In 1960, Detroit had the largest per capita income in the US

>In 1960, Detroit had the largest per capita income in the US.

What happened Sup Forums?

Democrats and niggers.

Cucks and nogs.


City run by democrats for the last 50 years. Went from the richest, to bankrupt. Also became the murder capital of the world.

Detroit was one of the Top 5 biggest American cities (along with NYC, Philly, Chicago, and LA) for the majority of the 20th century. Its fall is what happens when industry falls, made worse by the fact that the industry in Detroit was pretty much only cars.

The Alt-Right ruined Detroit.


Also this. Boston has been Democrat-controlled since 1930, but has no blacks, and is pretty based. Atlanta has blacks, but has historically alternated between parties, and is okay.

>What happened Sup Forums?


It's global warming.


more nigs less whites
more welfare less factory jobs
more dems less repubs
more nigglets less beautiful white children

Change in industry trends, USA's manufacturing sector is utterly alien from the 1960's, especially in regards to auto manufac, which is what detroit was practically built on.

The automotive industry shat itself.
>used to have high income because at the time factory work was paying more than farming and office jobs were not that common
>time passes, tertiary sector grows, so do the salaries you get from them while primary and secondary sectors stagnate
>they grow furether and furether to the point that wages have remained similar for factory workers despite inflation, while white collar workers, now much more common, also make considerably more money
>and then the industry dies

The industry failing is revisionist history

Truth is Niggers rioted in 67 & scared the Whites off, RIP Detroit

The whites who still live in Detroit can tell you the same story that white folks in my home state will tell you. Wherever 'they' take over, 'they' will ruin it. My home state is essentially the city of Detroit having gone statewide.


On top of niggers + democrats

Unions drove wages for factory workers through the roof and at a certain point it's just "fuck you we are outsourcing all our jobs because it's cheaper"
Easy as that


Japanese automobiles happened.
Then Korean automobiles happened.
Then Chinese automobiles happened.

This, when they teach about the civil rights movement, they leave out that when MLK got killed blacks rioted in major cities across the country for about a week. They basically undid all the "progress" he made and accelerated white flight.