How do you go from this

How do you go from this...

Other urls found in this thread: this?

good times

what's this from?

A half-century.

Anyone have Cyclops calling some guys camel jockeys?


Some of us have transgender friends from Pakistan and acknowledge that in a world where Muslims make up so much of the population and anyone can be a superhero, there'd be Muslim characters in these cape comics.

Or it's just the Jews brainwashing us.

That poor little piglet.

By realizing that making fun of someone's religion is a dick move?

Jews realizing they can sucker in their numale white readers with Pro-Islam propaganda. In addition to a slew of other degenerate shit.

Also you forgot G. W. Bridge.

Muslim characters would probably make villains user with all the stoning and killing
Remember that the majority of Muslims both in the West and everywhere else want sharia

>No mention of Wonder Pig

Did faux news tell you that?

*unless they're Christian


Wow, two Grant Morrison characters in one image. Neither of whom anybody here could name without using google, because they don't appear in comics.


Trust that degenerate scotch baldy to try and poz up the big two with mudslimes.

No, it's still a dick move. But, of course, REACTING to something is not the same as INITIATING it.

Dust, Ms.Marvel (Kamala Khan), Green Lantern (Simon Baz) and Batwing.

I've seen three of them appear in comics just this week.

Saudis and emirs have the money americans wish they could have.
Comic books want a cut of it.
Until the oil runs out, lol.

That's Nightrunner, my man.

By flipping past seven pages, apparently.

So he is. Thank you, user.

I still can't believe someone actually looked at that GL design and said "yeah, this is good"

Jews hates whites more than they do muslims and frequently use them in usurping white society. You think the third world tidal wave entered Europe by accident?

>REACTING to something is not the same as INITIATING it.

wtf does that have to do with anything?

With reciprocity, user. It's the basis of all morality.

Actually i heard it from muslims
Funny thing about muslims they can talk and express their opinions just fine without you doing so for them

Sup Forums: the cancer killing Sup Forums.

I don't know man, pol was a thing forever and Sup Forums was perfectly fine and then tumblr showed up and everything has been a mine field ever since

People on both sides are still reacting to the election. And we'll see a resurgence in January.

It really isn't, though.

And the minority that don't are the ones that become superheroes.

You know what I heard from Fox news tho?
That trump would win and brexit would happen
But sure Fox news is the fake news right?
If mainstream news where the ones lying they would need some Orwellian system that only allowed them to speak to keep up the lies, something like a smear campaign and demand that Google, YouTube and Facebook only show what they have to say
But something like that would manifest in such a way that people making content and being fucked over like this like the ones with 50 million subscribers would say something about it and then nobody could pretend it isn't happening anymore
Boy oh boy we sure are lucky fake mainstream news aren't a thing

Sure thing that one third generation American gay Muslim that shows up in a buzzfeed video represents Muslims better than their own religious leaders in the West and videos of them marching in Germany demanding sharia ever could

Seems like an arbitrary place to draw the line.

Tumblr never backs down, tumblr never goes back on their bullshit.
Every new thing makes tumblr worse, tumblr never becomes less radical only more
If you think that giving them time will fix anything you are wrong they can only go more crazy and violent than they currently are
You can expect the coming years to start the narrative to levels you never thought possible

It means it's OK when you scream in someone's face until they have enough and punch you in the face as long as there is an ally with a camera nearby

Which political front will stamp out people who format their posts in this manner, and are they recruiting?

You know what?
The tiny minuscule minority of Muslims that want nothing to do at all with sharia and the hate filled war criminals the eu is importing to the West and actually advocate against all of it instead of trying to cover it up for fear of getting dragged in everyone's bullshit are true heroes and I feel sorry for them because you are the villains in their story

Stalin would be a great place to start comrade

People ho never met muslims like you should never be allowed t talk about them, let alone defend them based on a twitter hashtag.

It is a sad day that pinkos are the only ones who recognize that decadent foreign elements must be resisted. But, hey, gotta fight for what you believe in. Guess I'm moving.

What's in January, IvX shitshow aside?

And then user finally understood the problem with globalism

Here you go, updated for the new age

They should be. Give in another few generations. Maybe a war.
I'm under no delusion that they're the majority. I'm just sick of cool likable people/characters being branded as automatically intrinsically evil because they happen to pray 5 times a day.

People being less stupid due to an increase in education.

You're a credit to the board user.

>Sup Forumsmblr will defend this

40 keks.jpg

I'm going to guess none of you were actually alive at the time OP's pic came out.

Bravo, good way to start things off

To be fair....she's pretty cute for a girl with no nose.

Doesn't that get infected?

I thought you meant how Superman changed from a brainless but fun power fantasy to a boring Jesus expy.


fox news said a republican would win the presidency!? Someone should have told that to Romney and not the secret kenyan muslim that won TWICE

Does this mean she could give me a nosejob?

you know, she's islamic too, right? it's almost as if painting with too large a brush and pretending everyone in a group has the exact same stance is a disingenuous smear tactic.

if i were an alien i could use your same logic for killing every last human on earth.

actually Fox news predicted Romney to lose, mostly because his VP was an awful choice.


wasn't it also because he was to much like Dick Cheney in terms of stubbornness?

That said I'm with the other user but at news in general. When most major networks are telling you Hilary has a 90% chance of winning when everything outside you door is telling you otherwise it's an ill omen of media and what it's trying to do.

Carol needs to be holding a bottle

actually watching for both McCain and Romney they had them both ahead up until the last minute. One of the perks of having a tv in your office is you get to watch it

I recently watched Ducktales the movie.

Everything outside the door didn't yell otherwise. The issue was ontop of just kind of ignoring the rural states, it was more Hillary's loss than Trump's win. It was the apathy of the dems in those states that let him squeak out a win while he was performing only slightly above typical Repub turnout.


The majority of the country had either no idea who they were going to vote for or refused to vote. Following that you had two fan clubs and your half is the blood in the water we all saw: Hillary as a complete idiot she is only march hard in a few states while Trump campaign abroad. Also Hilary was a bad choice that was seen all the way back at the start, but she had more money/power than sense and fuck up our country. The country saw it and if you talk around or even just look past the news and echo chambers you would have seen that this was a toss up at best. There was no sure fire win, the media just pushed for you to not vote for Trump.

>the media just pushed for you to not vote for Trump.

Which is one of the reasons I voted for him personally.

This was a good movie.

Kamala Khan/Ms Marvel is actually one of the better newer characters that just happens to be muslim. While reading her stories, I don't feel like they tried to force the fact she is muslim down our throats, it only gets mentioned a few times and they aren't making a major long story out about it.

they were both idiots user. One just had more appeal amongst his own kind while the other turned off her base since theyre usually the educated type and werent tricked by her fanfare

Both sides were pretty turn off looking at turn out.
Also Trumps kind is Democrats, he hasn't even been register Republican for five years. It was public knowledge.
If you want to know why Hilary got beat it was the lack of education on both sides as this video will explain better then I can.

>civil war lll: Piggy in a Bottle

first issue was very strong about it but yeah it started to get away from that and help us care about her as a character. What a shock, good storytelling wins out over progress writing

>Ms Marvel is actually one of the better newer characters that just happens to be muslim.
LOL not anymore.

Simon is cool though

Because people who migrate in their 30s without a basic level of education and refuse to learn the language while settling in a nice ghetto with its own laws and where police refuse to set foot are going to adapt and change even tho they riot the streets demanding Sharia and mass raping girls
Thing is what'l good is a Muslim hero with 0 Muslim beliefs and culture?
Do you think any Muslim is going to feel represented by that? What's the point? It's just an attempt to show Republicans how good Muslims are and masturbate with other Democrats or is it a hero made for Muslims to enjoy?

How is it not? Understand, I think religion is a terrible idea, and should freely be discussed, and that freedom of speech is one of the most important things there are - but also that making fun of someone else's religion just for the heck of it is a dick move.

In a broader sense, I think making fun of someone is a dick move, period.

Without provocation, anyway. I don't mean satire.

Now I am the one who doesn't understand what you mean.

The inauguration.

I would have liked to have seen that...


Its a reference on how the Democratic party filled vans with paid protestors and took them to trump rallys to harass people there to the point of getting punched and the liberal (fake) media was there with a camera because they got a tip to report on the crime they themselves created and give a completely false version of it

>You think the third world tidal wave entered Europe by accident?

No, I think that it entered Europe because there was a massive humanitarian crisis and politicians like Merkel wanted to appear kindhearted without really thinking through the consequences of allowing a large number of people to migrate to a country that is incredibly alien to them in cultural mores.

Sometimes, there isn't a massive conspiracy. People at the top make mistakes the same as everyone else.

Trump gets sworn in as President in January. I can't wait to see him make comics great again.

The west learned not to be autistic dicks, that's how

By not being an edgy faggot anymore.

Look, Sup Forums, I get that you're bitter no white women will touch you with a ten foot pole now that it is acceptable to date a race with something still resembling masculinity in them, but do you have to shit up all the other boards?

The comics industry degenerated, obviously. Learned strange Jewish propaganda like empathy and inclusiveness. When will society relearn the importance of xenophobia?

>Empathy and inclusiveness
Coming from people who shut up everyone who doesn't think like them and advise them of being subhuman Nazi, racist, etc?

>if you preach tolerance, you should tolerance intolerance!

>If you cherish the first amendment you should recognize the right of unpopular speech to exist.

>We should kill the killer's
>Why is everyone trying to kill me?

>When will society relearn the importance of xenophobia?

A great deal of people that pushed those humanitarian efforts were either jews or staunch supporters of jewish efforts. Look at the UK, they Sweden-tier as far as immigrant invasion goes and they're passing staunch laws to protect Jewish people from virtually all things imaginable, even fucking thought crimes.

To imply there's no jewish involvement is pretty fucking insincere. Especially when you've got rabbi's saying this shit is "good for Europe" and Israel literally deports its Somalians/Ethiopians to Sweden.

>Make fun of Christians on Sup Forums
>UPS guy knocks on my door and dumps hundreds of elaborate paintings of different fat men wearing fedoras, courtesy of Anons
>Make fun of Muslims on Sup Forums
>A life-sized solid gold statue of myself is built in the middle of my hometown while I receive fifty simultaneous blowjobs

Source on all of that, user.

>left pic
>clothing that shows off her figure
Kind of missing the point pretty hard, but also kind of hot.

Any more of this character? I have no idea who they are, I haven't read capes for a while.