It's official Sup Forums he is literally our guy

It's official Sup Forums he is literally our guy.

>So, Martin Shkreli, former CEO of Turing Pharmaceuticals, was outside for Clinton's apartment departure

>He shouted, "Why are you so sick!" when Hillary Clinton walked out.

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that means "cool" in millennial lingo, right?

Shkreli has been the fucking man ever since that whole pharmaceutical controversy

Martin "there for Clinton's departin'" Shkreli

Martin "banterin'" Shkreli

Shkreli is a great fan of Hip-Hop. "Sick" means great, so he just asked her why she is such a great politician.

He's not our guy. He's a jew. Also, he likes niggers. He accepts them and wants them to nig out. He wants to get cucked by a big black bull I'm sure. I have no faith in Shkreli.

>muh wu-tang

Shut the fuck up you nigger lover.


dead with 974 syringes to the back of the neck

Praise be
