Well Sup Forums?
Would you celebrate Hillary's death ?
Yes she's an enemy. No sorrow for Soros and his cronies.
I would never "celebrate" someone dying. I am no savage.
Her death? Not really.
The benefit it would have on our country? Yes.
No, but I'd be glad if she was gone. Evil isn't something to tolerate but it's she's not evil enough to celebrate her death.
I'd make an effigy of her and burn it at school.
Just something else to get anxious and neurotic about from the added chaos in the system
Celebrate? Like a birthday? No.
Be secretly kinda happy? Sure.
Religion of peace, aye sven?
We memed
Kek saw
She died
In the words of the great Stallman, I'd say I wouldn't be glad she's dead, but I'd be glad she's gone.
>Hillary dies
>election canceled
>king nigger president for another 4 years
please let that fuck to survive long enough to lose the election
All apart of the master plan
but I included a pic :(
You're fuckin a right I would, and her degenerate husbands death too.
I'd gladly shit down their throats after I strangled their daughter to death in front of them.
The Clinton's are murderous, treasonous scum and deserve no humanity being shown to them
Haha nah. I would vote for Trump if I were american.
But I would still never celebrate someone dying my mayne.
She needs to hold out for another month so the Dems don't have a chance to prop up their replacement.
Otherwise yes, she is genuinely an evil being. It's not like Thatcher or something, she just closed a lot of mines and put a lot of people out of work. Hillary has been responsible indirectly and directly for the deaths of many people.
Karma's a bitch.
I'd have mixed emotions.
Feel bad for her family while simultaneously enjoying the ensuing shitstorm.
I don't get it. Why is she running if she's sick?
Is the Clinton family pressuring her or something? Or is she just that hungry for power?
She's already dead though
That's not how it works.
It would be quite deplorable to celebrate her death. I will be happy for her not to be president.
i'd probably go full DING DONG THE WITCH IS DEAD on my campus
like, flags, fireworks, confetti, music... the whole nine yards m8
I feel like I should. For damned sure the left would if Trump died. A lot of them would literally be dancing in the streets. But no. It takes a lot out of you to stoop as low as the left.
I celebrate all the deaths of domestic terrorists.
I would accept the fact that her life filled with evil deeds has finally caught up with her.
Would party
I wouldn't celebrate but I would also shed no tears for her. Many people have died because of her and her husband.
She can die after the debates, not before.
Would literally throw a superbowl-tier basement party
She is and I already am.
I'd feel meh really.
There's a good chance she died today, they will announce it soon.
Wouldn't it be cool if she died on live TV? I'm not saying that to be edgy though, like but that would be so cool.
Im already celebrating it
Quads say hillary is already dead
trips says she will die in a month
dubs say she die before 2018
singles mean she will make it to 2020
Donald's gonna confuse her programming during the debate and she's going to start smoking
Once she dies Bill will start making a miraculous recovery.
Before picking her up out of the gutter why didn't they:
A)- Give the Stand Down order;
B)- Leave her there for 18 hrs;
C)- Have ambulance crews change clothes 4 times;
D)- Check with NYC officials to see if it's ok to send EMS;
E)- Have Susan Rice say a Trump video was the cause.
CNN coverage would be like this
Yes. When she dies, I'm calling off work the next day, buying a bottle of scotch, and getting wasted celebrating.
Hi Murrikans
How does it feel knowing you are going to have the first dead female president?
Bitch can't even function, is owned by dirty money, and your fucking dumbass population will vote her in, and by proxy are going to let the next wave of shitcunts start WW3.
Fuck we hate you Murrika, please leave us all alone and die in your own filth.
No although I would enjoy it her replacement may finally stump the trump
I only celebrate death when its an evil person who dies.
So yes.
There was a time where I would have voted for her and wanted her to win over Nigger King. But Nigger king won and while he did make thing better, he's also made some worse.
Dem's path has lead us downward and it is time for something new and different. Hillary at this point in time is worse than she was back then, both morally, physically and religiously.
No, I wouldn't wish for her death, but she needs to go.
can I come to Australia or are you guys still full
I'm a Floridian if that helps so we're like 2 birds of a feather
I don't celebrate anyone's death. Howver I'll read the obituary with much satisfaction.
Thank you reminding me. I will buy a dixie flag and flag it! Or the german one from the 30ies...
Here people will only laugh at it as stupid....
I have been making some noise lol
In 2008 she wasn't too bad honestly, I supported her over Obama as well.
With a bottle of the finest champagne. So I guess I must go to the store now
No. The dems would run Biden and sweep the election. We need her limping into Nov. 8th still on the ballot so people will not vote for her because of uncertainty about her health.
She's not dead. She's just thinking very hard about how to solve America's problems. Now vote for her so Hitler 2 doesn't become president!
She will die in 15.39 days.
No. I would immediately move on.
No, she's still a person
> Inb4 niggers are people
Read pic now, user.
I feel like such a tool, I didn't really pay attention then tbqh, but I bought the memes and actually had some hopes for him.......... That was then..... what a fucking epic failure, a fucking weak, low test, low energy, pussy ass cuck
>muh muh feels putin doesn't agree wuth me
>he be raysis
while he laughs his ass off.
Nah man he has no chance against discussing with that man. Short or not, we can not deny that he is a great man. Cunning as few lol
Nah when you get Trump, you will get an uncorrupted president that will be able to actually handle people. I think he and Putin will be able to talk, Trump won't cry nor does their commie mindcontrol clearly work on him.
No MAGA or hell for us all
Nearly half of America bought into Obama's messiah complex. You're not alone.
You can come by boat yank, the pinko shitcunts running the show over here love your type.
A friend and I have a lobster dinner waiting for us.
She better hurry up and drop. I want that lobster.
No. The loss of life should never be celebrated.
Hellz yes!
This witch wants to make people suffer, so may it happen to her.
I celebrated when that evil piece of shit SCJ Antonin Scalia died so probably yes
>She needs to hold out for another month so the Dems don't have a chance to prop up their replacement.
Bernie is ready to go.
Can I come too If trump wins the election ?
No. She's too irrelevant to celebrate the death of. And unlike her (chuckling about Gaddafi being assassinated and sodomized by jihadists) I have a shred of moral dignity.
do you know how many people she has had killed
This is a list of all deaths/murders with strong connections to the clinton foundation and the clinton administration. Would i celebrate her death? No, i dont want anyone to die, but i wouldnt really care. Bad things should happen to bad people.
>Religion of peace, aye sven?
It's actually Abdul.
If it happens it is an extension of keks will. Sup Forums will rejoice
In some of her pictures, Hillary looks fucking demonic
>le every life is precious meme
Fucking kill yourself before you breed you fucking piece of nigger shit
She's a person, sure, but she's also a piece of shit so there's that.
Anytime a murderer is killed you mourn for the person that they could have been instead of the person they actually were.
does a moose shit in the woods?
With all my heart.
Evil shall not be tolerated, and one must know to celebrate his victories, more so given how rare and short lived they are these days.
Of course not.
She's a patriot.
Yes, but as a human, not because of politics. I'd celebrate her death the same as I would any other murderer that is on death row.
Cucks """""fell""""" for Obama in 2008, not real Americans
The second I started reading the OP, this was playing in my head.
You're Goddamn right I would.
I was one of the five people under 20 who voted for McCain. I didn't particularly like him, but Obama reeked of dishonesty to me. I voted Johnson in 2012.
Say all you want about Obama but McCain was a piece of human fucking shit and selected a terrible VP choice
You can watch me torture an entire campaign and when you have truly understood the depth of your failure, we will fulfill Trump's destiny... We will destroy your campaign and then, when it is done and the election is in ashes, then you have my permission to die
Celebrate no,be happy,sure,at the end of the day i honestly won't care for more then a second.
yeah probably
You arent a real american
Yea I know but at least I have solace in knowing I voted against this train wreck both times. I knew he wasn't going to win my state anyway. I would have voted 3rd party in 2008 like I did in 2012 if I was politically aware enough at that point.