyone gets along, when in reality they don't. There is historical precedence for this from every revolution that you praise.

Communism is a cheap trick used by intellectuals to convince the working man of the world that life would be better if he gives up his freedom. You cannot have freedom with true equality.

How is freshman year of college going?

>illiterate 18-year-old yokels with guns
might is right
at least in a circle people can realize that they can cooperate and stop the gay train(or enjoy it). In capitalism it a a pyramid with no escape.
>rich people are a shit, who don't give a fuck about the majority
>majority REEEEEs out and eliminates them

happy times for all.

If you were a 19th century peasant farmer you would resent paying taxes to an absentee landlord.

>Communism is the elimination of private property, it isn't a set of plans, it is a goal and how you get there is dependent on its practitioners.
Communism gives unlimited power to the unelected government.
Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

You end up in system where everything is illegal and you know that the government can put you in gulag for breathing if they want to, because it's impossible to remain clean and legal in such system, they will create the laws that are impossible to follow.

And they you want to be a really really nice citizen and never upset your government because one wrong step and they use the dirt they have on you (which they inevitably do) to put you behind the bars.

Every form of collectivism is fucked up - NO EXCEPTIONS!
Even USSR with it's all achievements and being the first in space was actively preventing people from leaving the country. You can't just leave.
Guess why?
Because everyone was desperate to run just anywhere from that hellhole.

Grantors still have to pay into the fund by working or investing or some other activity that gets the fund going. Also, trustees provide an administrative fee for their knowledge, it why lawyers don't work for free.

Also: Don't give me shit about history when you're a fucking COMMUNIST. The most blatantly ignorant of history imbeciles since the roman empire.

>at least in a circle people can realize that they can cooperate and stop the gay train(or enjoy it). In capitalism it a a pyramid with no escape.

Prisoner's dilemma.
They can't organize any sort of political movement or social movement. They get killed for that. Having political opinion is a criminal offense.
And without open conversation they cant trust each other and have to resort to enslaving each other.

That's why freedom of speech is an absolute value and must be upheld by any cost.

>So our revolution wasn't a wake up to the masses?
The whiskey rebellion was. Pay taxes to the king, pay taxes to George Washington, not much difference.
>You seem to believe that communism is inevitable result of the current system like other revolutionaries before you
not really, humans are too beta for communism, which requires participating in economic decisions at the workplace.
>But like them you fail to predict the reaction, the people who want nothing to do with
lmao, what is genocide or threat of genocide? How do you think religion/empires/colonies/dynasties are established? Based Genghis set the example.
>Communism is a cheap trick used by intellectuals to convince the working man of the world that life would be better if he gives up his freedom.
communism is about empowering workers, which is true freedom. If you don't have a say in your workplace then you are a slave.
you propose the american worker is liberated because he can go out on the street and call obama a kenyan muslim, but that act is meaningless if the worker is working for elites who give to obama's political causes.

If I confess the max I can get is 5 years and the minimum is 0 years.

If I reamin silent the maximum I can get is 20 years and the minimum is 0 years.

Confessing gives you the best results all the time.

>In capitalism it a a pyramid with no escape.
The great lie about LE EBIL CAPITLAZM
Is that it doesn't exist in modern society.

"The Capitalism" as Marx described it used to be back then when the workers were intentionally kept with bare survival minimum to prevent them from accumulating any wealth and climbing the ladder.

When you have absolutely no means of working for yourself - this is capitalism.

Right now you can buy a ficking drill and become a carpenter, accumulate money and open a carpentering workshop.

You can buy a car and become a taxist.

If you could only rent the car from a capitalist and would never be able to get your own THAT would be evil capitalism which is not the case in modern world.

>Communism gives unlimited power to the unelected government.
>Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

lmao, did you go to school in the U.S.A?

Communism is all about local elections and impeachments. communism is about putting the people who labor at the decision making table.

>still have to pay into the fund by working or investing or some other activity that gets the fund going
their parents established the fund,
>lawyers don't work for free
they don't but they don't collect all the returns of the fund. If they did or if the money managers are irresponsible they would be in violation of fiduciary duty. Which make them liable to go to jail.
answer my questions, what service do trust-fund babies provide? How can corruption and private property exists at the same time?

>Confessing gives you the best results all the time.
So the communism is like both guys behind bars for 5 years.
And you understand that situation with everyone getting 1 year is impossible.
This is why the gay-train of mutual terror will go on.

In that case we should be at constant war with each other.
Underage faggots get banned here.
I'm gonna report you for being underage.

moderately free market capitalism supports a strong middle class

If you have genes that put you around or above the average human, capitalism is good for you

You are a faggot anarchist concern troll. Probably ugly and dumb, and want to drag the rest of us down with you

cooperation means the end of the prison, so the analogy isn't accurate.
>If you could only rent the car from a capitalist and would never be able to get your own THAT would be evil capitalism which is not the case in modern world.

Who cares, why should some have to struggle and work hard for years to reach 1 percent of the wealth of someone who has never had to work hard or face income insecurity?

you and I know the answer is life is not fair.
So why not seize the means of production and throw out the wealthy?

to clarify
*lawyers don't work for free but they don't collect all the returns of the fund

The service that they provide is the service that the persons who paid into it provided. Could be carpentry, could be working as a taxi driver, doesn't matter, they paid into it with a service. If you want to donate all your money after providing a service to someone that's fine, it's no different from if they provided it and you voluntarily did it, or else charity would be immoral for instance.

I have a choice between paying cheep prices and living a life substantially better than everywhere else thanks to capitalism. Or I could wait in a bread line for bread with wheat that only 20% of was actually harvested and the rest rotted in the fields, because collectivized farmers have no desire to do extra work thanks to communism. But hey at least I am guaranteed a job and a meagre home and one slightly square meal a day?

>Communism is all about local elections and impeachments. communism is about putting the people who labor at the decision making table.
Provide me with an example.

USSR, China, North Korea, are ruled through non-elected government.
Venezuela, Cuba, and post-Soviet space including Russia are ruled through government-conspiracy with election fraud and everybody knows it people don't even bother to vote, they know Putin will vote for them either way.

>People's Republic of Korea
Best Korea pretends to be democratic, because they represent workers and shit (because they killed everybody else) But would you call it a democracy?

I live in one of the least economically free countries in the world.
It doesn't work.

>The service that they provide is the service that the persons who paid into it provided. Could be carpentry, could be working as a taxi driver, doesn't matter, they paid into it with a service.

this is your logic.
>the children of taxi drivers are taxi drivers, so lets let them drive taxis at 6 months old

you know trust fund babies don't do shit, just admit it. How hard is it to admit they are wealthy parasites. Do you love the dick of the wealthy that much?

Can we please stop using the word "cuck" as an insult and something bad? Please guys.

I'm a Croat and I'm a proud cuck.

It all started when I found that my gf of 3 years was cheating on me with some random guy from her college.
All my feelings for her were gone in a second, but I decided not to break up with her because I would miss sex too much.
So I wanted to try different things with her I didnt have courage to ask her before, but now I didnt care.
We started role-playing, trying all kinds of wierd stuff in bed... It turned out that I was having the best time with her now in our whole boring relationship.

So few months ago I met this black guy from France who came here on erasmus and it came to my mind that I should ask him to join us in bed. Threesome was amazing. I never saw my gf so satisfied

after some time I decided I was just going to watch them and I'm telling you guys... you need to see how her face was glowing of pleasure while he was penetrating her wetness with his a bit above average black cock.
I was just standing there, stroking, admiring her orgasmic moans I couldn't achieve with my inferior tehnics in bed.

Maybe not but we've been a socialist country for decades now and I have to say, it's an abortion of an ideology.

>cooperation means the end of the prison, so the analogy isn't accurate.

People aren't allowed to cooperate.
Because if people openly discuss cooperation they go to gulag right away.
No freedom of speech = no conversation = no cooperation. Totalitarian terror.

> work hard for years to reach 1 percent of the wealth of someone who has never had to work

Because they inherited that from their hard-working grampa.
Would you like YOUR property possessions and earnings to be given to your children or just stolen by the government?

Would you like to inherit your parents house or do you want the government to take it without compensation?

If you support communism you are a cuck. You have to give up your time and labor to the government involuntarily, to support some shitter fuck who can't support themselves. In America, the people who get welfare are the lowest of the low. Niggers, fat people, other degenerates who can't support themselves. Most of these people could work but won't because they know they will get gibs from whitey. Before welfare, these people would die in the streets. Now they have a bunch of kids and die of an overdose. Taking from the strong and giving to the weak involuntarily is top cuck.


it is about stalin and democracy, the chinese cultural revolution was all about removing bad cadres. Look at Mobo Gao's and Dongping Han's work on the cultural revolution.

> Russia are ruled through government-conspiracy with election fraud and everybody knows it people don't even bother to vote, they know Putin will vote for them either way.
are you really Russian, Putin is not a great leader, but even his opposition will admit he has a lot of popularity and won those elections legitimately. There have been more election in Venezuela in the past 5 years than in Saudi Arabia in the past 200 years, private property/capitalism does not even bring the liberal democracy you seem to value so much.

>Cronyism is capitalism

FDR's New Deal could be considered communist, or socialist at the very least.
The result? Nearly a decade of 15%+ unemployment, requiring the largest conflict in human history to dig us out.
Socialists still tout him as a hero. Fuck commieboos.

homies? do you really think if we had some form of communism the workers would actually be entitled to fucking anything?
if anything the class separation will become increasingly dramatic and the government will have much more control over the common persons life.
but they know whats best right? individuals should never be permitted to decide for themselves right?
not that i necessarily love either doctrine Ill take capitalism over communism any day because it leaves more room for individual rights.

>No freedom of speech = no conversation = no cooperation. Totalitarian terror.
>Would you like to inherit your parents house or do you want the government to take it without compensation?
My parents don't own shit, do you see where the breakdown of class interest is?
>Because they inherited that from their hard-working grampa.
so by being born they get an amazing life while the majority gets shit?
Can you see how this pisses of the majority.

communism is having democracy in the workplace, if you don't want that it is because you are too beta and want someone to telly ou what to do. When there is no private property there will be strong social pressure to contribute what you can to the collective, exceptions being disable and old. The collective will try to find ways so all can contribute to the community. Welfare exists because first worlders don't want slums with third world disease and starvation. If you want to live in a country without welfare go to some shitty third world country.

>won those elections legitimately.
Putin has shown great foreign politics quite lately and Crimean bullshit actually earned him genuine support.

In the same time his social and economic policies are FUCKING AWFUL.
He's turning Russia in a totalitarian shithole where anybody can be put in prison for anything any moment the upset the authorities or their sponsors. Read here : this applies to Russia today and it gets worse every day.

In the same time read here : Putin's power is backed up by oligarchy and he is intentionally choking all small business and economy to protect oligarch's monopolies with insane prices all at expense of poor Russians.

He actually protects Russia but not the russians.
Russia is his personal piggy bank, he treats it as his property.

BTW check this 146% election!

>communism is having democracy in the workplace

>we should all be paid 15$ an hour!! or we arent working anymore!
>t.mcdonald cucks

Look at your image

>give government a lot of power
>government fucks up
>nobody wanna take the blame
>capitalism is bad

Take out the government and shitty corporations will fall to the ground in days.

Look at the idea of climate change, government pumps billions into businesses that try to sell solar-cells etc, most of them go bankrupt after 6 to 12 months.

it is obvious you went into the history with a large anti-Roosevelt bias.

>do you really think if we had some form of communism the workers would actually be entitled to fucking anything?
wtf are you asking? entitlement isn't objective. If communism was in place it would mean the works have already expropriated the means of production?
>if anything the class separation will become increasingly dramatic
how would that happen? everybody has a vote and voice in the management of the collective means of production.
>individuals should never be permitted to decide for themselves right?
who has argued this?
>Ill take capitalism over communism any day because it leaves more room for individual rights.

capitalism the system where if you are born into the wrong economic class your life is a struggle, and if you are born into the right economic class your life is a party. I hope you enjoy making the choice between joining the army to pay for college or studying a trade and having to choose between ramen soup or cans of beans. While the wealth of the same age choose between vacationing in Croatia or Monaco and which models too invite.
communism is all about the new freedoms brought to you by workplace rights. Now life becomes more stable and secure. Getting in a car wreck won't put you into life ruining medical debt.

I am a millionaire.
I can goto a grocery store and choose between 60 types of meat, 100 fruits and veggies, and endless drinks and snacks. All while driving one of my vehicles, not riding shitty public transportation or walking.

You go to a non capitalist, really non-USA, country and its pathetic. I'm done traveling, it's just too shitty to deal with.

Oh and life isn't fair. I grew up in a single wide that we next to my mom's parents house. Then my dad worked his ass off and put my mom through community college nursing school. Once she graduated and got a job making good money, he quit his job and partnered with a black guy (minority contracts) to create a business that didn't turn a profit for 4 years, but for the following 15 years money was rolling in, best year was $700k and average was $200k.
I've worked since I could carry a wrench. Then after going to a cheap college that I put myself through, I got a job making $52k and now make $90k a year while going back to school. My wife makes much more than I do.
He died last year and left us a million in life insurance. I've got 3 million on me to leave to my kids and the same on my wife.
We've created a rich family by just working. I don't get how other people don't do it.

>anything other than capitalism is communism.
get some socialism and make it national sempai.

the only way to get rid of oligarchs is through the revolution by the masses. the existence of private property permits oligarchs to exists, if the resources of Russia belong to the masses they would be managed by the masses for the benefits of the masses.
He still won those elections legitimately. I hate oligarchs. Do you understand they are a symptom of private property. We have oligarchs in the U.S.A except their corruption and crime is much more secretive and not really reported since they own the media.

>Take out the government
You expect a government to not become corrupt in the presence of private property?
>the law says corruption is illegal
corruption happens
>the law says government has to stay small
what do you think will happen when the wealthy want the opposite of the law?

good thing I am a millionaire

>it is obvious you went into the history with a large anti-Roosevelt bias.
Have you been through public education? They regard the man as a saint, and I bought the narrative for a long time.
I went into history with a large pro-Roosevelt bias, and overcame it through critical thinking, something you evidently lack based on your refusal to confront the fact I just presented you.
The man forcibly confiscated gold and made it illegal to own, exploited the shit out of his social work programs for political gain, and failed by all conceivable metrics to alleviate the destitution of the Great Depression.
So you tell me, who has the bias here?

>some college freshman faggot is mad because nobody else thinks communism isn't shit
One day a red-blooded American patriot will put a .45 through your head

>I am a millionaire.
the only way out is to stop believing in the private property spook.

pls save me

show me the 15 percent unemployment rate after the CWA was created?




OP please you are embarassing those of us that have actually read theory. None of this has anything to do with wealth or money, it's all about surplus value extraction.

Though, your thread's main point is correct: the vast majority of people that post here are bootlickers. They have no reason to accept that they are being exploited yet do so anyway.

> wealthy
> parasite

They just have money, no rational explanation as to where it came from, no they just have it and it was always so.

focusing on theory won't win mass support, revolutions are built on class hatred.
after a million dollars it is pretty much guaranteed you made wealth from having employees.

An brilliant but insane German scientist dreams of a new mode of existence for humanity (Communism). So he forcibly captures free individuals to be unwillingly converted into a collectivist abomination, that is extremely painful and humiliating for everyone involved. The doctor is like the party leaders and leftist ideologies that praises the virtues of the system, however, he doesn't take part in it himself by eating normal food, and violently punishes the centipede when it tries to escape or resist. When the three members of the centipede were crying at night, Heiter complained about how he couldn't sleep because of all the noise they were making, completely ignoring how they were acting like that because of the torture that he subjected them to. Just like how the leadership in totalitarian countries complain when political dissidents gain power and organize protest movements, while ignoring that they exist in the first place in response to their failed attempts at social engineering. When Katsuro finally gather the strength and opportunity to fight back, he suddenly came to see Heiter as a god, and himself as an Asshole Victim that deserves everything that was happening to him, similar to how many victims of the communist system and their children eventually came to accept the system and even develop Soviet nostalgia. Finally, when the entire system inevitably collapses, even if the remaining survivor managed to get rescued, her life will be ruined forever due to what the doctor did to her, just like how Cambodia is still suffering from the aftermath of the Khmer Rouge regime.

tell it to the old chinese miners in this post

God I wish stupid fucking tankie kiddies would stop talking about communism and just realize they are fascists like the rest of Sup Forums.

Actual communists: libertarian socialists aka anarchists, those are the guys that really seek to dismantle the construct of exploitation that occurs under capitalism. Anarchists know that in order for workers to efficiently organize and form stable networks of resource exchange, they must free themselves from heirarchy. It is no secret that regulation fucks things up, fuck command economies and their blindness towards the interest of the proletariat. An economy must be commanded by mutual interest, something that does not even occur in markets under capitalism.
Anarchists, unlike delusional marxists that worship some magical revolution that will never happen, even have a plan for getting to communism. Under anarcho-syndicalism for instance the plan is to utilize unions of worker owned industries to amass resources and outcompete private industry. Much more feasible than "muh revolution".

The CWA lasted a few months and was never relevant.
You have no clue what you're talking about.

>If you are not a millionaire and support capitalism you are a cuck.

This, basically. It's like a starving french peasant shilling for the king in 1789. 62 people own half of the world wealth while even white children have to dive dumpsters for food. We basically live in an oligarchy who does whatever it wants because the masses are kept in the dark as to their true power to change the current order.

shit citation m8

based Canada

>If you are not a millionaire and support capitalism you are a cuck.
Or maybe I just accept that I'm not an extremely hard worker, and I don't have weird grandiose fantasies, and I don't sit around wondering why I'm not rich when I don't put much effort in, and I don't think the world owes me something. Most people like you sit around smoking weed, playing video games, and collecting welfare all day, then you wonder why you're not rich and famous like Donald Trump. You are so selfish and entitled that you actually sit there and wonder why you're not on his level; he's the enemy, because he makes you feel jealous. You think you should just instantly be at his level without having to put in the work that he put in. And you're already trying to diminish his role in his own success. You're already making up excuses and doing mental gymnastics.

If you think about all the things someone should own to live comfortably, you need:
>PC / monitor

You can buy a small house, and buy all this stuff for under $50,000, and just make minimum wage and still live a really nice life. Something is deeply wrong with any MAN who aspires to own faggy little coffee tables, and waste money on trivial, womanly items. MEN should live a minimalist, Spartan lifestyle. If owning stupid little heart shaped pillows and other dumb, overpriced things makes you feel good, you are NOT A MAN. YOU ARE A FAGGOT.

sorry for OP being an idiot.
Communists have nothing against wealth. What communists have a thing against is the bourgeoisie. The bourgeoisie are private property owners. Private property is not to be confused with personal property. Private property is industries and stuff, personal property is possesions. The bourgeoisie utilize private property to make capital from the labor of others, they do this by paying the workers less than what they produce. The workers can own the industries themselves and get the full worth of what they produce, and that is what communism is about. Communism is about not being cucked.

Commies hang from trees, not hang out on pol.

>if the resources of Russia belong to the masses they would be managed by the masses for the benefits of the masses.
Holy crackers user.
We had ths shit twice.

First "Bolsheviks" redistributed everyone's property including farmers into kolkhoz and it resulted in massive starvation.

Second there was "privatization" in 1992 when nationalized industry was de-nationalized and all the stocks were evenly distributed between workers.
It resulted in criminal apocalypse with avalance of man hunting, a few people organized criminal groups to collect all those stocks and it was quite something unprecedented.
Probably worse than Afrika.

We already had collectivism and redistribution.
Both times it ended Horrible.

History must be known to avoid repeating mistakes.

And helicopters.

Indeed. It's why they are against progress - think of all the ways to execute commies that havn't been invented yet.

Don't be stupid, trust funds are just transfers from the people who worked to their children.They aren't parasiting anything, THEY GOT THEIR SHIT PAID FOR BY SOMEONE WHO WORKED.

Pic related
Hey look at that sky high unemployment until WWII in spite of not only the CWA but the countless other programs implemented.

And for the record:
>The Civil Works Administration (CWA) was a short-lived U.S. job creation program established by the New Deal during the Great Depression to rapidly create manual labor jobs for millions of unemployed workers. The jobs were merely temporary, for the duration of the hard winter of 1933–34.
If you're going to pull a program out of your ass you should at least make sure it was relevant.

Let me guess, you never cared to research this beyond high school US history.
Don't try to argue positions you know nothing about.

>The bourgeoisie utilize private property to make capital from the labor of others, they do this by paying the workers less than what they produce.

You missed a word - "ideally". 30% of businesses don't even last 2 years, because the end product turns out to be worth less than what they paid for labor and materials. So what happens then? Do the workers have to pay back the extra wages? No - because they've upheld their part of the employment contract. And the same holds true when the business turns a profit. There's nothing exploitative or unfair about this.