Ultimate Redpill?

Did you realize that the "Christian-European values right" are nothing but massive cucks? They're all for nationalism, pride and shiet when pretty much everything they consider theirs was taken from other peoples? European pride implies worshiping totem dicks and making sacrifices to gay gods. Reminder:

Christianity - Jews
Knowledge - Roman/Greek
Culture - Roman
Customs - Roman

Always remember that modern Europeans are the sons of the very barbarians that destroyed Rome and brought in the Dark Ages, setting back human advancement for at least a thousand years. And also keep in mind that these sons of barbarians really showed their savage tendencies during the colonization period, through slavery and conquest of most the globe. Also the 1204 destruction of the Byzantine Empire.

Rome has never been interested in world conquest, they realized the world outside their borders wasn't worth fighting for. Same reason the Chinese dynasties never expanded much beyond China proper.

Please consider this when barbarians whine. Aren't "Europeans" being given the very same treatment they gave to Roman/Greeks? If you're some religion cuck, couldn't this be defined as divine punishment? Modern Europeans are the only people that do not claim and take pride in their actual roots and ancestral lands. See Afro-American, Japanese-American, Mexican-American as examples.

European supremacists often like to point out they are the most advanced, most prosperous. But, at the same time, their ancient barbarian ancestors were lucky to just happen to live right by Roman borders during the apogee of Rome. Not many civilizations during history were lucky like that. Pretty much all barbarians surrounding prosperous empires (Rome, China) outside of the Eurasian steppe had a degree of civilization thanks to the proximity to said empires. The difference is that Chinese weren't replaced by Mongols when their empire fell. Romans were replaced by what has become known as modern Europeans.

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Pls respond.

romans WERE europeans you illiterate huenigger

I think you failed to understand the difference between European Romans and Greeks and non-European barbarians from Asia.

>nothing but massive cucks? They're all for nationalism, pride and shiet when pretty much everything they consider theirs was taken from other peoples?
>takes everything in their path
pick one

Their "nationalism" based on lies. They'd be living in mud huts and worshiping penises if they wanted to be nationalistic.

>pls respond

The Jews were slaves to Egyptians and Romans

Another reason to claim ancient superiority over modern Europe.

Problems with your statement:
1-The romans and europeans were both white, thus reigion does not matter
2- you suggest that europeans are inferior and pathetic, yet you complain about them conquering rome.
3- "rome has never been interested in world conquest"

>civilization doesn't matter so long they are white
>savage niggers can't conquer peaceful nations, ignore todays Europe
>I have factual, source links to Roman Emperors talking about conquering the world
>already did

Rebuttal? This is just poor "Euro" shilling. A bunch of snowniggers took over a dying Empire that endured 4 centuries of refugee influx. So much for Europe falling in less than a century, huh?

Rome was European. How do you not understand this.
Romes entire economy was based around conquering. They wanted to conquer as much as possible, like every other empire.
Savage niggers are not conquering Europe. They were invited. You did not conquer a lady if she is the one that asked you on a date.

Learn to read, and take some history classes. Romans stopped conquering after the 2nd century because they realized barbarian lands weren't even worth paying attention to, except Parthia/Persia.

>this much double standard

Show me some proofs that Romans invited illiterate, uncivilized snowniggers into its Empire. Refugees at least know how to read and write.

Jesus Christ huehue get some European history lessons, for starters Rome never really died.

23 one hour episodes, listen/watch one a day on the way to work. Then get back to /pol when you can convince me you know WTF you're talking about

If you haven't watched this, you should. The part on the crusades is quite well done/researched.

You have so many gaps in history knowledge I dont know where to start correcting.

And I get called autist daily.

>rome never died


Newsflash: HRE was not Holy, not Roman and definitely not an Empire.

t. literal Mongol living off Swedish colonization who, in turn got, everything from Viking raids into barbaric nations that stole Roman knowledge 2 millennia ago

You, if anyone, should be the most glad for Rome shining a bit of its light on you. After all, it's not like you get much light at all.

there nothing to respond to.

You're just regurgitating some garbage you've learned and hoping to enlighten all of us with your wonderful insight.

There's nothing of substance and basically you're gay, your whole country is gay, and so is your general world view.

That's it. Sage

Not an argument.

neither is this

12 year old cuck, you're just trying to troll and you're doing very bad at it


>anyone who triggers me is a troll

Rome died in the 5th century, barbaric dark ages vindicate it.

>barbaric dark ages vindicate it.
Confirmed for knowing shit about European history, or obongo-leaf tier troll

Rome is never kill!

>dark ages never happened

The Eternal German. Show some of the amazing literary works and art your great barbaric ancestors produced during that time. Oh, wait. You can't, because they didn't even know how to write.


Haha. No.

Show. I fucking dare you.

When the truth is so strong very few can handle it. Jewish rise is due to stupid barbarians extinguishing Romans that knew about their tricks and proceeding to being cucked to death.

>holy roman empire
>not an empire
>not holy
>not even roman
germans are truly the white we waz kangs and shit

That's because they have 0 desirable heritage and identity besides that. Germany was a federation of tribal chiefdoms waging warfare between themselves and under an electred head nigger for almost 2 millennia.

Think about it and realize that's what Germans would call any other "Holy Roman Empire" that wasn't "European" and "white". Modern "Europeans" are the biggest niggers ever.
