What are Sup Forums's opinion on Transhumanism and Zoltan for president?
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I'd rather my great grandchildren not be turned into company chattel as living factory equipment.
But your great grandchildren could be superhumans with implants and enhanced genetical makeup
I don't think Zoltan has my best interests at heart.
Beyond that I'm all for cyborg augmentation. But I tend to wait for at least the second generation with technology to avoid those first adopter bugs.
Copy your brain
Darkness during procedure
Copy data and place it into 2 robot bodies
Open eyes
Which one are you?
Or are you dead and the 2 bodies are separate from you?
this is what I want to know
You're dead and the robots are copies of you.
Ideally you'd want to leave yourself alive. I hope you like yourself.
>You're dead and the robots are copies of you.
Then wtf's the point
I doubt it. That will be reserved for only the most elite. The rest of us will have the watered down version which requires obscene monthly payments to keep limb licenses from being revoked.
Accessible until you miss a payment to your carrier or go over your data limit. Can't wait for the day a corporation has the ability to accidentally erase sections of people's brains.
Everyone here was born too early to witness when it will get good, but it will get good.
We might see mechanical augmentations that edge close to the functionality of a natural human limb.
We could get there faster if we had more open research.
Transhumanism is a degenerate NWO ploy to destroy the human condition.
t. horse drawn carriage driver
>Repo! The Genetic Opera becomes real
What's the point of children? They're little half-copies of you.
I'd upload myself, but I wouldn't kill fleshbag me.
The Warrior's bland acronym, MMI, obscures the true horror of
this monstrosity. Its inventors promise a new era of genius, but
meanwhile unscrupulous power brokers use its forcible installation
to violate the sanctity of unwilling human minds. They are
creating their own private army of demons.
-- Commissioner Pravin Lal,
"Report on Human Rights"
Humans staying apart of what makes them humans.
Satanic shit.
it's the next step in human evolution
humans lack in strength, dexterity, hardiness, endurance and so on. to get around this, we augment our lives with machinery.
the agricultural era began because people wanted to have lots of food without hunting for it all. the industrial revolution happened because people didn't want to be lowered to manual labor all the time to produce goods and do work.
computers, the power grid, plumbing, sewers, hospitals, clothing, houses, all of these things are created and maintained by us to make our lives easier.
the next step is to merge with the machine, eventually becoming the machine. that's the obvious end goal here.
i see no reason in delaying it.
Zoltan for life! Life meaning forever!
This is what a Transhuman will really look like.