How did he do it?

How did he do it?

Does it include masturbating?

No, that's how he manages to do it. Watch the movie, dude.

6800+ days for me

I'm getting close to 10k

10,332 days checking in

dude i've just gone for 1 week and already feel like crap lol. Funny movie tho!

Holy shit is that an assassination blade?


Roughly 10,650 days and counting here. This guy is small time.

Me too. Can't wait to be able to cast fireballs.

About 8400 days here

I will die a virgin. Non-Chads have to pay for sex and I don't think I could pay. It's too shameful.

Why else do you think Harnett stopped acting and dropped of the face of the earth? It messed him up real bad.

It's been almost 4 days and I'm fitna lose my shit

Where did that actor disappear? He seemed alright

It's only a feat for him because he's outgoing and attractive, so obviously it doesn't apply to autists on Sup Forums. Why do we need to keep having this thread?

It's been only 30 seconds and my balls are about to explode.

It's sad that you guys are in your 30s and 40s and haven't had sex in 20+ years, but it could be worse. I mean, just think of all the people who haven't even lost their virginity!

At least they can count.


Yeah I feel like a dick now

h-heh yeah can you imagine not ever losing it? haha how weird would that be

Anyone can get laid if they actually wanted to

t. Chad


you're such a jerk


I honestly wish I never lost my virginity desu
Now I can't even participate in these kind of threads