
Sup Forums, is your city important enough to get nuked?
Also, generally judging cities.
Indianapolis here, I hope not.
>inb4 small town-ers mocking us
I'm gonna move after I finish my degree.

I'm not sure if Naabeehó Bináhásdzo is nuke-worthy.

No, it's not.

Its not important enough but i feel like alot of people would nuke vancouver regardless

Someone post that 500 and 2000 warhead scenario map

Basically everyone is important enough to get nuked to the Russians


AYY Indiana bro!

You can nuke my part of the state. Give me a heads up so I can flee

>You can nuke my part of the state.
>Traitor not loving Indiana
Why don't you just fuck off to Illinois before any nukes even get considered, okay?

10th largest city in the US sooooooooooooo meh probably. thank god im leaving to the sierras soon.

just gotta worry about fallout from the gay area and ballsacramento.

I can't remember all the cities on the list but basically every major city and even certain small towns that host a certain length of airstrip is on the list as well as ports and forts etc.

That's all old news though I doubt we will get nuked by Russia.

I live in Delhi and its National Capital, with 9.8 million people. So, yes its very important.

Oh fuck I hope they bomb all of you cunts, would do your country and the world a lot of good.

Then who will raise a powerful voice against Islam? None of you cuck countries seem to pick up the mantle.

We are the ones keeping Pookistan in check to not to nuke the whole eastern Europe in their Jihad war. They hate Britain more than us, our hatred for you is fading away and theirs is getting stronger day by day.

Fellow Hoosier here. Only Fort Ben would be any kind of military target in the state. Chi-raq would be a much more plausible target.

Got this in non-gif form?


MacDill AFB is in my city and it is the headquarters of USCENTCOM and USSOCOM

If you dont like beer than Yes

>mfw in Gary
send those nukes this way ivan

> TFW bombing San Francisco would actually be a good thing.

It's a major city for logistics so probably.

A nuke of decent size will incinerate my whole state let alone my city

And heck no tassie would be a major staging ground for a land invasion it's highly defensible

Playing some Blizzard games mate?

You have more threat from Emus than from nukes.

don't bash on Sikh Bros, bong. The poo may not be in the loo, but they're on the right side against the Pakis and chinks.