Why do they call her HRC? Just use her fucking name
because she's a badass motherfucker. don't disrespect the initials.
>almost choking on a pretzel one time is the same thing as constantly coughing, collapsing, having strokes, needing a catheter bag and leg braces and a giant team of handlers ready to jumpstart you at a moment's notice
Hahaha this bitch is gonna die before the election and there's nothing this limpwristed nu male can say or do to change that.
Don't forget being unable to walk up stairs. She's in such poor health it's like she's actually going to die soon.
Hormone Replacement...Cuck.
This is spectacular. They will be in full damage control for the next couple weeks. Get ready to hear about every single president's health records through history.
>FDR had polio and was in a wheelchair
>and he was the best president ever
>and he hid his health just like Hillary
>Hillary is FDR 2.0 everybody, come on the new deal
I can see it already.
It's covered differently because GWB and Cheney never lied to cameras and opened pickle jars to pretend they were "healthy as an ox."
Literally 0 people thought Bush choking on a pretzel was 'resilient'
These people just make shit up
Yes this. The next few weeks will be about how great it is that she is ill and that we need to check our health privilege and health racism.
Did you know POC have poorer health than the greedy whites?? Im white her!
I'm sure if Trump just fainted the media would be all over it calling him a weak fuck
hillary didnt choke on a pretzel though
>hillary dies
>shes being lowered into the ground
>this cuck still says not voting for dead hillary would be sexism
Fucking Bill had a quadruple bypass surgery after his terms and nobody has brought it it up because nobody cares.
He still looks like shit though
we all laughed at cheney and joked about him dying regularly
people joked about bush choking on a dick
argument invalid
they want her to be the next FDR
[spoiler]in a wheelchair[/spoiler]
because of the character limit on twitter
I used to work as a chef, and HRC was an acronym we used for Honey Roast Chicken. True story.
Look at the balding bowling pin cucklord who tweeted it, says a lot about hilary's disappearing support. Sad!
Choking on a pretzel is an accident and GW laughed about it after and didn't try to cover it up.
Stop acting like the media is biased in her favor.
Fuck liberals. They started this fucking game
Cheney shoots someone
>hunting accident
Clinton shoots someone
Clinton shoots someone
Clinton shoots someone
Clinton shoots someone
Clinton shoots someone
Can they be the next site to get Hogan'd?
He's right, they mocked the shit out of bush for the pretzel thing. No reason to go easy on chill-hill.