Why do white nationalists/Trump supporters on here throw around the n-word and say that "mudbloods" are subhuman scum...

Why do white nationalists/Trump supporters on here throw around the n-word and say that "mudbloods" are subhuman scum who should be brutally exterminated but never dare to say such a thing in public?

Why are you not open about your political views, Sup Forums?

I know this is your safe space, but everyone else outside your room wants to hear you saying this stuff in person too ;)

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Because employed people know when to keep their mouths shut

Weak, shitty, ugly, old, mudblood b8, m8.

It's sixty8 points below 0.


Unlike you, Tumblr user, some of us have a little thing called a "career" we have to worry about.

lul that guy pissed himself.

but he's still awesome.

Why is that nigger so scrawny, did he catch hiv?

>posting a photoshopped pic before a white man kills a nigger tree

>implying he wasnt born with it

Sup Forums and trump supporters are not white nationalist, we are civic nationalist (at least in america, europe is probably ethnonationalist)

i haven't met anyone on here who really dislikes other races, this is just a fun place to make jokes that you couldn't make irl - hell most people don't even mind race mixing so long as you are a good person

also, i have a trump sign in my yard and tell people i support him, so idk where you get this we aren't open with our views stuff from

This isn't Harry Potter, nigger.

fuck you shitskin, this garbage thread is the only time ive seen mudblood here

As a card-carrying member of the Alt-Right, I truly believe that all white people should be gassed until dead.

>but never dare to say such a thing in public?

I dont know where you live Mr. One-Post-By-This-ID, but if you arent throwing racial slurs at people in South Texas you're doing it wrong.

>Why do white nationalists/Trump supporters on here throw around the n-word and say that "mudbloods" are subhuman scum who should be brutally exterminated but never dare to say such a thing in public?

because it's not regular people saying that shit it's lobby groups hiring people to do that

Nice speech.
Now, shut the fuck up, nigger.

maybe it's maybelline

because whites think about their actions down the line...if that guy escalates it someone is going to jail where as niggers fly off the handle and wind up in jail


i am open about my views...i dont hide my power level in real life or on facebook

sure ive pissed some people off...i dont give a shit i have money so cucks cant harm me.


The reality is that the blacks fear the whites because we're stronger and smarter than them..

>wats da silent majority
Can almost hear the ropes swinging

Sup Forums is filled with alt right which is basically "paleoconservative 2.0".
being paleoconservative is to deny modern cocepts like "liberty" or "human rights", because they think we human is imperfect and those modern concepts were artificially came up by imperfect human in the time around French Revolution.

so, alt right doubt the modernism like that "today's world is safe place for political expression thanks to freedom of speech".
we human are still barbarian and if you speak publicly what you think right, you could end up like Socrates, Garilleo or Jesus.

when you say "you should tell everyone what you think" , you are implying public society is enoughly enlightened and good-nature modern world, but it is not.

>Sup Forums is satire heheheheh upvote plz@!!!
Kill yourself and don't come back here

found the nigger

Ok lets talk about pedophilia rights sicko ;)

That lanky nigger's biceps are as big around as his wrists
speak for yourself (((civic nationalist)))

Sup Forums has always been for the lulz brah, and anti-establishment of course

getting trump elected is just a way of saying fuck you to the establishment, not because we want a fourth reich

Because we arent as privileged as you and would be lynched for thoughtcrime


The point is that all us white devils are like that, boy.

The reason why we say this online is because we are conditioned to not clique up and fight you fucking subhuman niggers irl, and here we are somewhat anonymous so we can speak our true mind.

But believe that when it comes down to true killing, between the niggers and whites, we will win. WE HAVE ALWAYS WON.


think about that


Never seen this word used on here.

that's like, just your opinion though

That's like asking why russians weren't in the streets calling for Stalin to be deposed during Stalinist Russia.
When under a fascistic government, the only thing you can do is organise the revolution behind closed doors.

I have told my black friends Hitler was right and explained the inherent corruption of multiculturalism. One of their girlfriends is also Jewish. Just carried on as usual.
> kkk-grand-whizzer-shopped.jpg

Personally, because niggers are violent and unpredictable. I don't like them, I don't want to be around them. But at the same time I don't want to physically harm them just because they don't like me. There is no reason to start a confrontation that may get violent simply because I have different views than them.

>getting trump elected is just a way of saying fuck you to the establishment, not because we want a fourth reich
By having a lefty run for office instead of an actual conservative against the weakest and least liked democrat possibly to run ever?
>we dont want a 4th reich
Probably because you and the 13 year old rebbit community of /r/thedonald or that have made their way here in the last 2 weeks due to the news; are interested in milo's cock and any other cock

>1 post by this ID

>I fully admit nigger are violent subhumans that can only inflict violence and suffering on all around them, but as long as i'm not personally around them i vehemently object to their removal through deportation or genocide
Spoken like a true cuck. You know you are the majority, right ? You know our civilisation is collapsing because of people like you, right ?

when reason fails force prevails

explain it to me britbro

>modern concepts were artificially came up by imperfect human in the time around French Revolution.

Holy shit, an ethnic Nip that can barely write Engrish. I am impress.

>you are implying public society is enoughly enlightened and good-nature modern world, but it is not.

Listen to this Nip, faggots. At least he/they have a realistic view of the world.

I like your subtlety, Nip, it's rare to find an ethnic non-Western Jap poster here. You're right.

Keep Japan pure.

>what did he mean by this?

Looks like a crazy crackhead I work with. Told me he almost got mugged in Columbus until he pulled out a knife and tried to shank the nigs. They're pretty tough when whitey doesn't fight back.

I say whatever I please nigger