But Hillary said she was perfectly healthy. CTR please correct this
>create rumor of body double
>takes focus off hillary's vapors and general poor health
>once again calls the right "crazy conspiracy theorists"
cnn has such few viewers nowdays that they can say anything they want it really wont move the needle.
hillary is done as of today, she will most likely be replaced.
Shell be fine
>claims the internet is making shit up
>cancel all of her appearances
>will likely faint in the middle of the debate at the end of the month
>claims that she's perfectly fine
>cancels California trip for two days
This election is one hell of a ride.
She's got Doc Choc with her.
I think she'll be fine.
and once again it'll be proven right
and the Dems/media will look like clowns
Do you think he hates his job?
That's the man I want in control when my life is on the line
>trying to appear as strong as possible for the good of America, to save America from an evil Trump presidency
This isn't hard to spin at all. Next question.
He literally looks like he's thinking "mup da doo muhfuggin bix nood. smdh."
>she'll be fine
we can only hope
Fucking keked audibly
>Hillary Clinton is completely fine and healty (she is not)
that is a white supremacist meme according to splc
no room for hate here
CTR are too busy filling Sup Forums with slide threads. Just look at the catalog.
can someone photoshop the black pen doctor in for the nignog lady
Is it happening?
Not CTR but I am typically a very loyal Hillary defender and Trumpfag baiter.
Pretty fucking worried about this to be honest.
That video looked _bad_.
Pneumonia my ass. If she had pneumonia, why did she come out of Chelsea's house and say she was fine?
Fucking hell.
Which video? I've been away.
That's Hillary Clinton, ya blockhead
Fucking cunt Nick Merrill looks defeated and worried af
Yeah, and Sarah Silverman also assured us Hillary was fine and that we were assholes for doubting her.
What do?
Huma nudes when
>call the right conspiracy theorists for shitting on her health
>health confirmed to be terrible
>try to call the right conspiracy theorists again
It's the same shit with 'muh racism/sexism/homophobia' spamming - it'll inevitably lose effectiveness because they keep spouting objectively wrong shit.
>Illary Clinton
US Presidents 43 and 45
saved. fuckin kek
Come on, Doc Choc seems like a perfectly nice guy.
I wish Trump would go back to being a retard. He peaked too early with it and people are going to forget what a moron he is.
She's too young, Lucius DeBeers directed the assassination of JFK.
>not collapses
One job.
if she coughs again will she die?
the death rate for pneumonia is pretty high
She's a big lizard.
It would be extremely painful
(kek approves)