Rick is autistic

>rick is autistic
>Dan Harmon is probably autistic

I have the assburgers and I have been around a lot of autistic people and I can confirm Rick does meet the criteria for being autistic.

>doesn't give a fuck
>high iq (this only implies to some autistic people like me, i have an iq of 125 ;)
>has a hard time relating to people and their emotions
>has lack of emotion and empathy

I have seen before that some people speculate that Morty is autistic but i'm not sure if that's true. If he is then he's on the more low functioning side.

Other urls found in this thread:


Men considering themselves autistic is the equivalent of women not eating gluten

if you spend enough time on tumblr reading about self diagnosed idiots calling themselves autistic, you might start to think you're autistic too

Sorry, but you are just a narcissistic sociopath retarded desperately trying to hide behind memes in the hope that you'll get a tiny bit of joy in your hollow life.

You use autism as a front online and potentially IRL simply because you need something to be wrong with you in order to get away with all the retarded shit you do. You manipulate the definition and use it to try and claim yourself better than others.

What's with the mental illness fetishizing around nowadays? is it because of the broadening of psycological categorizations?

What the fuck is the deal.

Who tries to claim that they're better than others by adopting the mantle of autism?

I was diagnosed when I was 10 but most people nowadays get diagnosed around age 2 or 3 because doctors know what to look for now. I can't speak for other spergs but living with Aspergers can be hell. I had a hard childhood and teenhood and I was heavy bullied by other students and teachers because I didn't fit in. Thankfully after high school I matured and became an adult most other autistic people I know didn't. Autism isn't made up and it can and has servery mess up peoples lives.

btw I don't use Tumblr I just looked up "rick is autistic" and that's the first thing that popped up.

This episode is proof why you don't have women writers. This whole season has been a disappointment. I'm not saying this out of hate for women, I legit didn't know until halfway in and then it made a lot of sense.

Of all episodes this season, This was the worst. Probably the worst of the series. I dont even want a season 4 at this point

Not into Rick and Morty but i keep hearing about this woman writers thing, i'm curious did they fire his old writers and added the female ones or were the female writers just an addition to the already proven team?

>wouldn't it be like, great, if Rick was autistic like me?

R&M ended at season 2.

in 2017 is ok to be different, is better to be uniquely different, and is the fucking ideal übermensch to CREATE that unique difference.

I'm a panoptic transphubick


>doesn't stutter
>isn't shy at all
>doesn't have piss bottles
Lame representation tbqh

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Rick’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick’s existential catchphrase “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

Also its Aspergers you mongoloid

think they added a couple women to make the writing team half and half
the biggest problem isnt women writers; its too many cooks in the kitchen.

I have bad new for you faggot you are just a narcissist.

>Doesn't stutter

>an iq of 125 is considered high

Are Americans really this stupid?

Oh fuck, how did I forget, goddamn.
I meant the aspie kind of stuttering anyway, not the drunk one. You know what forget it, fuck.

came here to say this

Just watch any random episode of this show. If you aren't convinced that Dan is a beta-autist with terrible comedic timing and being cucked,than you probably watch R&M anyways and are beyond help.

>actually watching this baby-tier show

This episode was written by Dan Harmon.

>Dan Harmon is probably autistic
No, boy. Justin Roiland is.

i knew an aspie in high school who was so autistic he had no shyness or reservations. we were waiting at the bus stop and there was this hot girl and he goes "Welp. That's embarrassing." out of nowhere and I was like, "what?" and he just goes "Oh, I keep farting."

Guy studies some sort of bio-mechanics now or something. Absolute ledge.

Yes, even Allen Francis, editor of DSM-IV, said psychiatry fucked up and increasingly "medicalizes" normal life.

>tfw wouldn't speak a word to my preschool teacher for the entire time I was there (2 years)
>parents and teacher thought it was "cute" and probably normal

truly the power of american education

Of course.. Morty is Rick.

Only one Morty was able to become a super genius by a freak chance in the nearly unlimited dimensions, that same Morty, grew up, invented the portal gun and then went to other dimensions to give that tech to other less intelligent ricks who would then teach their mortys making themselves more intelligent in the process. And the cycle continued as more Ricks got the portal gun, and went back in time and mentored themselves which led to the citadel. It's why all the Ricks and Mortys are generally the same age and why "evil" Morty sees no distinction between the two. The Mortys are the future Ricks.

When a Morty dies, so does it's Rick but not the other way around. That's why Rick is so adament about protecting Morty when there are seemingly endless amounts of Mortys.

2 things
1) people conflate aspergers with autism since they are both on the same spectrum, and the recent DMV renamed it for political reasons (changing it to autism spectrum disorder allows them to claim america has 24 million autists)
Secondly, a bunch of people have been misinterpreting social anxiety disorder with autistic behavior because they don't realize that a hatred towards social situations manifesting in rudeness is still anxiety

t. guy who used to work exclusively with these type of "at risk" people


About half of internet white beta/omega male virgins. Oldest trick in the book. The trend predates the birth of those who currently do it.

makes sense

doctors thought i was autistic since i was a babby and wanted me to take anti depressants

fuck that i wunna feel the feels

really the only criteria for a mental illness should be if you're unable to function properly in normal society. Otherwise you're just a personality type. I match almost everything for a particular personality disorder but I keep my life running perfectly fine so in terms of a personality "disorder" there's nothing disordered.

If you're depressed and that gets in the way of you having a job, going to school, whatever, then yeah you should probably take anti-depressants.

what a fucking shit condition to have, i would rather be drooling potato tier. having self-awareness about the fact you are a broken retard is horrible.

haha yeah I wonder if you'd be able to tell you had a condition based on whether or not you posted to a particular forum

>125 is high iq
If you weren't autistic I'd call you out on your shit.

125 is 1.6 standard deviations above the mean though, that's high on any normal distribution

>feeling smug about not watching a baby-tier show
congrats on that

Why was the minecraft part in there?

Rick would actually like a real game like Factorio or Dwarf Fortress, not that intro-pleb shit like Minecraft.

>feeling (justifiably) insecure about liking a braindead show for toddlers
good job

everyone wants so desperately to be different. Some people think they want hardship in their lives because their lives are so fucking boring that they fake having mental illness just so they can complain about how hard life is. They want to be handicapped. They talk on and on about how mental illness is so real and dangerous and delicate and how people should respect the struggles of the mentally ill. And then these same faggots will go on tumblr and make jokes about "lol i want to die"
I really don't get what their thought process is. Maybe they're actually retarded.

Rick's an old man who spent his life doing science not playing video games

>feeling your baseless assumptions are fact
too smart

Yeh, I really didn't get that.
Was it just a set up for the 'huge reveal' that Rick is autistic? Was it lame pandering to their reddit fanbase? Was it paid product placement?
It didn't really add anything to the episode, but also didn't come across as one of R&M's usual spontaneous throwaway jokes.

People need a narrative to their own lives, and narratives involve struggle. We're hardwired to want to overcome something because that's key to our survival, but if we're permanently well-fed and sheltered with minimal physical work, then what? People want to feel that there's something to overcome rather than just drifting along into a grave.

well done

> this only implies to some autistic people like me
neck yourself, faggot

>smartest man in the universe has autism
What did they mean by this?


He's an emotional and social retard.

So how triggering is the new episode? I hope they outright call Jerry a cuck this time instead a beta-male sexist and Beth bangs a nigger.

Yeah I've thought about it and I came to that conclusion as well but my next thought is always something along the lines of why does their struggle have to be some bullshit they made up or are over-exaggerating? Why can't they find a struggle in something more meaningful like work or a hobby or helping others etc. There are so many things that they could be using to craft their narrative which involve struggle aside from some trash self-diagnosis.
I think I'm getting to involved with thinking about how other people live. But it just pisses me off because they ruin it for people who do have to live with a real struggle.

Beth comes back with Jerry because she realizes the importance of having a loving relationship with a single individual.

That's barely above average at all. No one should be claiming that their some sort of special smart snowflake because they're a hair width's above everyone on an IQ scale.

125 is not a hair width above, it is 1 standard deviation on the extreme end, very close to 2, in excess of the white average (which is among Americ). Contrasted with the average black IQ, which is in the 80s, this is massive.

You're underestimating how stupid average, let alone below average, can be.

Better ending than I was expecting.
A few good laughs too, a little cheap with that Chicken Fight though, still glad to see Harmon isn't completely a lost cause as a writer.

Best character coming through


It's the second lowest tier on the oppression pyramid, but you'll be higher regarded for than for being normal.

This is shit though. Beth and Jerry have had a horrible, dysfunctional marriage for the entire show and when they finally divorce theres a choice presented to Jerry;

Either become a confident figure to win Beth, or give up and fuck off.

But then out of fucking no where Beth is thrown back at Jerry and they make up instantly after a solid fucking? Jeryy doesnt change and any development for his character is gone. Not only that but were back to square one with the shit marriage. It blows cock.

gotta love south park

bullshit. het gets the social cues autistics don't get, he just doesn't care about social convention

Probably because he wanted someone to recognize him for his bullshit hocus pocus ideas with no basis in hard science like any psychiatrist. People like Freud and Milgram are hacks and if you aren't looking at the fucking brain itself then you don't deserve a job.

>i have an iq of 125 ;)
nigga I'm at 125 as well and you don't have an high IQ. you could be considered average to somewhat smart

>I have an IQ of 125
>but that's average :^)

Do you even understand how IQ works, you drooling idiot?

She's back with him because she felt he was the only genuine thing in a world where she doubted the validity of everything else. It's a shit arc for Jerry, it;s a fair one for possibly clone Beth.

Nope there will be no timetravel done by rick or morty in the series

>125 average
get your head out of your own ass


bitch baby pls

bet you're "like totally lazy too and thats why im not like super successful"

you are trash and so is your opinion

Dwarf Fortress is a garbage game that tryhards like you pretend is actually good for bullshit gaymer cred

why are you here?

>every other post on Sup Forums is accusing someone/something of being autistic
>but no one is actually autistic!
What a fucking joke

It's just the shorties meme to ever come from Sup Forums.
The worst thing is that reddit took it over as well.

It is just a new term to fervor the social apathy of shut in neets.
But even women are asocial as fuck besides their shallow social """interactions"""

>125 IQ

Um sweetie, no.

Learned helplessness + comodification of the social sphere.

This should answer all of your questikns.

Aspies and their kind should be gassed.

WAIT user

I have piss bottles... does that mean...

That's so stupid it'll probably be canon by season 5.

This. Thats above average at best.
T. 136

Its not new. People have been self diagnosing as aspergers since 2010. Now its full autism because Sup Forums and Reddit kept pushing it everywhere

protip: there is not an actual definition of what is mental illness and what is not

they came up with autism at some point but then they realized their description covers half the planet so now it's a spectrum.

Stop pissing in bottles you absolute autist

>things will be more like season 1
it fucking better

can confirm, growing up asspie was a special kind of hell that i wouldnt wish on my worst enemy

im autistic

im downs syndrome

honestly i think it was for the double south park reference. rick brought up that south park already did it, which is itself a reference to south parks "simpsons already did it" joke

Do you think rick is a furry too?


As a sperg I'd say Rick's apathy and detachment can be explained by existential horror from knowing so much about the uncaring universe. He doesn't display any of the tics, his mind generally seems to function pretty efficiently and his instincts seem pretty good.

Morty isn't "low functioning" because he can talk, among other things. He might have some light sperg but I haven't seen anything glaring.

Dan Harmon is a narcissist, he even admits it. Rick's behaviour is extremely narcissistic, and everything you describe in your post (aside from the high IQ) are symptoms of narcissism.

>125 IQ
Maybe for a nigger

A lot of the original "symptoms" they'd look for in autistic people were fucking retarded bullshit. I remember one of them was how much they trust authority figures i.e. only autists are unable to follow a leader unquestionably.

>Rick's behaviour is extremely narcissistic
Except it's not and the show beats you over the head with this theme multiple times. When it really matters, Rick looks out for his family.

I had the same problem. There were a lot of signs, that looking back are super obvious. At the time though autism wasn't really a big thing, so teacher just thought I was disruptive.

What? Like narcissists aren't capable of doing the right thing when it's a do or die situation? If anything that only fuels their ego.

I don't care if rick being autistic is intentional or not but fuck me if turning this season into some nihilistic character study bullshit wasn't an awful, awful move that ruined my enjoyment of it completely.

>high IQ
135 is minimum for genuine smartness

rick and morty blows

But it's not "do or die". He helped out his only daughter in the second latest episode because he wanted her to be happy.

I thought the show made this whole thing pretty explicit. He clearly likes Morty and goes out of his way to bring him on adventures. He loves his daughter and despises Jerry for inhibiting her life.

Who knew autism could make someone so alpha. I bet he gets more tail than he knows what to do with because he's all natural and pure

Nice try you fucking autist

125 is actually UNDER average.
t. 141