What was the final red pill you took that made you realize liberalism was shit? Iam on the verge right now , I can start to see where liberalism is failing society but I need some serious red pills to finish this transition
Any former liberals on Sup Forums?
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At the moment, I consider myself a libertarian with a few green/liberal concessions.
I'm voting for Trump because I cannot stand corruption.
You don't have to be hardline one or the other. You can still call yourself liberal or conservative if like 7/10 of your views are in that realm.
Protip: this place is full of memes, don't put Sup Forums users on a pedestal for smartness or anything
Gay marriage being legalized freed up my vote. And the muslim invasion switched me to trump instead of crooked hillary.
How would you rate Obama's presidency ?
I still like to believe I'm a classical liberal, because I think we're too far fucked to just go full on conservative and everything will work itself out.
It doesn't mean I don't find myself agreeing with most conservative opinions, but I also think we're kind of in a place where "muh free market" fags need to get a fucking grip on reality.
I helped with ballots in 08 on the Obama side and it was really the media that pushed me over the edge. It's not just the "tons" of white on black violence, it's every drummed up story of fearmongering and everything on the right wing being wrong unequivocally. Not to mention they could've put anyone else as the DNC candidate and I would've liked them more than fucking Clinton
Yes, I stopped giving a shit once gay marriage was legalized (a bad legal decision I was happy for). I had known many groups on the Left were liars just like some on the right were. In the past six years or so the SJWs have become mainstream and their craziness is excused. Now that I am on the right, I have experience looking at and exposing lies on bother sides of the aisle. Liberals lie more and they lie better. It really isn't close.
Not a liberal, but i'm sure as hell not some redpill faggot
You don't become a Conservative so much as you find out that's what you are now.
Nope still a liberal
The last straw for me was seeing with my own eyes how lazy the left had become in their lying. The media, which is almost exclusively leftist, which I even realized while still on the left, just gave up on the illusion of objectivity. I would read that Trump said something completely awful, then I'd go find the video so I could hear him say it himself. I wanted to laugh at how awful he was. Instead, invariably I would discover he had said something entirely reasonable, and the media, almost without exception, would report on what they only DREAMED he had said. The scales fell from my eyes.
What changed me was leaving my more liberal friends. I had realized that the environment I was in was likely influencing my opinions, so I wanted to see what I really thought. Turns out I really like fascism.
Did nothing to improve race relations.
Drone strikes on innocent Arabs make more terrorists.
But still smarter than Romney's increase spending reduce taxes idea.
(((Media))) is always biased.
Yes, this put me firmly in Trump's camp during the primaries. They would twist and sometimes outright lie about what he said. The Mexican rapist comments were eye opening to me and the first Trump comments I fact checked myself and realized the media was full of shit.
Media: Give the impression and sometimes outright say that Trump said Mexicans are rapists.
Trump: Bad people are coming across the border. Rapists included. Of course some people are probably nice people. I talked with the Border Patrol.
Border Patrol: We endorse Trump.
Liberals still bring this up. Everyone knows that there are both bad and good people coming across the borders. Liberals just either fucking lie about Trump or they believe the liars.
There were about six things exactly like this where what the media portrayed happened wasn't close to reality. I've stopped following the news because it seems to be worthless.
twenty years ago the mainstream media was biased
today there is no mainstream media
I used to be a typical Berniebot, albeit more hostile to Islam. The first thing that get me drifting to the right was when someone pointed out that you can't have open border and a welfare state. Then I became aware of crime statistics regarding race. Then I took an economics class and realized leftist policy didn't work. Then I saw the Muslim invasion of Europe and really started questioning things. Then I found Sup Forums and Molymemes and it was all over from there.
When I realized that denying people the right to defend themselves in their own home from criminals is central to the liberal creed.
>make people dependent on government
>centralize power
>central power(government) eventually goes to shit because no body with that much power can stay efficient
>entire country goes to shit with it because it controls everything
Every country ever that leaned liberal/socialist.
FeelIngs isnt a good thing to go by , pessimists are the easyest targets for memes
Man, I remember when I was a blue-pilled liberal normie BLM supporter Islam lover (Druze but a muslim apologist) Then I made the mistake. Sup Forums was demonized for being a racist website and being the le memer I thought "Let's see what these idiots talk about". First day was a laugh, second day was a chuckle, third day I questioned a bit, then when that ruby pill was on my tongue, I swallowed and I'm here forever...
Sorry for the edge but I'm a leaf.
>pic is who I idolize now
There are two groups that push gun control in the Democratic party: Billionaires and communists. No joke. One group knows that an armed populace could rise up and destroy the status quo. The other group has long since realized that no revolution in America is going to happen as the gun owners are not on their side.
Here's a video I watched soon after discovering the media lies about Trump. It confirmed that it was a much wider phenomenon for me.
Also one day I was sitting in traffic and realized that Yuri Bezemenov was right
>subverters push "social justice"
>government starts legislating social interaction
>that leads to government legislasting things like personal accounting, decision making, speech, ideology, living conditions, personal finance of everybody
then you realize you are living in marxist-leninist soviet union and everyone is equal... equal in dirt.
I was definitely more liberal socially until the past year. The tumblrinas, trannies, shrill feminazis, and muzzie lovers in Europe, climate change nazis, and reconquistas have been out in force and have turned me more conservative than I have been in years.
the redneck faction of gunowners aka most gun enthusiasts would support communism if the communists pushed veiled racism like what happens in the GOP primary
Possibly. The Billionaire class definitely uses the cultural left to control and surprise the economic left. We saw this happen in Brexit (the overall campaign failed, but splitting the left and capturing most of its vote worked). The cultural left also sabotaged the Occupy movement. The same phenomenon happened during the 60's and 70's, and there are many books on the New Left and Old Left phenomenon then.
Redneck here.
No fucking way. If there is one thing we hate more than niggers & fags, it's commies.
cool story bro
>gay marriage freed my vote
Stupid issue to vote for. Marriage was meant as a way for two people to pool their resources to raise a child. Marriage never was for the couple, it was for the baby. Now that's it's about "being in love", that makes marriage a tax on single people. It's shitty enough that some people can't find a partner, we now can rub it in by taxing them.
Things like visiting your lover at the hospital had already been resolved prior to gay marriage being legalized.
We should simply redefine marriage as ownership of a child between two people.
Whatever faggot, I just want the option of getting married and rightfully calling my beau 'husband'.
>Things like visiting your lover at the hospital had already been resolved prior to gay marriage being legalized.
That's not true at all. I know because I followed the reports of spouses being denied right up to the supreme court decision. If you didn't it's because you were not as keyed into it as I was because it mattered more to me.
Liberalism is the only red pilled option - in a meaningless universe, where we have a limited time to exist in this relevant form then vanish into nothingness absolute freedom is what we should get, earth is big, universe is so huge - do w/e the fuck you want, it doesn't matter anyway - just enjoy your existence.
i realized modern liberalism was ONLY an ideology and that it was NOT fact based
Burn in hell you reprobate faggot.
no you.
>Third Wave Atheism
>Third Wave Feminism
>Political Correctness over 15 years
>9/11 and the fallout from the nationalistic unity over the following 2 years
>11 years military service as an infantryman
>4 combat tours as 11B(1P)
>Drone strikes on innocent Arabs make more terrorists.
It is an ideology, people should adopt it then shape their political machine based on what they desire, simple as that.
The old system is just an angry old dog that still tries to defend his place, even tho he will die any moment - and he is ready to kill anyone trying to claim that position
Don't worry as more and more people get educated due to access to information trough so many mediums - it will install naturally.
We have to get rid of religion tho.
Honestly? The bullshit the left started spewing about guns and gun control after Sandy Hook. I've been a firearms enthusiast for most of my life. I'm also a huge nerd, so nerd out about guns and the laws surrounding guns. I was lulled into a false sense of security when the left went silent on guns and gun control in the early 2000's. When Sandy Hook happened, the started lying their asses off about both guns and existing gun laws. At first I just wanted to believe they were misinformed. But there was no way in Hell that the people in power were actually that fucking stupid. That was the dam break for me. If they were lying so blatantly about guns, what else were they lying about?
Turns out, pretty much everything.
>We have to get rid of religion tho.
Good luck with that.
people can't get what they want unless they get it for themselves and that's they the angry old dog is the best we'll ever have. modern liberalism is absolutely not proving otherwise we are just scaling up.
>Don't worry as more and more people get educated due to access to information trough so many mediums - it will install naturally.
i was liberal all through education. soon as i got into the real world it changed pretty quickly for me.
>get rid of religion
not possible
Trump is proving its not important to be a religious candidate anymore tho
So? Since when did a president decide what was proper for American culture (aside from the Founders and Ted Roosevelt)?
When I stopped being an atheist who believed in nihilism (and thought I was superior to most of the planet). I also stopped being a Europhile, pacifist, etc. during the same time frame in which I became red-pilled.
why do you think the jews want us drone striking arabs? to take their oil? lol
Idk. Only thing I see failing society is a bunch of rednecks in congress arguing about "muh coalmines" and "muh oil" and "muh bible".
They cant get shit done because retards are too busy trying to stop adults from fucking other consenting adults, and ignoring decades of scientific research on environmental issues.
It doesn't matter who's president. As long as we put enough assholes in congress to cancel each other out.
When I stopped being an atheist who believed in nihilism (and thought I was superior to most of the planet). I also stopped being a Europhile, pacifist, etc. during the same time frame in which I became red-pilled. I'm no longer an autist getting offended by religion no more, I am gettinf attracted towards Christendom.
Welcome to the fold, user. God be with you, and let His grace and your wisdom keep you hale and hearty.
I also love this meme:
>Obama did nothing to improve race relations
I'm curious as to how the fuck any president, let alone any human being, can make people stop being racist. Especially when statistics show niggers commit the most crime despite being 13% of the population.
And this is coming from a liberal.
I was sort of a liberal when I was a teenager, but basically right when I started to entertain shitlib ideals, one of my friends who I know used to lurk /new/ politely blew me the fuck out in a subtle way which made me come here to challenge my views.
If you get offended by religion, you were never atheist. Just a fucking autist. Further revealing your autism by joining the cult of kike on a stick worshippers.
Liberalism destroys society and makes existence shittier.
With purely hedonistic goals it's still shit.
Your words had no meaning whatsoever, they were the words of a leftist, if your beliefs are meaningless determinism then there is no right or wrong option.
I was liberal from grades 8-11ish. I I didn't become right-wing directly after that, I was pretty disillusioned/apolitical for a while. What made me stop being liberal was just seeing more and more how many people truly don't give a fuck about working hard or contributing to society. I couldn't defend industrious and intelligent people being made to pay for the lazy and dumb; it's just not the natural way unless they're close family.
>I am a PhD. international student and had many black friends here who can hold intelligent discussions.
>found that my Visa was revoked and status deleted without ever being notified by the authority, a nigress, after 3 months of being an illegal immigrant without knowing.
>went in looking for reinstatement and was threatened by the nigress to call the cops on me if I call for the DHS. Life-threatened by her son (who was apparently the awarded model student of the school) and his goons who called me a racist foreigner who can't respect blacks.
Now I don't befriend blacks anymore.
You can be as liberal and multi-cultural as you want and still get your character assassinated by fakers and thugs. Liberalism is for victims of Stockholm syndromes.
Nice comment, if you think that belief system is from kikes, you misunderstand it. If anything it was one of the first to break away from it. Simply because you consider something a cult, does not make it one. Try harder
feminists wanted to take away my titty videogames
when I complained, apparently, I was now litterally hitler
and I saw the media coordinate attacks against free speech in the name of feminism
the liberals always had their back, always, they wouldn't give a shit about being fair
it became clear at that moment that they were entirely corrupt and had 0 integrity
from there I learned more, about how they manipulate statistics, how they twist half truths, how they deliberately keep most of the population ignorant
how they have all those disgusting agendas to subvert society
fucking soros
all that shit
the hole just got deeper and deeper and deeper
they subverted family values, they subverted religion on purpose to replace it with their own state funded ideologies, they deliberately "liberated" women to have more worforce, they deliberately let immigrants into first world coutries to fix elections and have cheap labour, they choose who gets elected, they choose the rulers
now we got societies in full decay, economies going to shit, men and women cannot coexist together as families anymore, countries losing their identity
it's all a fucking mess, and liberals are at the center of it
every idealistic promise about a better world they sold us was a fucking lie
>one black guy fucked me over
>all niggers are bad
Funny. Black lives matter is based on this same retarded ass mentality.
>one white cop does his job and kills a black criminal
>all cops are racist
Keep the cycle going buddy.
Oh so you don't worship the same god of the kikes? Is that what you're saying?
The whole first half of your story book isn't the same as the kike story book?
I bet next you'll tell me Allah is another completely different god.
This was it. I saw how my shit ideas were tested
There is no right or wrong option, it's just human subjectivity and our intelligence that helps us tip the variables for the interest we have at a particular time, all this paired with critical / rational thinking lead us to modern world, until then it was shitty for a loooong time in recorded history.
Just be free and stay in your zone, always create and push progress - building on the progress other generations left us... the whole world responsibility is on each individual shoulders, in that terms you should think and understand that with freedom comes infinite responsibility.
Alternatively just become a depressed bio-machine in a controlled, no-fun allowed system, where everything is efficient for the sake of maintaining a zone of comfort a long as possible - a retrograde civilization.
We should aim to become creative creators, not mere consumers or retrogrades.
Blacks dna pushed me over the edge
I was a liberal throughout the W years.
I don't regret that - however I've switched since Obama's 2nd term.
Luke 7:1-10 is a big reason why I'm Christian. Christ himself was amazed by the faith of the centurion.
A bigger reason is Deuteronomy 20:17. Christianity is about both Christ and the Cross.
What makes you so certain that a Trump presidency wouldn't look a lot like a Bush 2.0 neocon presidency ? I don't know if I can trust Republicans at the executive branch again trying to push their evangelical culture values on the country again like the early 2010's
>it's just human subjectivity and our intelligence that helps us tip the variables for the interest we have at a particular time
That means there is a right option you pretentious blowhard.
Liberalism is great m8, but only if the group in discussion is following core principles all the time. Classic liberalism does not correlate with libtards.
This is just leftist swill. Your words have no meaning. The world we live in today is no more rational than the world at any time. You people think mankind is warming the fucking globe with fucking carbon emissions. You fuck.
"The whole word responsibility is on each individual shoulders" Yeah go tell that shit to the fucking mudslimes.
Convert, you pansy leftist fucks.
>Be 20 something year old FUCKING WHITE MALE
>Be Obama voting liberal who grew up on RATM and Michael Moore
>Go to college and realize most liberals are faggots but stay blue pilled
>Go out into real world
>Start excelling because you work hard and aren't a lazy stupid talentless bitch
>All the niggers and socialists who you were bluepilled to be allied with do everything they can to sabotage your career purely because you're a white male
>Slowly come to realize liberals are cancer and its all a lie to rob you of your power and destroy western civilization
>Be early 30s, only one who's wealthy, owns a house or made any of himself
>Want all niggers, socialists and leftists gassed.
Really going out into the real world with niggers and socialists and realizing all of liberalism is complete bullshit.
>i'm a classical liberal
is there anyone more delusional? you may as well just call yourself a conservative at that point since classical liberalism has more in common with conservatism than the modern day marxist liberal shit
When the Mizzou protests happened and the idea that only whites can be racist and that all white are racist entered the mainstream.
I'm still pretty socially liberal though. I support the LBGTQ community even though transfaggotry is mental illness. I support marijuana. And I support being able to do or say anything they want as long as it doesn't infringe upon the rights or property of others. But outside of these things, I want all of the Democrats to die.
yea but modern day progressives and liberals both value civil liberties
Nothing gives me any comfort in a Trump presidency. Hilary is clearly unfit, physically and ethically.
I fully anticipate Trump will surround himself with the same crew Bush did, and we'll be entrenched in an Iranian/Lebanese war within weeks after his inauguration.
I'm voting for Gary Johnson.
I don't think i've ever really changed my core beliefs, i've always wanted to help people but i think the whole 'you can take a horse to water' analogy finally clicked. Plus being raised on "ALL PEOPLE ARE EQUAL" for 20 years, only to now get the "BUT SOME PEOPLE ARE MORE EQUAL" bullshit really threw me a gut punch as far as respecting or tolerating liberal beliefs / individuals is concerned.
I still want to help people like i always have, my core beliefs are the same, but the mechanisms i believe most likely to achieve them have changed.
Americans call 'liberalism' what the rest of the world calls the far left. Actual liberalism is GOAT.
>value civil liberties
>"progressives" exclusively value gay weed abortions
>not freedom of enterprise, property, speech, self defense, bearing arms
>snuggle up to Islam and communism
Nice progress there
no they fucking don't. they are constantly wanting to disarm the populace and ban free speech. that's as anti civil liberty as you can possibly get
The Paris attacks.
>I'm voting for Gary Johnson
so you're pro-TPP and pro-gun control then? Mind getting the fuck out of my country you communist faggot FUCK?
All the bbc and cuckold porn.
When jews ruin the ability to even jack off it's time to just gas them all.
amirite :P
My first redpill was the Zimmerman incident and how the media spinned that into an "evil white racist" narrative, despite the fact Zimemrman was hispanic and despite the fact that Trayvon was by no means some "weak little innocent boy" + when his fat ass girlfriend took the stand and could barely speak coeherently, and then how the media talked about her getting into university and shit and free scholarships.
I realized then that the bias was actually more so within the left, how they create and push racial narratives to gain political power - and then using self victimizeation to gain votes. They are the ones who categorize people into set groups based on race and sex and refuse to look at people individually then decide it is the other people who are the real racists, being unable to see their own racism and sexism.
The left are just so fucking hypocritical and create the problems they claim to be fighting against to gain political advantage. Another thing for me was the first world feminist SJW tumblr 3rd wave feminist BS, hate speech laws, censorship and basically straight out cultural marxism - an ideology responsible for the death of tens of millions being pushed now in America. They claim everybody else is the facists and yet again, the like the typical left, they themselves are the ones who support real fascism by standing against freedom, promoting censorship and using feelings to strip rights away.
I saw the error of modern day liberalism and the left when I realized it was no longer real liberalism and that there isn't a place for true liberals within their movements. They stand against what liberalism is actually supposed to be, forcing liberals of the past into the pools of conservatism.
That is what ultimately redpilled me - the hypocrisy, idiocy, fascism, marxism and everything anti-freedom that they and their movements stand for. They cater to the lowest common denominator of individuals.
I used to be a Russian liberal (though it would probably be conservative by the modern Western standards). All Russian social resources were too conservative for me, so I decided to find a foreign one, where I'd be able to finally communicate with lots of like-mided liberal people. Then I remembered I heard there was a foreign anonymous board called Sup Forums...
It's not a matter of the President being in charge of race relations, it's more that Obongo has actively made them worse. As in, if you were setting out to be a President that stirs up as much racial division as possible, he'd score an A+ for the effort.
Eh, I'm still a liberal. Most of the redpills e.g. race/IQ just made me realize that I have a moral obligation to aid those less fortunate than I am.
Just consider that proponents of bigger government have no interest in independent constituents.
> muh Travyon son comment really stir race relations meme
Good post leaf.
I remember the exact moment of my conversion:
>a few years ago, invited to party from highschool best friend
>was looking forward to catching up
>show up, a bunch of his other friends are there
>kind of disappointed we weren't going to catch up & he knows I don't smoke but whatever
>boring hipsters
>nothing but gossip
>I can't relate to their problems bc I'm no longer a child & I have a job
>this gay dude starts describing his lady friend transitioning to male
>all this shit w drugs
>using testosterone to enlarge her clit so it is mutant penis
>david cronenberg body horror irl
>I'm horrified
>everyone in the room thinks this is both good and brave
>realize I have nothing in common with these degenerates
>Used to be full liberal
>Then I started questioning
>Gun grabbing
>All white males are Hitler
>Niggers din do nuffin
>BLM being praised and tolerated for so long
>Illegal immigration is A OK
>We don't want war but we'll arm "moderate" muslims to fight for their own country :^)
>Went to a fairly liberal college and became alienated by generation
I'm still fairly liberal but I no longer vote with the party just because
I want guns, I want nuclear energy, I want to leave the middle east to rot, I don't give a shit if gays get married but seriously just stop rubbing your faggotry in our faces, I want women to have abortions so there's less dindu juniors running around and less poverty, feminism fuck off or focus on real issues instead of wailing your lungs over slight inconveniences, lets focus on personal responsibility and making the life easier for each other instead of jabbing each other in the eyes for petty bullshit.
I'm independent and depressed now.
i identified as having left leaning political ideologies until I started getting called a PoC by middle-upper class white girls, who also insisted that I'm oppressed. i always acknowledged black crime rates, and the general truth. i was just more accepting of everyone doing whatever they wanted as long as they didn't effect me. they are affecting me and too many others in their fight for their various rights, including the right to be offended on my behalf. fuck all of those people to hell.
I'm mulatto, and hate nothing more than those vapid cunts.
Have you tried communism friend?
You fucking faggots showed me the light. When I look back on my political views I realized it wasn't that long ago that I actually thought all cops were evil, all automatic weapons should be banned, and I even fucking thought that socialism was a good idea and should be tried. Thank you fuckers so much for saving me.
>everyone in the room thinks this is both good and brave
>realize I have nothing in common with these degenerates
That could be the stand that breaks liberalism, I know so many liberals and lefties for whom trans stuff is the bridge too far.
I'd have thought it'd be the paki rape gangs but oh well.
Gamergate, yea I know, whatever. Pushing the tranny stuff.
The general push to indoctrinate with the current PC ideals.
I was a kid in the 90s, and we had PC then. Although to me it seemed then the message we were being given was character before colour. Just give a fair shake, cuz you never know.
Now it's just kill all white males.
Retirement-age Floridian detected and confirmed.
I feel your pain, friend.
Naw, as soon as they realize they have to give up what they earned for the commune it would be over.