You can’t go from a $2...

>you can’t go from a $2,000-a-night suite at La Mirage to a penitentiary and really understand it and come out a liberal.”

Until Marvel tells you to campaign for Hillary. Unless he meant that he's further to the left than liberals, and we've misinterpreted it all along.

What did he mean by that?

that humans naturally revert to tribalism when stripped of modern luxuries, I think.

He joined the Aryan Brotherhood.

Liberals only are so because they're sheltered and decadent

This is the question. He doesn't like talking about now, but it was a big statement.

I got to say, I miss the sober-but-still-interesting Downey Jr. who did movies like A Scanner Darkly and Zodiac.

Who was in the wrong here?

He'd probably been shocked by the discovery that criminals often express relatively conservative-sounding worldviews, and took that to mean that conservatism was the truth and liberalism was a delusion or lie peddled by people with vested interests. In fact, he should have considered how rarely criminals have any cause to analyse their actions in any terms but those of need - of course if you ask them "why?" they'll give you the easiest bullshit reasoning that comes to their mouths, and it'll sound conservative because in a capitalist society conservative-sounding arguments close discussions.

Nobody, though I have more sympathy for a current affairs journalist being forced to do an entertainment reporter's job than I do for a chickenshit Republican who wants to be everyone's buddy now he's rich and establishment-aligned.

prison redpilled him

>RDJ with a shaved head
That I'd pay to see, shame he'd never be willing to sacrifice the height

Oh, and also, he realized that he wouldn't be able to hack life without privilege - before things got that bad, part of him must have thought he'd rather have heroin than be a movie star.

Liberals care more about petty issues instead of the people actually suffering.

He means that systemic incarceration of poor people over drug offences, to generate profit through privately owned prisons, doesn't matter to him because he can afford to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on lawyers and serve relatively minimal sentences in nice places due to his fame and wealth.

While promoting his new movie Suburbicon in a chat with The Daily Beast, Clooney was asked to weigh in on some political issues, particularly since the film deals with race relations. Towards the end of the interview, the Oscar winner and activist rants about Trump vilifying Hollywood while he’s a Hollywood elitist himself.“This idea that I’m somehow the ‘Hollywood elite’ and this guy who takes a sh*t in a gold toilet is somehow the man of the people is laughable,” Clooney complains. He goes on
>“People in Hollywood, for the most part, are people from the Midwest who moved to Hollywood to have a career. So this idea of “coastal elites” living in a bubble is ridiculous. Who lives in a bigger bubble? He lives in a gold tower and has twelve people in his company. He doesn’t run a corporation of hundreds of thousands of people he employs and takes care of.He ran a company of twelve people! When you direct a film you have seven different unions all wanting different things, you have to find consensus with all of them, and you have to get them moving in the same direction. He’s never had to do any of that kind of stuff. I just look at it and I laugh when I see him say ‘Hollywood elite.’ Hollywood elite? I don’t have a star on Hollywood Boulevard. Donald Trump has a star on Hollywood Boulevard! F*ck you!
>Elsewhere in the piece, Clooney rips Trump for how he handled the Charlottesville protests and for his stance on the Confederate flag. And, as reported earlier this month in a preview excerpt, the actor also declares, “Steve Bannon is a p*ssy. Steve Bannon is a little wannabe writer who would do anything in the world to have had a script made in Hollywood.He wrote one of the worst scripts I’ve ever read.” He adds, “Here’s the truth: If Steve Bannon had Hollywood say, ‘Oh, this is really great, and a really good script,’ and had they made his movie, he’d still be in Hollywood writing his f*ckin’ movies and kissing my ass to be in one of his f*ckin’ films! That’s who he is


no respect for RDJ after that shill video regardless of what he says. he took literal blood money


prison or at least bad neighborhoods should be mandatory for celebrities

He had to deal with niggers and became redpilled. Also mel was the first person to give him a job after his ordeal, despite being a kike, robert "down here" jr is still grateful and loyal to him

He's not wrong in his assesment that Trump is an overprivileged, rich yuppie who's about as far removed from the problems of regular people as he's from understanding politics but he's wrong in thinking he himself is any different. I like Clooney as an actor and I'm sure he's not a bad person but he does not represent the political left authentically and he should stop trying. If he gave even a fraction of his money to a good cause and kept quiet about it he'd be doing more for the cause.

Reality is rough.

Took rose-tinted glasses off.
Making scarcity more directly felt.
More numerous and more dangerous threats around.
Seeing how petty many "good feelings" are and how "bad feelings" are often wiser.
Also prolonged interaction with the average nigger.