In the first movie he was a fucking jackass who had no idea what he was doing

In the first movie he was a fucking jackass who had no idea what he was doing

Then he gets "reborn" and suddenly knows exactly what where and how to do it to defeat Sauron, whether it's mobilizing Rohan or saving Gondor

What is this fucking shit? There is no development for this at all, he just turns into a leader out of nowhere. He was a sap as greybeard.

>Gandalf?.....yes..Gandalf the Grey. That was my name
he isn't the same when he returns, you mongoloid.

He goes to heaven and Jesus tells him what to do obviously.

he got sent back and he came back refurbished

Don't give me that "hurr he was the white now so of course he knew what to do" bullshit.

That's the laziest writing ever. Fuck Tolkien for his magical angel creature who bails out middle earth after dying cause hurrr someone's gotta do it.

Such shitty, shitty writing.

How is this not criticized more openly? It's a deus ex machina of the highest order.

but that is what it is. He was always a Maiar and was on Middle Earth for a purpose. Its a typical good vs evil story, what do you expect

wasnt it grey gandalf who called for the rivendell council in the 1st place?

or the one who went to find bilbo and his ring?

and im pretty sure he went to find aragorn himself too

stupid OP

>wasnt it grey gandalf who called for the rivendell council in the 1st place?
Not really, it was the council of Elrond
>or the one who went to find bilbo and his ring?
No, as he said, it was under his nose for DECADES and he could not see it. He found out by complete accident.
>and im pretty sure he went to find aragorn himself too
He was literally told to find him

>He was a sap as greybeard.
brainlet detected. You mistake him being relaxed and goofy when he's in the Shire with his entire personality as the Grey.

None of them had any real idea what they were doing. The entire idea was that they had to take the most difficult and unlikely path and hope that the greater powers of the world would help. Whether grey or white, Gandalf understood this better than anybody else. As the grey, he lacked the proper authority to be a direct mover or shaker, but as the white, he was granted a sort of psychological authority, a strength of will.

Not that difficult to grasp.

>white is the best colour

what did tolkien mean by this?

>saruman became "of many colors" because he thought it was better than white
>turns out white was stronger in the end
What did J. R. R. "One-man Holocaust" Tolkien mean by this?

>Elves (God's literal chosen people) royally fuck everything up
>Men (white men more specifically) are left to bring order and defeat evil
It was pottery


>deus ex machina of the highest order.

No, it's literally divine intervention by order of the Highest.

Light versus darkness, not Aryans versus Africans.
That's clear when Saruman mistakes white as bland and powerless and creates a coat that has every colour in it to represent that he's chief wizard.
Gandalf corrects him that he broke his colour scheme with the change.

>a mono-ethno culture is stronger than a diverse culture

mah boi tolkien be dropping them red pills

Tolkien logically and accurately followed the predilections and expectations of the Ainur and co.

you're just a pleb

his plan in the first movie was to have the ring destroyed in mount doom, which he accomplished

Tolkien is full of holes.
You don't read/watch it for the plot, but rather for the mythos.
He was shit at writing but excellent at worldbuilng.

he didn`t just become whit the true saruman his true spirit
the saruman who we seehas lost touch with his former self
you even notice that saruman begins to have grey clothes as gandalf becomes white

"he didn`t just become white, he become the true--"

>He found out by complete accident.

He was always suspicious about the ring.

Didn't he have a little chat with Eru Iluvatar aka God when he was up in heaven? Gandalf got his orders updated from the big guy personally, OP you are a faggot and need to pay attention to the film

Fuuck, Varg was right all along and i didn't listen.

Yes, he did. Of all the Maiar, Gandalf was the most afraid and unwilling to complete his task. But Illuvatar gave him a pep talk and sent him on his way.

is there anything else like Tolkien or Dark souls, like fantasy stories that feels like biblical epics, you know with creation stories and fleshed out lore?

>Dark Souls
>fleshed out lore
>whatamireading.png (199 MB, 6500x4000)

>spot the brainlet

Oh shit, you were being serious
I'm so sorry, you life must be very tragic

>all world building must be in text
>hurr what is visual and environment design

not him, but DS series is peppered with enough details that make the world seem ancient and real and with absolutely tragic characters

without going into autistic details like taxes and mode of government

Neat visual and environmental design =/= fleshed out lore

i like lotr

but you didnt read it

are you mad that /got/ got banned?

he quit smoking weed and became less lazy

Because it doesn't offend my sensibilities. I'm sorry that you are upset.

Morrowind, and Dune to an extent

/got/ got banned?
Fuck, I didn't realized

all generals should be banned they're reddit cancer hives

>It's a deus ex machina of the highest order.
The ghosts are the Dude Sex Machina, not Gandalf becoming The White

>No, as he said, it was under his nose for DECADES and he could not see it. He found out by complete accident.

>started to see small negative effects on bilbo's personality up to his sperg out before giving it up
>at first he thought it was one of the lesser rings that were unnacounted for
>then spent literally years chasing down every piece of info and lore on rings to try to place it and make sure bilbo would be alright
>eventually come across Isildur's account of the ring, still hopes it's not but test in fire as Isildur described (this was not common knowledge)
>well fuck me the one ring

yes, he found out by complete accident.

>he becomes white
>now he is more powerful,wise and handsome.
what Tolkien meant by this?

>the "I never read the silmarillion." starter post

>He was shit at writing
Nah you're wrong
>Through Rohan over fen and field where the long grass grows
>The West Wind goes walking, and about the walls it goes.
>What news from the West, oh wandering wind, do you bring to me tonight?
>Have you seen Boromir the Tall by moon or by starlight?
>‘I saw him ride over seven streams, over waters wide and grey;
>I saw him walk in empty lands, until he passed away
>Into the shadows of the North. I saw him then no more.
>The North Wind may have heard the horn of the son of Denethor.’
>Oh, Boromir! From the high walls westward I looked afar.
>But you came not from the empty lands where no men are.

>From the mouth of the sea the South Wind flies,
>From the sand hills and the stones;
>The wailing of the gulls it bears, and at the gate it moans
>What news from the South, oh sighing wind, do you bring to me at eve?
>Where now is Boromir the Fair? He tarries and I grieve.
>‘Ask me not where he doth dwell--so many bones there lie
>On the white shores and on the black shores under the stormy sky;
>So many have passed down Anduin to find the flowing sea.
>Ask of the North Wind news of them the North Wind sends to me!’
>Oh Boromir! Beyond the gate the Seaward road runs South,
>But you came not with the wailing gulls from the grey seas mouth.

>From the Gate of Kings the North Wind rides,
>And past the roaring falls
>And loud and cold about the Tower its loud horn calls.
>What news from the North, oh mighty wind, do you bring to me today?
>What news of Boromir the Bold? For he is long away.
>‘Beneath Amon Hen I heard his cry. There many foes he fought
>His cloven shield, his broken sword, they to the water brought.
>His head so proud, his face so fair, his limbs they laid to rest;
>And Rauros, Golden Rauros Falls, bore him upon its breast.’
>Oh Boromir! The Tower of Guard shall ever northward gaze
>To Rauros, Golden Rauros Falls until the end of days.”

Obligatory Galadriel feet post

A literal meeting with God can do that to you.

'They will look for him from the White Tower, but he will not return from mountain or from sea.'

>t. angry /got/ babby