>these are the most attractive women in america
american genetics ladies and gentlemen
what went wrong?
>these are the most attractive women in america
american genetics ladies and gentlemen
what went wrong?
Third from top is god tier, kill yourself
Maybe next time post their entire body you fairy
That's pathetic tbqh senpai. Now I see why all of you are faggots
These contests are based on how well they mimic intellegent people, they can't judge on beauty anymore 'cause sexism.
Are all of them like +40? This shit is just done to make cat ladies not kill themselves
the only decent one is dark blue far left. all the others are manure tier.
>implying grading women on intelligence isnt sexist AF
>that token ape
They're probably all like 25 - 28. American women age like DOG SHIT. Turns out that binge drinking and caking your face in make up every single day since 14 is not good for your skin.