ITT: actors you could probably kill in a fight

ITT: actors you could probably kill in a fight





his wheel chair comes with a rocket launcher.

I doubt it
Finn could throw some hard punches


Why do reddits love Finn so much?

Built for strength
Built for aesthetics

idk man with that jaw it's hard to knock out

I feel bad for laughing so hard...

Finn Wolfhard, my arch nemesis


froggo thread OP?

Why is batman wearing a jacket? Why does he have a gun?

For the cool factor

That's a very beautiful girl (male)

His smile is like sun shine in the summer morning

it was a different time

[kiss froggo]

It's a post-apocalyptic vision

realistically, who COULD beat this guy in a fight? Without weapons, obviously


>it's beatdown! time!

The waxen pallor of his face was almost spiritual in its ivorylike purity though his rosebud mouth was a genuine Cupid's bow, Greekly perfect.