What do you want in your President?

One takes bribes and the other gives bribes.
What is better?

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Well 1 is Alpha, the other is Beta...but both are pretty shit

Who is alpha?

the person demanding the bribes is alpha, the one paying them for favors from more powerful people is beta

One can't stand 75 degree weather in New York and the other felt just fine today.

I'm talking about bribes though.

Both need to release their full medical records since both are overweight 70 years olds.

I want to know what's better, the bribe giver or the bribe taker?

one is a draft dodger but thats not what the topic is about.
No one is defending Clinton in this thread, only you are deflecting criticisms of Trump thats not even a real criticism.

He needs to release his tax returns and she needs to release her GS transcripts also but it won't happen. They both know their followers will vote for them no matter what and thats what they count on.

Obviously, but their supporters just say "What about ______" and deflect everytime a valid criticism is brought against one of the candidates.

Unironically Trump, I want the world to go to a better direction and Trump seem like the logical answer.