white people come on...
White people come on
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Racist cunt
Just ignore them. They're sick in the head and want attention.
We still remember the Alamo, Battle of Thermopylae, WW1, WW2, Vietnam, and even Jesus. There's no reason we can't remember 9/11.
>doesn't give a fuck about 9/11 because sees anything not explicitly black as white
so pretty much she's a fucking traitor and deserves to be shot
black people can't be racist... please check your privilege
>911 was 15 years ago can we move on
>slavery was 150 years ago lets not forget
slavery was 200 years ago can we just move on
Blacks are so anti-American its not even funny. There are immigrants who've been in this country for a week who have more patriotism than niggers
muh slavery
The ironing
Maybe the USA would play the victim less if it wasn't infested with assholes who play the victim at the drop of a hat.
You literally can't tell someone that your name is Hugh Mungus without some dumb bitch yelling SEXUAL ASSAULT.
Can anyone confirm this is real?
I'll be damned if this isn't bait
I'd actually be okay with this if we could also move on from slavery, segregation, and all the other things liberals get buttmad about.
sad but true.
Fuck you
someone throw a bag of attention on this hooker so we can all move on
awww is the mayonaise boy triggered?
She's right, victimhood is endemic in the states, but niggers are the worst offenders
Please fucking find that bitch and blow her brains out. I swear to God the people who disrespect this country need to be killed. But unfortunately that's illegal in [most?] cases. So i have tto tolerate them until I get to the point where I have nothing to lose. Then, I swear to fucking God, then they'll fear the fucking beast.
>t. Black civilian of the United States of America
>> nigger accusing others of victim mentality
Someone please send this to her.
it is real go look at the twitter its her defending herself and telling everyone to eat a dick
I wonder how she'd feel if I said that about slavery.
Of course niggers don't get 9/11, the poeple that died in the towers obviously had jobs.
>reading out every single name of whom died
Bit overkill isn't it USA? Just fly your flag and sing the anthem over and over like you do everyday
She's being ironic because White people tell her that slavery was 200 years ago can we move please? We will move on. It'll be like Pearl harbor is today once the generational memory dies off, she's just hilariously jumping the gun. Because while slavery never happened to her or anyone alive today 9/11/2001 still has living memory
Nice trips but I think you're giving her too much credit. I doubt she was trying to be ironic, just has a stunning lack of self awareness
if i was leader of the country i would have this piece of shit removed from the country. Literally dropped off on some remote island. GET THE FUCK OUT
Wow it was 15 years ago get over it
The next President reminds you of Hitler? That supposedly happened over five decades ago, can we move the fuck on?
I wish her and Black Lives Matter would take that advice.
Already did in last thread. She got my account locked, had to put in my cell number to unlock it
Segregation was 60 years ago, can we move the fuck on? Niggers love being the fucking victim.
Did someone screencap it?
>no one has posted a response to her
>telling her to get over slavery
Is it me or has Family Guy been dropping some redpills lately? I'm not sure if they're trying to be ironic or not, but it just seems like the last few years of family guy have been treading closer and closer to redpill territory.
Just move on, amerifats. You can only milk a tragedy for so long before you become the Jew.
What a cunt.
>say people to get over something that is not even 2 decades old
>cannot get over something that happened over 300 years ago
>i am not the victim in this very moment, please make it stop so i can be the victim again
grow up, nigger
I wanna see the other replies
Fifteen years is too long to remember mass murder but one hundred fifty years isn't long enough to forget paid servitude?
These are the same people who want reparations for shit that happened 150 years ago.
Your writing level clearly indicates that you yourself are an untermensch. We'd probably be oven neighbors, Tyrone.
Says the fucking negress. She can suck my dick
We haven't sued the Saudi's yet. But I'm sure if they go down, they're taking you kikes with them.
>Oven neighbors
I still remember 1453
She's not wrong about americans loving to be the victim and getting attention.
All races of americans
>9/11 happened 15 years ago, stop being a victim whitey
>slavery was 150 years ago gibemedats
The people who say things like this are also the ones who constantly bring up slavery and/or Native Americans.
Their opinion should automatically be discarded.
>t. ass hurt & insecure european
dank oc right here
>muh inheritance of Acquitaine
Coming from a race of people who didn't even bother to write anything down, craft a wheel or domesticate an animal.
I refuse to believe this isn't ironic.
The phrase "go back to Africa" was made for her.
Am I allowed to be offended at this if I've had black comrades who didn't come back from deployments?
>USA loves being the fucking victim
The irony of her almost certain status as a feminist and BLM activist is lost on her.