Mmmmhhh dat debbie

mmmmhhh dat debbie

>Finding a horse-faced turbokike attractive

Bet she fucks like a maniac though.

Those fucking ankles... hell nah family.

yeah, good ol' Debbie

she was really fun back in the day

Too much ham for these eggs.


Yeah there's at least one other picture too, the other one you can see her teeth really well and they match 100%

I can't seem to find it right now though


Definitely the right eye color. Looks like her senpai


I was using tineye and getting nothing but dead links while I let my PC search for 'dws' because that's what I named the file, couldn't find shit

>Puffy nipples

somebody x-ray this please

if you zoom in on this picture from Wikipedia you can see that one snaggle tooth is the same


She easily has one of the most disgusting, jew-rat faces i have ever seen on a kike.

omg boobs


i'd hit it

She looks a whole lot more like Chelsea Clinton than Bill or Hillary do. Really makes you think.

For the right price.

Liberal milf are always cute. They don't need bleach their hair because they are the true Aryans

>now THAT'S a cankle


it's sad but it's because liberals are the feminine party

Cute girl has a slight widows peak in her hairline, no buck teeth like Debbie's, and different eyebrows (it could be possible that deb shaved hers tho). I want to believe cuz dem tiddies, but it's wrong to attribute magnificent boobs to someone who never owned them, especially for a kike like Debbie