ITT : Hilloli general (thread 2)

Thanks mods for letting us do this. The final product wont disappoint.

Other urls found in this thread:

I'm more and more convinced that Sup Forums is home to the final remnants of the spirit of old Sup Forums.

Skelebro, please put a wetspot on the panties

>not the "some girls are born to breed" cover

yo momma so fat she died

Those glasses should have a Fresnel prism lens.


Its still a work in progress. Also, like i said in the last thread Maldraw if you actually do make a hentai, please make a huge gangbang at the end with all the characters but as shotas and lolis. Like just one Sausage Party tier Sup Forums orgy

>*carson fucking hilloli, cums. she slumps off him*
>Hilloli : "That all you got? I'm no ways tired"
>Carson : "Well I sure am"
>*he passes out. next panel is christie and rand*
>Rand : "Get a condom you fat fuck!"
>Trump : "Thought you liked crispy creme? Make his anal walls great again!"

Reposting because it still makes me smile:
>Shillery Cliton meets Big Dong Dan and Dan records a video of him giving Shillery multiple asiago faces and sends it to her dad Shiros where he watches it alongside her boyfriend Billy. Shiros cries bitter tears of rage and Billy can only smile and nod as he sends a text to his side bitch Bobica Lewdinski.

If Hillary DOES get replaced and especially when Trump wins add onto that so it's a super NTRing and I usually hate the shit, but it is beyond appropriate here.

Where else could they go ? present day Sup Forums is pretty much only people jerking off to reposted content that doesnt belong anywhere else all day long , no wonder the oldfags naturally turned into Sup Forumsacks while the rest of Sup Forums slowly descended into non stop circlejerks and daily X degenerate type of porn threads.