#1: Radically diversify America's Police Departments
#2: Require American Police to have more training than cosmetologists
#3: Police must be routinely and randomly tested for steroids and other illegal drugs
#4: Bad Apples MUST Be Fired - they are toxic and dangerous
#5: Police must be required to earn 4 year degrees - it changes everything
#6: Policing for profit must become a banned practice. A profit motive must never undergird law enforcement.
#7: We must overhaul 911 - particularly for calls made about the mentally ill. It is the rotary phone of emergency services.
#8: Take women from 12% of police to 50% of police - they are more professional, less brutal, and just as effective
#9: Require cops to live in or near the areas they police. It's too easy to mistreat strangers.
#10: Communities of color actually need less policing. Start by decriminalizing addiction and petty offenses.
#11: American Police must be regularly tested for racial bias
#12: American Police must be regularly tested and treated for PTSD
Shaun King's 25 Solution's for Police Brutality
Other urls found in this thread:
#13: Why we must take bad laws on policing all the way to the Supreme Court
#14: Good police officers must actually speak out on bad cops
#15: We must decriminalize mental illness
#16: We need to unleash the full power of body cameras
#17: Police departments must create and enforce reasonable new use of force standards
#18: Police must always carry 3 less lethal weapons other than firearms
#19: Police must be banned from using violence based on their imagination of a threat
#20: Every city and state in America must ban racial profiling
#21: Police must be immediately filmed making a statement after each use of force incident
#22: Independent review boards must oversee investigations of police misconduct
#23: Police misconduct cases must be tried by special/independent prosecutors
#24: Police departments which fail to obey the Death in Custody Reporting Act should be cut off from all federal funding.
#25: We must focus our fight against police brutality on the local and state level
Thoughts Sup Forums?
goybook com shaunking posts/1136506649721585
Shaun King is actually white, so he can't have opinion on us black people and our ghetto culture. Racist shitlord!
Decriminalize rape and murder if done by POC. Dem dere POC be oppressed and shiet
>diversify America's police departments
How's that working out in Baltimore, wigger?
Police already carry a nightstick, mace and a tazer
That douche doesn't even know he is white, despite having two white parents. You can safely disregard anything he says.
Why are degrees the end all be all to these people?
Maybe a degree in criminology or psychology would be handy, but virtually no degree really helps a cop be a better cop
>#5: Police must be required to earn 4 year degrees - it changes everything
It's funny because police departments have been forced to draw from less and less qualified applicant pools for the last 20 years because so many people shit on police for being underpaid bootlickers.
If you want to start paying the average police officer 80k a year, maybe we'll see an improvement in police conduct. Otherwise, just stop being niggers.
wew lad
5, 8, and 10 are my favorites
college degrees are ass tier and the bubble is going to burst pretty soon
women being 50 percent of police would just make shittier police and mean that you cut the police force down drastically or hire a shit ton of bad women cops
communities of color need more policing if you want good investment
This isn't real is it?
The only thing not retarded on this list is body cams, to shut niggers up about "police brutality"
it is, check the kikebook link on the bottom of my 2nd post. he has loads of links i didn't include
I have a one step solution to prevent police "brutality".
1. Niggers stop committing so much crime.
I'm the new Talcum X, step down shaun
9 (sort of)
rest of his points are stupid, but you cant disagree with the good ones.
I mean, it's not satire?
oops, sorry, wrong thread.
>#10: Communities of color actually need less policing.
Literally fuck laws and shit
*smacks lips*
>Baltimore police already 40% black
>black people still complain
>elect more democrats
Oh really now?
Just as effective?
The "good ones" are already mostly in effect faggot.
do you want black police officers, or do you want college educated, drug-free police officers? you can't have both, my nigga. some of these i agree with though, like #4, #9, #10 but probably for different reasons that his.
>fuck laws
>blacks should be allowed to commit crimes
>"we" can't take responsibilities for our actions
>more segregation
>less policing, let blacks kill eachother at a higher rate
sounds good to me.
no he's not
>#1: Radically diversify America's Police Departments
Sure if it stops people from complaining. Also communities should be policed by their peers
>#2: Require American Police to have more training than cosmetologists
Fine by me
>#3: Police must be routinely and randomly tested for steroids and other illegal drugs
I should hope they already are
>#4: Bad Apples MUST Be Fired - they are toxic and dangerous
>#5: Police must be required to earn 4 year degrees - it changes everything
Ehhh no
>#6: Policing for profit must become a banned practice. A profit motive must never undergird law enforcement.
>#7: We must overhaul 911 - particularly for calls made about the mentally ill. It is the rotary phone of emergency services.
I'd like to see this elaborated upon
>#8: Take women from 12% of police to 50% of police - they are more professional, less brutal, and just as effective
I'm feeling a no unless more data is provided
>#9: Require cops to live in or near the areas they police. It's too easy to mistreat strangers.
Sure see response to #1
>#10: Communities of color actually need less policing. Start by decriminalizing addiction and petty offenses.
Communities need the amount of policing correspondant to the level of crime, so no
>#11: American Police must be regularly tested for racial bias
Regularly tested? no. Corrective action should be taken immediatly if it does show up otherwise though
>#12: American Police must be regularly tested and treated for PTSD
I suppose
Some good ideas, but needs work
Where does this privileged CIS white male get off, trying to whitesplain to poc how to fix their communities. Fucking white racists think they know everything baka.
And blacks don't wanna be cops because they'll get shunned by their community.
Those are all fuck tarded feel good ideas. They sound like they came from a high schooler.
and how exactly do you accomplish number 1 when less minorities want to be cops and whites are a majority of applicants?
>Talcum X
>#5: Police must be required to earn 4 year degrees - it changes everything
>#1: Radically diversify America's Police Departments
yes fill the police with spics. they will crack down on those niggers like god's wrath
>Shaun King the transnigger
Opinion discarded.
>50% of all cops need to be wymym
Wew lad
Where is he getting this "MUH cosmetolgy" meme from? I've seen him say this several times.
You know whats worse than niggers?
Whites that act like niggers.
Most of these dumb. How can you diversify the cops, when minorities aren't thrilled to join? Not only that but its illegal to have blacks police blacks and white police whites. The Black cops will sue cause black neighborhoods are more dangerous.
Also lol #8:
>#16: We need to unleash the full power of body cameras
Body cameras actually make cops more likely to shoot dindus because they will have hard evidence of them doin nuffin.
Or asians.
There will be whole neighborhoods of black teens with no hands. It would be great
>#1: Radically diversify America's Police Departments
Ie, turn the police force into a jobs program for derelict and unqualified blacks.
The laughing on that video is infuriating
>#1, #2, #5, #8, #9, #10, #19, #24
Is he actually retarded ? How the fuck would we have enough police ? Who the fuck would want to be a police officer after being 20K+ in student debt ?
>Police must be required to earn 4 year degrees - it changes everything
Big-city police forces are already understaffed, and access to 4 year education is divided by racial and economic lines. Is he retarded?
Yeah I can't think of any stories where police have shot people while wearing a body cam and showed wrong doing even if they kill a nig
The mentally ill, by nature, are unpredictable and violent. If a cop shows up responding to a call about a guy waving a gun around....what is he supposed to do? Let the guy shoot him, and continue shooting other cops because he is crazy? How does a cop showing up in response to a call know whether the guy is waving a gun around, threatening to kill cops whether he is a violent criminal, or mentally ill? And why should it make a difference? Either way, if the cop shoots the guy down, it is a good kill, and will make society just a little better.
This coming from a man who claims Darren Wilson sniped baby Michael Brown with his handgun
>Require police officers to get four year degrees
Nigger, if I was going to get a degree, why the fuck would I want to be a cop? Why wouldn't I do LITERALLY ANYTHING ELSE WITH MY LIFE?
Most blacks are poor, so who's gonna pay to incentivize the job? White people will. And who's going to get those degrees? You think Tajiqualasha Smith is gonna put in the time to get the degree to be a cop when she could make four times as much ignoring old people?
Why would anyone take a dangerous job with crappy pay over a safe job with good pay? Altruism? Of course, it's gonna just be another gibs, right?
In terms of community outreach they are, like in helping find lost people, helping victims of crime, issuing speeding tickets, breath-tests and maybe investigation work.
Mostly because men underestimate them and lower their guards.
However when it comes to a fist fight women cops are fucked. Shaun "Was" King thinks all police work should be just community outreach, where the only community which always needs outreach is the black community, every other community tends to want to help the cops most of the time.
Every woman cop I've ran into was a complete bitch.
She had to act harder than the men.
Less policing for blacks?....... this will not work.
>If a cop shows up responding to a call about a guy waving a gun around....what is he supposed to do? Let the guy shoot him, and continue shooting other cops because he is crazy?
Yes these people want more dead cops. They would always rather see a cop dead than the criminal they were arresting. They want to poison the well. They are acting in bad faith and should be ignored and mocked.
Not to mention that the transnigger Shawn King is himself mentally ill. Disassociative Identity Disorder is real.
Talcum X strikes again.
Like other user says, pay cops more or stop being niggers.
Merrr let niggers be niggers the 25 point plan.
Does this guy even live in a ghetto? Probably not because he would be fucking shot.
He makes the first four reasonable so that you'll agree with him a bit and then moves onto the unreasonable ones knowing that you'll be more inclined to agree with him now that you've already agreed to something else he said.
They have to overutilize early stage police techniques like tone of voice when issuing commands because they are not likely to win in later stages of the use of force continuum, a wrestling match or fistfight.
Excellent! We will have no police under these new rules and KKK will be free to reign again!
fuck this white guilt nigger faggot.
If shit like that becomes the standard, it will be crooks dream come true. While the law has to operate within a strict set of boundry's the criminals do not, and will gain the advantage over a politcally correct police force that has to watch it's toes when policing tldr, dudes dumb as hell.
>#9: Require cops to live in or near the areas they police. It's too easy to mistreat strangers.
Allow niggers to intimidate cops families and regularly kill them if they feel like it..
I am confident that this faggot has some real plumbing issues, that is either a deformed or extremely small pecker.
Yes I know we don't talk muh dick shit here, I haven't bothered with faggots for ages. But this, he sees penises everywhere just about each article has something to do with penises I can go on.
Point is: He reeks of insecurity and need to overcompensate. This is not normal, because a man is confident in him and his body, and muh dick is the most precious we have. So we don't do this.
We had this guy, who was doing this always talking about cocks etc I first though he was a homo, then we shared gym with their class... and yeah lol, poor goy
Most of these are already in place, and the ones that aren't are contradictory:
>Cops need to be more racially diverse
>More women need to be cops
>All cops should have four year degrees
>Decriminalize mental illness
>Stop decriminalizing addiction (A physical and mental illness)
My thoughts? Shaun King is a fucking retarded honky.
missing the point. What might actually do good is to have police forces that reflect their local communities. Hire your officers from there as much as possible. National averages do not reflect on local communities.
Fair point.
Not that bad an idea, though it might already be in place?
Define "bad apple" or else you'll get something very nasty and a lot of self-destructive infighting.
Not really necessary for most of the personnel.
Not a bad point, but misses the real issue (allocations of budgets for counties depending on changes in spending)
not that bad an idea
Intersectionality, yay. See point 1. Also the belief that "women are less violent than men" has no base. Hire people that are able and competent, don't try to fill quotas. THis is especially incompatible with requiring more training for policemen.
See point 1.
Communities of colour will need less policing when they will commit less crimes and while it is true that some minor offenses being criminal offences is a problem (thanks, war on drugs), changing the stats will not make the places any less violent.
You start, let's see your bias about white people.
Also, let's see how you test bias regarding race in a reliable way.
Don't they already have regular medical examinations? BEcause that's part of what these are for.
define "good officer", define "bad cop", tell us how this would not lead to pointless infighting and open the way for vendetta.
Mental illnesses are not criminalized you dipshit.
it pretty much is, and if you disregard every case that uses them positively because it doesn't help you pad your statistics, that's on you.
not necessarly that bad an idea, though it might be better to assign different weaponry depending on the mission. Oh wait, that's already the case.
we get it, you're mad that unprepared cops fuck up. That doesn't mean every case is an imagined threat. Asserting a threat is an important part of a policeman's duty, and that's why the force would benefit from better trained officers. But you don't get to define what is an "imagined threat" is, they do. that's their job.
good luck with that.
And when it happens, you'll be crying about colour-blindness.
what's wrong with written statements?
Don't these already go to court quite often? Don't most of the officers that fuck up end up at least getting dismissed if it is provent that the fault was theirs?
what for?
now that's plain and simple revenge
nice empty statement bruh
Isn't there already a problem recruiting young black men as cops?
>#10: Communities of color actually need less policing. Start by decriminalizing addiction and petty offenses.
Fucking KEK this guy is a bigger joke than we all thought.
All hail Talcum X ! But why does he keep his hair cut so short ? And why is it Social Justice appeal so much to phonies, scam artists and the mentally unstable ?
>Decriminalize mental illness
>Stop decriminalizing addiction (A physical and mental illness)
He wants to decriminalize addiction and mental illness. if Addiction is a mental illness, and he wants to decriminalize it, how is that contradictory.
Stop giving this guy a platform
He's a nobody
It would be impossible to elect more democrats in Baltimore.
>Radically diversify America's Police Departments
this will only result in more violence and cops shooting more people, fyi
the whole list is trash, i hope he gets physically removed
>Mental illnesses are not criminalized you dipshit.
>An estimated 56 percent of state prisoners, 45 percent of federal prisoners, and 64 percent of jail inmates have a mental health problem.
Do you think that mental illness might contribute to criminal behavior?
>And why is it Social Justice appeal so much to phonies, scam artists and the mentally unstable ?
Because it's extremely easy to write some barely coherent bullshit, fill it with buzzword, give it the approved ideological leaning, and people can and will buy into it. It's really not hard to make a career out of being a victim, a profesionnal activist or a pseudo-intellectual. Even worse, it seems to be pretty lucrative.
#2, #7, #12, #25 are valid points that even cops are calling for.
Where are you going to find the money for #16 and #18
#21 isn't legal or ethical by any means
#24 will just cause more problems.
The rest isnt worth my attention.
>Take women from 12% of police to 50% of police - they are more professional, less brutal, and just as effective
one of the rare pics where he forgot to flare his nostrils
>Take women from 12% of police to 50% of police - they are more professional, less brutal, and just as effective
>more professional, less brutal, just as effective
>just as effective
>more professional.
Oops. Misread that one so that's my bad.
Still the decriminlizing petty crimes is essentially ending Broken Windows Policing, which was proven to be effective in New York.
Exactly, it might contribute.
That's why you should be careful with your wording here. Mental illness is not a criminal offense, but if left without treatment, help or proper framing, it can lead to criminal behavior.
#1: Radically diversify America's black colleges and neghborhoods
#2: Require American poor blacks to have more training than cosmetologists
#3: welfare blacks must be routinely and randomly tested for steroids and other illegal drugs
#4: Bad Apples MUST Be put in jail- they are toxic and dangerous
#5: blacks must be required to earn 4 year degrees - it changes everything
#6: selling drugs for profit must become a banned practice. A profit motive must never value of the family structure and morals.
#7: We must overhaul black entitlement- particularly for calls made about the mentally ill. It is the rotary phone of emergency services.
#8: Take women from 12% of kids without wedlock to 50% of married - they are more professional, less brutal, and just as effective
#9: Require blacks to live in or near the areas they terrorize. It's too easy to mistreat strangers.
#10: Communities of color actually need more policing. Start by putting blacks to work and going to school
#11: American blacks must be regularly tested for racial bias
#12: American blacksmust be regularly tested and treated for PTSD
Or, you know, ban guns.
No niggers with guns, no overreacting cops.
Find a flaw.
>Otherwise, just stop being niggers.
This is the only solution. This is all that needs to be said.
Its best you guys let the Niggers segregate themselves and police and govern themselves in their black paradise. Soon enough, it will be paradise lost and they will cry for the white man.
basically beauty school is the only college the sheboons he hangs around have ever attended and it took them all six years to complete so to the dumb nigger mind they have more educashun than cops who only have two year degrees or just the police academy. because it's not like cops have to learn and remember shitloads of codes and regulations or anything.
Actually agree with #12
Things that blacks should do to ensure they don't get shot by cops:
>Literally nothing because everything blacks do is perfectly reasonable and will not at all put a cop on edge. Only cops are at fault because...
This is why I can never take these fucks seriously. Cops need work, sure. There is always room for improvement; there is always that one life that could have been saved if the cop had had better training. But it's a two way street. Don't sit there and write up a "plan" of how things could be better without taking your own actions into account as well.
Cops aren't going to shoot you just because you're black. They're going to shoot you because your a violent black that is resisting arrest for a crime you were just reported of committing, or because your threatening to kill someone with the handgun in your pocket. Until these fucks can look the mirror and realize that they need to speak the truth about their own community there's going to be no end the "evil, racist cop" cliche. Sadly, I don't see that happening any time soon because of the complete lack backbone that modern black leaders have. It's all about shifting blame and pinning their own problems on someone else cuz wazcysm.
>We gotta start recruiting them black women to be polices!
Men are more physically able to take high stress and dangerous work. It's typical feminist (((theory))) to say otherwise.
james boyd. white homeless man in new mexico. the officers had helmet cams and it didn't slow them down one bit. their trial starts next week.
When you look at Shaun next to actually black people like in your pic related, you truly see just how white he is. I mean, this motherfuckers excuse for why he consider's himself black even though both his parents are white is literally "My mother is a whore, she obviously cucked my dad". Fucking pathetic.
>Cops aren't going to shoot you just because you're black
but muh narrative
muh black lives
what's next, you're going to tell us that most perpetuators of recent acts of police brutality were actually black cops?
He thinks that keeping it cut short makes it look more like negro hair. Just like he thinks that the crappy little caterpillars on his chin and upper lip make him look black. He fools no one except himself.
>White man thinks he knows what good for minorities
Why is this always the case
>i'm pretending to be a nigger please listen to me
>Talcum X
the job fuckign sucks. the onyl people that are doing it are people that cant do anything else.
Or, ban niggers. We have a constitutional right to own guns. There is no constitutional right to niggers. WE THE PEOPLE created the government as a servant. The servant should never presume to tell the master what he may or may not own. If the servant tries...it is time to dismiss him. With gunfire, if necessary.
Steroids aren't illegal unless you play league sports
Out of that list, only #2,3,4,6,16,21,22,23 are reasonable.
#7 would make sense to cut down on the number of idiots who call 911 for dumb shit,but not for what he intends (preventing people from reporting suspected criminal behavior)
#12 needs further evidence that PTSD is really a problem with all cops
#13 is subjective on what actually is considered bad policing
Rest are utter garbage as expected from some self-loathing white guy wearing blackface makeup.
#13: Why we must take bad laws on blacks having multiple kids and sucking up welfare all the way to the Supreme Court
#14: Good blacks must actually speak out on bad niggers
#15: We must decriminalize mental illness justified shootings on niggers breaking and entering
#16: We need to unleash the full power of active policing in nigger hot spots. I E oakland and chicago
#17: blacks must create and enforce reasonable new use of force standards on their own community
#18: niggers must always carry 3 forms of identification
#19: niggers must be banned from using violence based on their imagination of a threat
#20: blacks in America must ban racial profiling
#21: blacks must be immediately filmed making a statement after each use of force incident
#22: Independent review boards must oversee investigations of police misconductblack on black crime
#23: nigger misconduct cases must be tried by special/independent prosecutors
#24: blacks which fail to obey the law should be cut off from all federal funding.
#25: We must focus our fight against black brutality on the local and state level
The only thing I think that would actually make a difference is make patrol cops not carry guns. SWAT and high impact teams still would. But it's not even mentioned here.
Not my original comment it isn't mine, i am not a copyfag from feggit. But Ahem. I believe that man is. *Cough* "Talcum X."