Watched this motherfucker's video on Hillary's health a month ago

>Watched this motherfucker's video on Hillary's health a month ago
>Even though I hate the bitch thought it was pathetic desperate shit because Trump was trailing by 10 points
>He was actually bang on

Is Alex Jones on another level hiring this guy?
Is he actually a genius and not crazy like everyone says he is?
I've hardly ever been more impressed by any single prediction.

Fucking hell.

Other urls found in this thread:

welcome to the world newfag

>Is Alex Jones on another level hiring this guy?
It's the only sensible thing that he's ever done.

PJW trails behind Sup Forums but I'm pretty sure he browses occasionally. He wrote an article about Nickelodeon pushing cucking with Bella and the Bulldogs. He definitely got that from Sup Forums

But Hillarys problems were obvious.
I mean at the very least the fact the clot did some real damage was, it got worse and more obvious in a span of couple of weeks just proves it isn't anything minor

You're just an idiot. Her being a walking corpse has been obvious for sometime

It was fucking obvious, how stupid must you be?

you are braindead for not believing him

Health conspiracy wasn't even outlandish. She's an old woman, she has a history of blood clots and possible stroke. She looked sickly. They had concerns over McCain's health but if you brought it up about Hillary apparently it was far right propaganda. I don't fall for Infowars bullshit ever but this one was pretty clear cut.

Why did you call him a cuckold in the file name?

If he's such a genius, then why does he come of as a total retard?

>pic related

Yeah, it's obviously the same angle but flipped and slightly zoomed. He fucked up. But there's idiots on here who think it's a different angle as well, I even had to make this to prove them wrong. Pretty sad that Sup Forums attracts these sorts.

PJW is hit and miss in my eyes. I like a lot of the stuff he says, but I think that a lot of his popularity is just due to the shtick of being British and sounding authoritative.

Sick old woman.

Margaret Thatcher was PM from when she was 54-65.

When a woman gets to around 70 and if they're not skinny as fuck like Joan Rivers they turn to shit so quick. My mum is about this age, she was nice like Hillary was in her youth but now she's on a cocktail of drugs and she's a mess.

Bit of a fuck up with the video, but he's right about how the handle it differently if it was trump

Another example of his excellent "journalism"

[spoiler]the tweet is a paid tweet and shows up on the timeline of selected people[/spoiler]

InfoWars is about 70/30 in favour of news coverage against clickbait. Stuff like this is clickbait and will always undermine the times they cover things that deserve the coverage. It's a shame really but they need the ad revenue I guess.

It's not even clickbait m8. He is either too stupid to realize it or deliberately lying about it. I'm not sure what is worse.

And for OP's video, it is painfully obvious for anyone with the slightest medical knowledge he's got no clue what he's talking about.

Alex always says PJW is his best guy

Nice shilling your channel. Any faggot that uses his middle name in a sad attempt to "distinguish" himself when working for a fat fucking dis-info shill like fat man Jones is just cringe-worthy.

Also, you just steal headlines from Sup Forums and read them.


>Is Alex Jones on another level hiring this guy?
yeah -- the 'fling enough shit and some will stick' level

>drumpf fund raising
>running "self-funded"
>...for the people

watson is better than jones because he is serious and does not use buzzwords and memes while he makes a point. i love alex because he is entertaining but hardly taken serioulsy eventho he is right on half the things he says.

watson stays calm and collected. he is ace.

[pol] is meming her to death. PJW is simply reading the threads and reporting. Anyone could do that.

Infowars is shit

At least they're more accurate than most mainstream media

exactly what i was thinking. this prediction wasn't crazy wild speculation - it was pretty obvious.