g-guys i landed in white plains by private jet this morning and i saw hillary's plane and performed a series of mental hexes on her
>envisioned i was her dedicated raid healer and i simply decided to stop healing her >envisioned her insides turning black and wet >turned my camo trump hat backwards and said "kek" out loud >envisioned her shocked, crying on the airplane after a trump victory >envisioned trip 6's
I prayed to kek last night for the first time ever, and she collapsed a few hours later
There really is something happening brother
Gavin Gonzalez
holy shit my sides
Levi Russell
WoW is shit
Joseph Johnson
seriously though, this is why religion is still a thing.
>pray every day >nothing happens >your life is utter shit >one day find a dollar on the ground >PRAISE DA LAWD
Gabriel Young
Why would she land in Westchester?
Cooper White
holy kek
Cooper Murphy
Former Purchase student here Chappaqua/New Castle is about 5, 10 minutes from the airport, 20 miles North of Manhattan. Westchester Airport is also like back door into NYC.
Juan Ward
i can't answer that but i can tell you that when i flew out of white plains on friday evening her plane was there
Matthew Bell
Are you a Westchester native OP?
Aiden Bailey
you supreme autist
David Hughes
i drove past purchase on the way home
the whole area is very comfy and outrageously wealthy even by my standards
no fairfield county, ct
Mason Adams
Jews try for one thousand years to get the Lords attention even bringing up shitty Jew Books in His honor and worship a chicken demon. Nothing happens. An online website of Anime Occultists discovers Lord Kek. They pray and get digits for Kek. It works.
>rides and attractions >non-stop action >shows, animals, fireworks too >about the most fun thing you can do
Matthew Gomez
>Flag has blue in the top right >American brand autism triggered
the fuck is that flag on her plane doing the blue stars are always on the top left even if your hanging it down or whatever it's the little things.
Alexander Jones
Anons are more and have better channels.
Jews are a thing of the past, they havent kept up to date.
Even the most skilled secret service spook with top level clearance lacks the knowledge of memes the average chan browser has.
Kevin Brown
>tfw niggers ruined this country I also went to Purchase. What did you study?
Asher Powell
Then envision me some dubs, smart guy.
Joshua Robinson
she's either going to fly westchester or teterboro
westchester gets less traffic iirc
Parker Taylor
bullshit you ain't 845. post a timestamp nigga
Aiden Watson
Jose Walker
her 737 is too heavy for teterboro
the moar you know
Ayden Thomas
The blue is towards the direction the person or vehicle is moving. Imagine we're still in the 18th century and you're marching with a flag guidon in the direction you're about to fuck some limeys up. That's how the flag moves, blue advancing
Luis Gutierrez
Not him, but I can read posts numbers and ID´s just like tarot cards and hands your post tells me that you will die with an overdose of shitposting in no more that a decade, but you will be able to catch a 8 digits get before that F
Camden Price
You, sir, are a grade A doofus.
Luis Nelson
Well I already got those trip 6's for you.
Enjoy them, friend. They're free of charge.
Lucas Cox
Noah Miller
You have obviously never tried magick for real. It's OK, we will welcome you if you ever do.
Mason Rivera
John Sullivan
Oh shit
Ayden Jones
Sebastian Johnson
History. It's a good school despite all the SJWs. I'm finishing up my MA in the city.
Ryder Martinez
anyone who is taking the kek stuff even remotely seriously should read this
Yeah. Unironically, White Plains has some really nasty streets that are fringing on Detroit. Trump putting in luxury apartments revitalized the downtown area, though.
Kayden Hughes
look at the flag on a US military uniform some time, dumbass
Jordan Adams
I have famalam up there, that whole stretch of northern NY/southern CT is where NYC execs/bankers/lawyers move once they shit out children and can't stand the city any more. It's nice, but very expensive