Apologize. Now

Apologize. Now.

Each white life lost is worth 1 million sandnigger's pathetic excuse for lives.

dindu nuffins

>"Why does the media say we racist though? We're not even racist"
>"How can they call Trump Hitler unironically when we really just want to deport everyone brown to establish a whites-only society? Fucking liars goddamn Clinton News Network shit's rigged man."

inb4 your faggot PM goes on TV and makes this exact speech

>why are you biased against those people that attacked you

That's great and all but it's no 6 trillion.

2/10 made me consider a detailed reply

We need to make it another 30 million before I consider accepting their apology.

9/11 was a big reason why I joined the military. If it was a false flag then I'm still glad I joined because I am more prepared then 99% of you to do something about it. I fight for the American people. But I'm still not convinced about the grand 9/11 conspiracy mostly because "ITS A PLANE, ITS A CRUISE MISSLE, THE BUILDINGS WERE RIGGED TO BLOW, SATAN!!?! WAS IN THE SMOKE CLOUD, THE BUILDING NEXT TO IT FELL BY ITSELF"