Damn fellas. In 2013 this site was basically the light at the end of the tunnel...

Damn fellas. In 2013 this site was basically the light at the end of the tunnel, the warm sensation of belonging somewhere and discussing with people like you. There was more then just shitty banter back then. Still, I have never felt like this before in my life since I got politically interested. There is hope. Atleast I feel it. The world, no matter how fucking shitty and horribly destroyed, is getting slowly molded into a better one. I hear old people that have voted S for 40 years wanting to remove kebab, I hear Yugos at work talking about niggers and arabs with ferocious hatred. Trump, Brexit, Austrian elections etc. For the first time, I feel a slight optimism.

Do you?

Other urls found in this thread:


Something is coming, that is for sure.

You know you cucks that all of this will bite us in the ass at the end, right?

Yeah, and that was allways the general feel that it was a HAPPENING around every fucking corner, yet, even when you where the most worked up over whatever happening, it was never this feel. It feels like, a fascist blanket, or something. Like, a giant wave.


Whatever you say, goy.
Most of this board is dictated by (((Trump))) propaganda.
No one's winning shit.

calm down and have another drink, patrick

Why so sad?

Because I'm an American and our entire country runs off of lies and teaches all of our people to lie as we pay to ruin culture all over the world. There wouldn't be no refugee crisis without us. "White genocide" wouldn't even be a talking point without (((them))) and they run it all. People on here come for escapist fantasy. It's all a big movie and we'll all come to pay for it.

It's disgusting.

A great storm is coming. Everyone can feel it.

t. me 2 months ago

Cept I would not say america was my country since it's Iran 2: Transexual Bogaloo, but damn. It feels like, the views have become de-dramatized. Not outright national socialism or the most extreme one's, but I feel empowered somehow. Am I such a goy that it's just their game? I dunno, but I know that I can laugh at commies today, rather than feel angered by them. It's sumn else atleast.

Visited Europe?