If she is kill, what happens?

if she is kill, what happens?

do (((they))) get to postpone the elections?

Trump wins by default.

Trump vs Bernout

(((You))) tell me Shlomo

They probably get to put another candidate up by special circumstance. Likely Biden if I had to guess.

>not (((we)))

You ain't foolin' me, Schlomo.

we don't want hillary to die
her in her present state is much more useful
nobody will vote for this wreck
she dies, they throw someone likeable and healthy like Biden in Trump is in actual danger
if hillary continues like this Trump is a shoe in

Kaine is a write in, but honestly the entire party is done, they spent so much effort trying to convince the country she was perfectly healthy and it was all an alt-right smear campaign, now the truth is out, it's so out they can't possibly CTR it this time

>Tim Kane steps in to fill her boots.
>Bernie voters flip their ever loving shit that Bernie endorsed a crooked candidate on death row.
>Bernie runs for president.
>Trump wins.
>Hillary dies before going to jail for all her crimes.
>Bill left to deal with the fallout.
>Bill cant believe he gets stuck with the shit.

Tim Kaine gets the democratic nomination, just as he planned...