Is Fox News even trying to hide it? Holy crap

Is Fox News even trying to hide it? Holy crap.

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>Is Fox News even trying to hide it? Holy crap.
Hide what?

It's just Judge Jeanine. She's one of the more brutal ones

You know, it.

>Hillary are a liar
shouldn't it be >is?

No, it's correct. But there is a comma error.

>You, Hillary, are a liar
>You are a liar

Not exactly. A comma simply should have been placed after "Hillary".

>Judge Jeanine
>Pirro was born in Elmira, New York, to Nasser “Leo” and Esther (née Awad) Ferris.

>Her father was a mobile-home salesman; her mother a department-store model.

>Both her parents were from Lebanon so she is of Lebanese descent. [4]


Why aren't they hiding Clinton's fault like the rest of the media?

This is the Jews in damage control, Fox News is attempting to be "the voice of reason" so they can flip the script when people jump ship