Just finished pic related

Just finished pic related

Can anyone recommend me something similar?

Pushing Daisies

Right on, I'll check it out

Isn't it about raising the dead or some shit

>Pushing Daisies
Why'd you have to remind me that everything Fuller touches gets cancelled too early.

Except Hannibal, I'm glad he didn't get to do Silence of the Lambs because NOTHING can top the film.


So is it not good or?

children movie

If this show came out now it'd just be about the cucking aspect.

>children movie
>American comedy series
uhhhh what
did you just see the word Daisy and assume it was child related?
on an unrelated note, what does autism feel like?

>mfw Randy in Twin Peaks

Earl gets cucked
Crabman gets cucked
Earl cucks that dare devil guy
earl steals billy from that guy
Last episode Crabman gets cucked again.

Crabman gets cucked 3 times i think.
4 if you count the Pinky(joy) and Randy episode.

Raising Hope. Same creator, same universe i think.

This is bait, PD is not at all like Earl.

Raising Hope was made by Greg Garcia just like Earl, so it's a good option.

I definitely enjoyed Raising Hope thanks to Garret Dillahunt

I'll have to check out Raising hope in that case.

I don't know what it is, something about earl is just great. Maybe it's because most episodes end satisfying because you get to see someone's life improve and see earl do good things.

Shame it never got a fifth season. I would have loved to see the ending Greg Garcia planned played out. Would have been great.

Wasn't the ending going to be Earl going to do a list item and finding out that guy has his own list and so do dozens of other people inspired by him?


Earl couldn't cross something off his list and questioned if he would ever finish it, then found out he inspired other people to make lists and do what he did. Then he crumples up the list because he realizes he's now done more good than bad in the world and he's made it a better place, and he becomes a free man.

I can literally picture the scene in my head, and I'd love to see it become real. Earl has a great message to it and is really inspiring desu

Maybe Malcolm in the Middle?

Yes, Pushing Daisies is good
But it doesn't have that same style of comedy, it's more whimsical comedy-drama

Raising Hope definitely has that same kind of feeling as 'Earl'

The retard from this show really surprised me in House's new show
Chance, I think

>mfw Randy in American History X

Other shows by Greg Garcia

Stereo vinyl cruiser

The Middle, unironically

Not strictly the same but Reno 911 is pretty fun. I enjoyed that and My Name Is Earl so you might too.

>earl was cucked for years by a black manlet