>Sweden is too shitty now
so you're gonna fuck up Iceland too?
stay in your cesspit, roach.
Zero. Afaik they don't even import meat from mainland, let alone alive roaches.
Thanks for correcting the record Daquan Ramirez
actual immigration paralegal here
if you can get a visa to the US and can make up a good story, you can get asylum here (for now). as long as you can keep paying several grand a year to a nice jew lawyer, you can stay here and renew your work authorization every year, work, start a business, don't break any laws, you'll be fine. asylum cases are backed up for years and if your country is a shithole it's ridiculously easy to demonstrate reasonable fear of persecution.
Is turkey seen as a shithole ?
fucking duh ahmad
Why are you seeking for asylum? Your country is great and I am sure you have everything you need there to be happy.
Leaving your country means living your friends, family and culture to end up in a place where you will probably not feelAsylum is not a dream, unless you are dangerously discriminated in your country.
Do you have corrupt police/state officials that have accused/fined/extorted/imprisoned you over some bullshit? Do people pick fights with you because of your politics/ethnicity/religion/sexual identity? Are you targeted by radicals/gang members because you're one of the nice quiet good ones who loves western culture? The criteria for asylum is demonstrating that you fear being targeted because you are part of a "specific demographic group", if you a clever enough you can define it however you want. Just make sure to have any kind of official documents (police reports/notices, medical charts of your injuries, etc.) that supports your claim and you can sit around for years waiting for your case to get through the courts. Unless you commit a crime here, the worst you can get is a PD.
computer says no.
an Iranian who was sentenced to death for converting to Christianity was refused an asylum
Whatever you do, make sure your lawyer is not (too) shifty and don't let them make up a story for you because then the courts will catch you when you slip up with some details.