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Maybe their people shouldnt blow shit up all the time.

Apologize for what?



For ignorant white people who think brown people are terrorists

then cut your beard and get that stupid rag off your head fucking shitbird.

its like women wearing slutty clothes

3k people died so what? what about the real victims? like Brown and other people with feelings?

holy fuck hahahahaha

so basically this guy started literally crying because he thought people were staring at him?

this cant be real. if it is, dude needs to recognize that when you cry in public, let alone on a plane, and then try to cover it up by childishly burying your face in your hands and playing Frank Ocean, people tend to stare at you, even if they weren't before

RooJooJoo Nigger

I wish he wasn't such a pussy so he'd kill himself

Should be angry at Saudi Arabia and terrorists, not citizens.

When that pic is unexpanded it looks like TNT strapped to his chest.


>people look at me

Welcome to being a 4channer. The world stares and judges.

Get over yourself

>holy shit i know thousands of people died and my people threw you guys into a decade long war but like, i felt like crying because of justified prejudice.
get the fuck out of here sandnigger, dont act stupid.

btw blonde was 6/10

t. ali

I hope someone uploads a video to Liveleak

"Terrorist Teenager Crying on Plane"

>crying while listening to frank ocean
just say you're gay

>act different
>get treated accordingly

maybe he should try assimilating

he sort of has a point, Sikhs didn't do anything but they suffer from being profiled as Muslims

It's clear he is a raging autist

Try not looking like a terrorist

I remember beating up the local Sikhs in middle school after 9/11. Our Gym teacher even gave us a pat on the back and said "I didn't see anything". We didn't care who they were a raghead was a raghead. Good times.

he should get a ham and cheese or pulled pork sandwich

>brown people are terrorists though

honestly im considering assaulting some mudslimes for fun maybe beating some of them with a bat


boohoo he should stay in his own country then


Fuck his feelings. Never mind the feelings of the others that had to fly with him.

Imagine people being nervous on the anniversary of 3,000 murders.

>brown guy on an airplane on 9/11 acting all nervous, spazzing out, and crying for no apparent reason
How could someone see that and not think, at least a little bit, that this guy might be a terrorist?

why are Muslims such professional victims?

He's an egomanic with an inferiority complex. No one was thinking about him. People have their own lives, their own problems, their own dreams and sorrows to occupy their mind in quiet moments of reflection. They're not thinking about some fucking shitskin retard.

Open a book and STFU jesus christ.

Germanics too

Lol what a faggot. I'd take the opportunity and stat doing crazy stuff to fuck everyone around, like suddenly jumping from my seat and clapping my hands, start crazy conversations with everyone, calling the flight attendant loud asking for some clean water because I need to clean my soul, stand up and start praying ins some arabic language.

Narcissists will be the first to be purged on the day of the rope.

Why is this acceptable?

swarthy looking white guy who always gets randomly checked reporting in

it's kinda fun if you want it to be. asking for extra knives at the food court or complimenting girls' ankles or weird shit like that

Mind that edge lad. Some of us are on Coumadin

Nothing edgy about it, just a little piece of American history.

This is America. People get shot for doing that. Ffs jfk goes on lockdown and swat raids it every week because of scary brown people.




inb4 cuck this, big black that

you mean to tell me someone that isn't white feels out of place in a white country?


joining the sardaukar was your decision pazuzu don't blame us for the result

Aww boo hoo you felt bad because your religion and culture were behind the largest terror attack in history and you chose to hop on a plane on its anniversary. Go on Canada, weep for him.


Isn't that a Sikh?

Americans are beyond retarded

good, stay away brown shits

>muslims shouldn't have to apologize for terrorism, they didn't have anything to do with it
>now apologize for the white people who made this muslim feel uncomfortable

He was scared because his bomb vest didnt go off?

Not really. They're born Sardaukar, and their planet is kept messed up to guarantee their toughness. Sardaukar are the product-victims of eugenics and social engineering.

Does anyone have some good sadarji jokes?

no, i'm sadarji

>implying this shit EVER happened
Hah, that's a good one.

t. Sardaukar in Harkonnen livery

misleading thumbnails are the best


>a 4channer

>Rajuju Brown.
>Long ass beard.
>In NYC.
>On friggin 9/11.

"B-b-but I dindu nuffin"...

No, you fuckin' did. 365 days a year, and you choose to fly on 9/11, in NYC when radicals love attacking on memorable dates, such as Frances national day and ramadan.
You fucking chose that.


You can never be to careful. I'm always cautious around Muslims at airports and will always stare/inspect them for my own safety, especially if they're on my flight.

fuck me for not wanting to get blown up, right?

he wouldn't have that problem if he was flying in his own country


This asshole doesn't have the social awareness to not fly on 9/11 with his fucking turban.

No wonder he feels anxious. Probably always fucking feels anxious when flying. Just had an excuse to whine about it.

People of Brownness might cry, feelings are at stake ffs

Lower your guard and ignore all warning signs like good victims.

>I shouldn't have to feel
will never understand this """"""""argument"""""""""

it's no one else's fault how you respond to social stimuli

>Rajuju Brown
Maybe we should believe him. He sounds Indian. They know their shit.