Pros and cons of masturbation. Discuss

Pros and cons of masturbation. Discuss



Con: it feels good

pros and cons: I'm OK with not having a gf.

Pro: Momentary satisfaction
Cons: Sadness and self hatred at how little self control you have
Fuck I want to cum on Stacey Dash's feet


makes you tired, conditions you to dehumanize women subconsciously

Stacey dash is why I support race mixing

Wrong board faggot
>>Sup Forums

And that's a problem how?

Pretty sure they do good job of that on their own.

subtle dash thread

>Cons: Sadness and self hatred at how little self control you have
This is how I feel if I don't masturbate. Feel driven too much by the need to fuck women all the time


Have any chick you want (albeit in your imagination)
No strings

No substitute for the real thing

damn I love a Dash thread

She really aged like a fine wine

>feels good
>treats depression
>allegedly reduces risk of prostate cancer
>if you aren't using porn for help it can help train your creative mind

>makes you lazy
>makes you less motivated to fuck real women
>wastes your nutrients

Based on this evidence, I try and masturbate 1-2 times per week. I used to do it every day but it made me way too lazy.

Stacy dash best gash

bust a nut
Your mom looks at you in shame every time you facial the house pet

well, now I got to fap
Thanks OP.

>I try and masturbate 1-2 times per week
This could be the best trade-off. Either that or overcome my aspergers and learn to get laid consistently

Freedom. Friendzoning women instead of one night stands.

fatigue. Lack of desire to have sex since my hand feels better.

It's horrible. I wish I could stop. I have an addiction.

I'm such a miserable human being. Ever since my very beautiful girlfriend dumped me I've just been such a sad sack of shit. I jerk off at least 4 times a day. By the end of the day nothing even comes out, and it just hurts. My cock is completely desensitized. I don't know why I do this. Whenever I see a halfway attractive girl I get a huge urge to squeeze one out.

Not to mention I've picked up some pretty sick fantasies. Often times I find myself looking up videos of chicks that look like my ex, and then imagine that the guy fucking her is whoever she's out fucking these days. I think this stems from the fact that she "broke up" with me once about halfway through our relationship for like 4 days, during which time she fucked some other guy, and then I took her back. I'm a pathetic cuck.

On top of that I've gotten fat, because I can't even find the energy to get out of bed, let alone lift. But I'm starting to lose weight because I haven't eaten in about 10 days now. I'm very dizzy and I can barely make it to my classes on campus, but I still find the energy to jerk off.

I need help. I really do. I come very close to suicide every day. Just last night I had my loaded handgun pressed against my temple, ready to fire, I had the trigger squeezed just to the tension point. Another half ounce of pressure and I would have painted the walls of my bedroom with my fucking brains. Who would care anyways. Yeah, my family would, but that's it. I have no friends. I loved my girlfriend deeply, we'd been together so long, she was the only person I had left in my life.

This is a cry for help. Sup Forums is all I have left and it's just made me an even more bitter human being. I can't even find the strength to do what needs to be done and end my worthless fucking waste of a life. I'll never contribute at all to society anyways.

>all these desperate slide threads



pros: it will keep you away from stupid situations

I cant tell you how many times i thought about booty calling some girl ive fucked before even though its a bad idea with grueling consequences. I jack off, and then immediately realise that it was a terrible idea to even consider it.

cons: i always feel disgusting after i do it

Not just in a mental way, but physically i just feel a bit drained afterwards.

good for prostate
get clarity afterwards (at least for me)

porn dependency in a lot of people
ruins libido for people
kills the incentive

really porn is the devil in all this

makes your dick small
lowers your sperm count
makes you tired and suicidal long term

not bad

Autism speaks, and now it makes LARPy web comics

everything is going to be daijobu, user

lol this

i dont remember when was the last time i came while watching porn, it always made me feel ashamed and disposable afterwards
now i mostly use imagination

Kill yourself.


>I cant tell you how many times i thought about booty calling some girl ive fucked before even though its a bad idea with grueling consequences. I jack off, and then immediately realise that it was a terrible idea to even consider it
Are you me? I stopped taking adderall because It would make me do this shit.

Jesus Christ man what are you doing. You know the problem so fix it. Especially if you've gotten so far as to consider suicide.

Although I have to admit I really need to stop too. I have no idea why, but masturbation has always made me feel like shit. I'll probably never know why though.

>t. Christcuck

hahahaa you bunch of dumb handfuckers. how about you get some self control and go for real women. if you have problems create a worksheet like this and track your progress. go for 1 year.

but most importantly, guys who masterbate have this scent that women subconsciously catch, and they will avoid you.

Why kill yourself? If you aren't afraid to die then you have the freedom to truly enjoy life. You have one of two options: give up, or decide to start enjoying life. Try replacing masturbation with pushups or pullups or something. Every time you get the urge to jerk off do pushups/pullups until you can't do anymore. Your body will start transforming and so will your life. There's so many ways to enjoy life

fuck dude

Don't sit in this hole. Do something that will make your situation better. All that time jerking off could be spent actually doing something useful, like making America great again.

Make conscious efforts to wean yourself off the habit.

>now i mostly use imagination
also literotica

>but most importantly, guys who masterbate have this scent that women subconsciously catch, and they will avoid you.
oh man, i bet you fucking crush pussy then, dont you

>day 3 of nofap
>feels no different
>last time I did it by day 2 I felt like a million bucks

somebody redpill me on nofap

>inb4 only that many days
I'm a lonely man.

Delete your porn folder. Get on a treadmill or start going for walks. Cut out bread, pasta, and sugar. Try not to beat off for two weeks. 1 week if you can't help it .Try to make it a goal to go 1 month without beating your sausage to let you're body reset itself.


pros: feels good
cons: you go to hell

>somebody redpill me on nofap
mostly placebo after a week, noporn is the real hero

The best

lol you are so fucking worthless you cant even kill yourself right

pussy ass bitch


newfags baka

Grip strength

Pros: Makes my dick feel good, makes your dick longer(grew several inches over a decade), my hands don't smell like shit afterwards, it's free
Cons: Can't have sex for 30min afterwards, isn't as good as pussy

yes and no, takes 3 months to get rid of the scent.

no surprise semen on bed sheets in the morning

takes time

i just jizz in my sleep if I stop fapping so theres no way around it

Show him how it's done

this is truly an epic post

i read fanfic sometimes
everyone would kill me if they knew
but it's much better than regular porn


is it really that easy?

Thanks man you come across as an asshole, but I actually will do this. Masturbation really fucks with my head and I have no idea if this it happens to other people or not.

Nobody ever seems to believe me, but it makes me just exhausted for about a week after I do it and it fucks up the way my brain works and the way it remembers stuff. I don't even remember the days that I masturbate most of the time, so worst case scenario if I try this then I'll at least be aware of how often I do it.

>if you aren't using porn for help it can help train your creative mind

go on...?

>guys who masterbate have this scent that women subconsciously
It's called Pheromones.

what a faggot. i masturbate like a maniac daily and still bag me some betties.
you truly are beta.

Yes I know. I can't bring myself to do something as violent and sudden as blowing my brains out. I'm currently in the process of either trying to obtain or synthesize a cyanide pill. My plan is to slip it into my bottle of multivitamins that I take every morning. And then when I take one in the morning I just won't look at what it is and take it. So that way I can kill myself without knowing I'm doing it until it's too late.

But obviously the problem is getting a cyanide pill. Also, I believe they're meant to be crushed in your mouth and released that way, not swallowed, so I'll have to get into a habit of crunching my vitamin before I take it.

Anyone know where I can get cyanide? Also is it painful? I don't particularly care at this point. I would gladly welcome any and all pain inflicted on me because I don't even really feel anything anymore. Last week when I was shaving I nicked myself with the razor and I just sorta dug it into my skin and it didn't really hurt or even phase me at all, I only stopped when I realized that if I fucked my chin up really bad people were going to notice.

This basically sums up the issue well, but allow me to put it into words for the less perceptive.

The male human body, as any biological creature, is fundamentally a meat robot. We function with many important biochemical mechanisms.
Hormone management is related to brain functions and biochemistry.

Constant mastrubation fucks up the body's proper functions, it upsets the chemical balance, and has an effect on our brains, and as extension, our behaviour.

It depletes a finire resource of energy men have, an energy that is meant to be channeled into greatness, to achieve great things, to become great, for the purpose of obtaining quality women.

That is the bastion of society.
But with masturbation, all that sexual energy is wasted on nothing, we become apathetic and weak.
That makes us easy cattle for the jews to control us.

The solution is not easy though. Because women have rebelled against men, and no longer want to be good wives, men see an uphill battle, a never ending quest to find a unicorn, and give up searching for wives and take the comfort of chronic masturbation.
But as consequence, that makes men weaker, and women get even worse.

In that situation the only ones with the key to fix it are men, they will be the ones who have to grow strong despite the hardships of the modern world, to help rebuild society, despite how fruitless it might seem. And someday when society gets better again, there might be wives for us.
A good temporary solution until then is to learn game, enjoy safe casual sex and short term relationships with the mediocre women out there instead of becoming slaves to masturbation, because at least that path won't weaken us so much.

Keeps my pipes clean.

Masturbation is easy, quick, and free.

If you don't masturbate your desire for, and odds of, acquiring an actual woman increase exponentially.

[Citation needed]

The script for MDE episode 6.

The only pro that really matters is that you don't catch disease(s) from masturbation.

My gf got HPV from her ex and it has fucked up our sex life completely. I never used rubbers with my ex and now I have to use them every time we make love. Also, hpv can spread in other ways through kissing, etc, so I'm fucking paranoid all the time.

feels bad man.

By imagining sexy fantasies, you are training your imagination.

No need to imagine when you have porn though.

Just like everything else in this world, moderation dictates the boundary between normalacy and addiction.


kys now kys now kys now kys now kys now kys now kys now

pros; feelgoodman.jpg

cons; fucking degenerate, slippery slope of fetishes, undermined desire and will to socialize with actual women

Ok just make sure you first vote for Trump before you try this.

No porn and its alright

The natural urges user it's too strong. We were meant to fuck nonstop from 15 to 30



I do this shit all the time man. My friend told me he does the same thing.

ah I see. I took it another way, which was when you start to "explore" porn a bit it expands what you consider to be sexually arousing or a turn-on, and that in itself breaks you out of the box of so many normies with their missionary and marriage. if you expand your own sexuality, considering sexuality is a huge part of a human's psyche, that has to have an affect on other sorts of open mindedness

Canada is right.

>pre surgery Lela star
Great taste

quick reminder that stacey dash is 121 years old

What do you want out of life? The path is foggy and you're feeling lost, but you must have a memory of where you were going

>not political related thread

>not political related thread

>4 times a day
Holy shit. I would say kill yourself, but at least there's a cause for you ending up like this.
I say do something for the cause, even if it's as subtle as redpilling a few people. At the very least, hold out long enough to vote Trump. We need you, man, and what you need is purpose.

Go burn yourself ALIVE in front of the white house and scream "OBAMA IS GIVING UP CONTROL OF THE INTERNET ON THE 30th AND SOMEONE HAS TO STOP HIM!"

pro: feels good

con: autogyno

I'd like to feel her sphincter with my tongue.

Pro: feels good, makes me happy, relieves sexual frustration, nice to look at pussy
Con: takes about 30 minutes out of each day

I used to think that hardcore religious types were off their rocker for complaining about masturbating, but I think the ancients were wiser than we give them credit for. There's something deeply... unsettling about masturbating, and I can't put my finger on it.

Bro you got dumped stop being such a fag about it. Do you really want to go out knowing that someone had so much power over you that them saying they don't want to be with you anymore drove you to suicide? Just stop being such a piece of shit and fix your life.

that's totally different you idiot. it's like comparing sweating to pissing the water out. learn some science.

>Keeping a log

Join MMA or something where a group of men can coach you through your shit and straighten you out. Women will not be able to help you they will just coddle you and accept you the way you are. Seriously seek out some high energy people in real life and start enjoying it. Giving up is for pussies