He is defending himself with a knife
Is he about to have an accident?
he's been streaming all day
i like him but he's an attention whore
Dude get more than a knife.
hes recording his last words
He is literally recording testimony that he has no negative thoughts and is not considering suicide.
>Martin Shkreli
>attention whore
>I saw a red dot
He can't, he lives in NYC and under investigation with a 25M bail.
Fuck this guy, so glad Patton Oswalt put him in his place on twitter
>Mark confirmed for hiring hitman
Holy fuck
>hillary would kill a genius that saves lives to maintain her campaign
okay... fucking shit it is real
Or is he baiting... fuck me these days... he might be what is it nr 60 yet? Then it's official, they are executing us
That's our fucking based Albino!!
I have something to tell to but I can't.... in open
what the fuck is going on
>literal cuck defending a cuck on Sup Forums
He shouted shit at Shillary this morning and now he's being stalked and has lasers shining in his windows
omg he left the safety of our supervision
RIP PharmaBro
who are these odd people talking
>his potential last words is a harambe meme
i'm not sure what to feel
Oh shit son
I watched his stream this morning
Is hilldog having him ganked for exposing her sharting fit???
never forget hillary's first victims RIP
see him dying or disappearing now would cause notice. It would be toooo fishy. Also imagine what other people have done, I mean Roger Stone, Alex Jones, freaking pepe kid. If anything Martin is freaking out or some stupid socialist extremist is messing with him for the lulz. Either way if Martin lives, cool I like him, hes entertaining, if he dies, hes a martyr for Trump.
Puy me down for 20 for death by drowning in his completely dry bathtub
This faggot is worth 100 million and lives like a fucking 16 year old.
how did he do that?
If you have ever actually watched his streams, or seen him debate some one you would realize he's actually a genius, and not that bad of a guy.
He straight up said that if anyone cannot afford his drug that he hiked the price up on (he's hurting insurance companies way more than the consumer) that he would give it to them free of charge.
You never hear that part though. You just hear how much of a piece of shit he is, and he should be in jail.
There are pharmaceutical big wigs that are decades older than this man that look up to him.
how do you live in america, and not own a gun
This little faggot only has a goddamn knife to defend himself.
I have an 870 loaded and ready to go, i would like to see some nigger run away from 00 buck
livlin' the dream
Waited outside Chelsea's apartment and started shouting at her when she came out
Who he is ? And why should i believe he's gonna be ass ass in nated
Who the fuck is this geeky looking fuck with a towelhead last name
no he just wants to feel important
>under medication
>cant drive
what the fugg
Yea i can't get through these. He's interesting the attention seeking hanger ons that keep trying to draw attention to themselves are not.
Maybe if he's killed, we'll get the Wu-Tang album early.
What's going on? Is he cam-whoring or is he freaking out that he's going to die.
I like Martin a lot but he's just looking for attention right now. This is bullshit.
You live in a state like New York.
Shkrely streams non stop as a safe measure. He know he's in a hitlist.
martin dies.
check'd and Suicided
He lives in NYC.
You don't need a car.
i thought this idiot is a fucking billionaire or some shit ?
We need to intelligently select him out of the genepool right now.
This trash will suffocate humanity if allowed to
he's just a camwhore
i feel like 99% of Sup Forums would just continue shitposting if they suddenly became m/billionaires. look at notch.
I can't wait to see reptillary walk in. Cats are for pussies
He should play the Wutang album.
remember this isn't the first time Martin has had to deal with this shit. dude was legit called the devil on national television .
He's in NYC. He could afford to jump through the hoops, but he probably doesn't care enough to go through all that effort.
>He shouted shit at Shillary this morning and now he's being stalked and has lasers shining in his windows
it's all an act, Martin is a CIA asset, a walking psyop
I mean yeah he might die but who gives a shit
He seems awfully suicidal.
I guess he'll kill himself by shooting himself in the head two or three times, so sad.
dude I would shit post harder, and under my real name
he's just depressed and wants attention cuz he's lonely
Sounds fucking paranoid.
I'm a 20 minute subway ride to him I can wait outside his apartment and protect him.
He has about $300 million iirc
can somebody explain wtf is going on
Dude no fucking way.
Easily 10 times and tied to a chair.
>is a millionaire
>doesn't own a gun
that rash, shrekeli got plutonium'd
leave it to a fucking leaf not to know what the fuck they are talking about
i live in CT, the state with the harshest gun laws around. You cant even buy ammo over here without a permitt and backround check. For someone who owns as much money as he does, and has as many ties as he does, it shouldnt bee that difficult to buy a 250$ shotgun and load it with buckshot.
fuck off leaf
Hes a pro troll, hes not in any fear
Anyone can explain me ?
He was on Periscope when Hillary left Chelsea's apt shouting shit at her.
Was pretty funny.
isn't he under FBI investigation?
>if you're a billionaire you have to waste your money on useless bling
If you won the lottery, you'd become poor again in less than a year you subhuman.
he probably feels light headed because hes stressing the FUCK out over probably nothing
Because he's an attention-seeking faggot.
he's a good IRL shitposter desu, but as a streamer he's kind of boring,
but he trolled hillary this morning so he's part of the meme army
hmm he doesn't seem manic or delusional, no signs of psychosis, which is usually the case when people think there is a conspiracy against them and that they've been poisoned/infected purposefully they.
>over probably nothing
thank you for Correcting The Record™
Nobody is going to kill him, He is a nobody. I want to tell him to calm the fuck down. But he is an asshole. Buying medicine so you can resell it for a profit. Fuck him.
what the fuck is this shit
Have you ever met an ultra-high IQ autist? They either live in squalor or have a team of of highly trained immigrant maids to perform all their organizational duties for them
Then he'll stuff himself inside a duffle bag and lock it from the outside.
>He dies from massive self inflicted head trauma from toilet lid
nice dubs, is there a link to the part where he's yelling at her ?
He told Hillary to drop out earlier today and now there's noises outside his window and a red dot tracing his walls.
>Langley calling
>yet another attentionwhoring thread by this massive jew
Who the fuck is this expert in killing and assassinations he's talking to? Sounds like a complete faggot.
t. bluepilled retard
does he actually own a research company? that is his excuse but I doubt he actually puts money into R&D
>those tissues
how do I call in??
all you need to do is have a valid id and get a pistol permit, its a short 100$ class and you wait a month and boom, you can now buy a glock .45
someone call him and ask for wutang
For such a rich guy he is stupid for not having a backup house in the Catskills
He has more patents than you will ever have dude
>post yfw Martin falls on his knife in the back of the head
Martin here,
ask me anything