Is anyone else legitimately fucking sick of these idiots? Not even in a Sup Forums banter kind of way.
They literally contribute nothing except childish attempts at shitposting. It's like trying to discuss politics with a bunch of 8 year olds.
Is anyone else legitimately fucking sick of these idiots? Not even in a Sup Forums banter kind of way.
They literally contribute nothing except childish attempts at shitposting. It's like trying to discuss politics with a bunch of 8 year olds.
Ausie knows what's up. It's less 'politically' and more 'incorrect'.
Romanians are almost as bad.
Is it the Quebecs?
I hope so, it pains me to think it's the Anglo-Canadians doing it.
dont be mean to our leaves :^(
hahaha are u mad or something lol this isn't "le safe space" tumbler faggot lmao gtfo my board if you can't handle the heat
Holy shit, what are the chances
Agreed, at least Germans attempt to sound intelligent.
with leafs it's literally the shitpost equivalent of a violent diarrhea
I'm so sorry.
I want out, I really do, but not until after the election.
Fuck you mate, I'm 9
Didgeridoo my nuts
stfu you childish freak everyone but me gotta learn