Your waifu gives you this card

>your waifu gives you this card

what do?

Pollinate her flower

Wake up.

A stunning portrayal of George Washington.

Call her plain and watch her devolve into an exestential crisis. Feel bad about it later.

Rush over to Target and scramble through the Greeting Cards section to find an even cheesier card to gift her.

>Waifu acknowledges me and even gives me a card

Sigh and accept defeat.

Give a faint smile and thank her.

>girl says outright that she just wants to be friends
>Sup Forums doesn't take the hint

Dude, I know that she said she wants to BEE friends, that's why I'm rummaging through the kiosk to find a cheesier friendship card that has a worse pun.

when you're autistic, never had a conversation, and only met her once, a card out of the blue is an amazing sign.

I take this coaster out of my pocket and then remember that nothing of value was lost.

>has a waifu
>doesn't have anything in common
>purely physical
Normalfags get OUT

that's a good start!! if we can't bee friends how can we ever bee more?

I don't think you understand how this works, user.

Bring her to school on time, since she's apparently 10.

Whisper in her ear "It´s hip to fuck bees."

It's hip to fuck bees

I think -you- don't
I think society at large doesn't
I think this is why romance is dying

Probably because a lot of "waifus" have no personality, so they project their own.

>bothering to waifu generic trash
Flavour of the month isn't waifu. Sup Forums needs to be rinsed out.

If you're considered just a friend, it means that you've failed to live up to their standards and your genetic material has been deemed worthless.

>one waifu is scary goth that fantasizes about dying
>one waifu is a stuck-up alien woman that only tolerates humans
>one waifu is a mad witch that loves fucking with people

I already knew this, napkin.

it's sad that you think that

>multiple waifu
Kill yourself slowly

The truth is often sad.

You gotta court multiple people before you become exclusive. This weird thing where you're instantly exclusive with everyone you show attention to is really messed up, and it's causing problems

>fictional characters
>causing problems
I really don't think you're doing this right

He's pretty right as soon as you're seen as a friend you're pretty much stuck there

Can't ever become friends with a girl you wanna fuck she has to see you as like sexy and exciting and stuff

uh, we're not.. we're not talking about.. have you been following the conversation?

>not having a harem of fictional characters
even in your fantasies you are but a beta

Friendship can become love. Love, however, can never return to simple friendship.

which she can see best while spending time with you, whcih she would only do if you were friends
unless she's a whore
or mentally ill or something. which most women are

What conversation you shit cunt. You responded to someone adressing the OP- the OP about waifus.
Fucking hell

More than one waifu and you should end your laifu, friend.
>so beta he has to fantasise about harems exclusively

I've seen it happen. but it's rare.
and just to point out, logically, if you ever break up, you were never really in love. love is eternal

>if you ever break up, you were never really in love. love is eternal
>Implying I'm still not in love with my ex
>Implying she is still not in love with me
Sometimes to care is to let go, user.

You're one dumb mother fucker. By what definition is love eternal? Your own operalisation? Most people would agree love covers a range of domains and degrees. It has never been exclusively eternal, no matter how bad that makes you feel about your last break up.

What if the person you fell in love with gradually turned into someone else?

Drink until I finally work up the guts to bust out the Winchester Model 1300 and pull the trigger with my toe

What can I say?
I'm a man of varying tastes.

Same way I did it IRL.
Approach her and confess my true feelings.
Hopefully I won't have to remove myself from her life the entirely, same way I did with my HS sweetheart IRL.

>not a train love card

No fucking way she's my waifu anymore until she choo-choo-chooses me.

>space dandy
Are you sure you didn't mean man of shit tastes

I smell a blog post on the wind. Regail me.

This some Sure Storm confessions?

Having more than one waifu will destroy your laifu!

Just a big spoiler for something you should read.

You're wife is supposed to be your best friend. Even Ratboygenius knows that.


Ugh Alan Moore and Frank Miller were right. They're ALL whores. Just rape them.

There's no blog post, mate.
In truth I made this up. I never had a "high school sweetheart" or even a close friend. You know the funniest bit? I could have those, if I'd only pit in the smallest amount of minimal effort. There was not a single night my mind wouldn't drift towards the decisions that made me into who I am and there was never a single fraction of a second that I wouldn't regret it.

i don't speak gook.

But that's wrong. You just can't be a boring friend. Chicks constantly cycle through wanting to fuck their interesting guy friends.
If you're fun and aloof rather than an emotional condom or 'brother' role then it's all aces.

I was making a joke.

I created her and she would never give me a card like that.

Would probably give me a Gardening for Dummies Book out of misguided love

Oh, sorry. I don't read much capes.