WIthout resulting to some insane fucking theory like her already being a Jedi Master with amnesia or that she is a Mary...

WIthout resulting to some insane fucking theory like her already being a Jedi Master with amnesia or that she is a Mary Sue.

Please explain why she was so powerful in The Force Awakens?

Cause she is ugly

You just gave the only two explanations.

New incarnation of the Chosen One

She's Palpatine's daughter. Come on don't deny that wouldn't be a good plot twist.

You heard it hear first folks.

She wasn't. What made her powerful? Mind tricks and lightsaber wielding? Strong resistance to mind rape?

She wasn't a complete noob with a melee weapon since she already had a staff.

And when she resisted Kylo Ren's mind rape that was really just strong will. Wouldn't you fight if someone intruded your mind like that? Poe Damon is a weak piece of shit.

She let the Force guide her actions. The Force has a will of it's own, so deus ex machina is a legit explanation in universe. She was going pretty much on instinct with everything she did, not having the skepticism Luke had initially, which is what you're supposed to do.

Simplicity. Audiences today want a story with a rocket attached, a slow burner would mean less profit with young audiences

The same reason a farm boy managed to destroy the death star

Yeah, but he couldn't do fucking mind tricks until 2 movies later. With some training from a Jedi Master: Yoda.

I figured she was Lukes daughter, with some kind of concentrated force shit going on, like her blood is 98% midichlorians or something.

This is probably the best explanation I've ever heard anyone here say.

Rey is a Mary Sue because she is instantly liked, trusted and put on a pedestal by everyone she meets.

Han Solo wants her on his crew and trusts her enough to work on the Falcon. Chewbacca watches over her and rips off Unkar's arm to protect her, who also wants her for inexplicable reasons. Maz is willing to give her a lightsaber, and not just any lightsaber, but the Legacy lightsaber of the series. Finn loves her and his sole motivation in rescuing her is that he loves her. The major villains of the movie want her. Princess Leia hugs her and not Chewbacca when Han Solo dies, and personally tells her that the Force is with her. She inherits the Millennium Falcon, Chewbacca, and R2-D2 when one of the three most beloved characters in the franchise is killed off. The primary villain of the movie, Kylo Ren, obsesses over her when she is his prisoner and is the first person in the movie to take his mask off to. Absolutely every single thing is handed to her and her competence and personality are never questioned in any way, shape or form by anyone in the movie.

This is what makes a Mary Sue. Not the fact that she has all of these amazing powers and abilities without even trying or without having been trained, but the fact that absolutely everyone she meets instantly likes and trusts her. This is the true mark of a Mary Sue, and it is due to an inability of a writer to create a compelling character. A Mary Sue will always be a stand-in for how the writer wants the fictional characters to react to them personally.

None of this can be refuted. She is a Mary Sue, and it isn't because she has powers and is a woman. It's because she is horribly written and to defend her is to defend bad writing.

Her Miticlorian count is high

Finall someone who gets it.

She wasn't powerful at all

You were rejected by a popular girl once weren't you? I was too, user. It's okay though. You're better off

She's Darth Vader reincarnated.

She wasn't. If you read the novelization, it explains that she doesn't keep getting the upper hand because she's super powerful, it's because Kylo has a weakness for her.

>The Supreme Leader’s voice was flat. “You have compassion for her.”

>“I perceive the problem,” Snoke intoned. “It isn’t her strength that is making you fail. It’s your weakness.”

If you're talking about why she was able to do a mind trick, etc. it's already been explained that she learned things from Kylo while her mind was connected to him during their scanners battle. Now they have a force bond or some kind of weird connection where she can draw on his powers and abilities.

All the original chosen one did before his jedi training was being able to compete in glorified space drag races, shit argument

This is the true answer but no one will listen to it because it doesn't fit their narrative.


nigger tier response

inb4 based Rian has her BTFO

The novelizations are non-canon, go away.

I want to eat her sweaty bum hole.

>already being a Jedi Master with amnesia
Like Revan? How is this an insane theory? That was literally one of the best Star Wars games and twists.

so she was a 3 year old jedi master, who's memory was wiped out and left on a desert planet?

This is actually interesting.
The fact that they included some sort of force bond in the New Canon and also how they explain her beating Kylo.
It still doesn't make the movie less shit since it has a of other issues, and the fact that JewJew failed to convey these thing through cinema (thus our need to resort to novelizations) just further cements that he is a hack and we are doomed in regards to ep. IX.
Thanks for the answer user, but I'm afraid that while it explains this glaring issue, it only raises even more.

because revan wasn't 4 years old when he was mind wiped, he was a powerful sith lord.

She is a woman, vagina gives mystical powers.

See, this movie is so bad I forgot this even happened.

novelizations are absolutely canon unless they directly contradict the movie. the rule according to lucasfilm is if it adds to a scene, it's canon. if it contradicts, it's not.

s- stop it, you ugh m- misogynistic bigot

Star Wars is a movie franchise so take your bullshit back to where you belong, you fucking nerdnigger.

because the force is female

>the fact that JewJew failed to convey these thing through cinema (thus our need to resort to novelizations) just further cements that he is a hack and we are doomed in regards to ep. IX.

no arguments there. JJ made a lot of shitty choices and cut things that would've made the movie made more sense. snoke berating kylo for his weakness was even filmed but JJ cut it last minute. and things like rey having dreams of kylo before she leaves jakku, realizing later on that all her visions revolve around him (and not the skywalker family as a whole like people assume) are all things the novels made clear that JJ failed to get across because he's a hack.

Not even close to being a Mary Sue
>Stranded on foreign planet for 20 years to learn basically everything
>Guardian is a ship and technology broker
>Stupid audience is surprised when Rey has more knowledge of ship (compressor) even though Han has missed it for x years and never ever seen that compressor before

>Rey is said to be strong with the force
>In the Star Wars universe, force users are empirically better pilots
>Mentally deficit audience is shocked when Rey manages to steer the Millenium Falcon
>Also pilots of the enemy faction are consistantly conveyed as clumsy idiots, so TFA just follows previous set patterns

>Kylo is being torn apart mentally
>Just shot by huge, powerful lazer weapon
>Just killed his own father to feel evil even though he's not
>Retarded audience is shocked she can win even though all of these factors plays in

Not even a Mary Sue, can't believe world building by J. J. Abrams is too incomprehensible for you meme drones

Is Han the Jeremy Clarkson of Space Pilots?

Well the canon is her eggs are infused with midi-chlorians in a nuclear fission sense, so each time she channels the force she consumes the lifeforce from her ovaries. The downside to this is she's unable to utilise the force when menstruating, which the Dark Side have yet to discover. In addition to this it's also an effective birth control methodology whereby she can absorb eggs at will, meaning she can enjoy passionate sexual encounters with the many species that inhabit the Star Wars universe.

Fucking nailed it

Thanks user. It should be obvious. People focus too much on bullshit details


lol it's all true.
Star Wars is gone.


So shes the bird from Twilight all over again

>built a fully functioning droid out of scrap parts
>essentially singlehandedly piloted a craft deep into an enemy control ship and blew it up, taking out the entire enemy army in a single blow

is somehow less ridiculous than

>beat some sith in training in a lightsaber duel


What a shitty era to be alive. When will this madness end?

Because she's actually a tranny.

Palpatine would have had to have her at fucking 90 then.

Instantly knowing how to Mind Trick without training, to Force Pull without training, to beat a lightsaber trained duellist without training, to overpower a powerful force user without training, able to fly a ship she had never been in perfectly and do shit the owner of said ship had never been able to do without training... The list goes on.

Because she's a fucking Mary Sue. Fuck off with your stealth shill you disneyfags.

>she is a Mary Sue
>insane fucking theory

she's the chosen one obviously

girl power!

>assmad disneyfags can't make up arguments

What does this actually mean? Never seen a Star Wars film in my life—is the Force usually considered male?

the more capitals there are the harder everyone thinks you are laughing

sith alchemy can get your dick up at any age

Xenomorph genes. Rey vs Predator when?

>essentially singlehandedly piloted a craft deep into an enemy control ship and blew it up, taking out the entire enemy army in a single blow
Try a bit harder next time

>large teeth for cracking shellfish.jpg

that's literally what Anakin does as a dumbass little kid user

it's not a troll

Because Obi Wan banged padme and this is their future grand child BAM

Luke established a connection with her through his lightsaber and was using her as a conduit.

In other words, he was pumping her full of the Force with his thrumming shaft.

>Still can't come up with an argument

I have no stake in that discussion, I just think it's funny how mad you're getting about fucking star wars lol

it's not that big a deal

>What made her powerful?
Her apparent power, relative to her experience and training.

This isn't only about her force powers. She's able to do things that would require an extremely high level of skill and knowledge. A good example is how she can repair, then fly, a highly specialized star ship. For someone that was raised as a scavenger, on a remote desert planet, it's hard to accept.

Why do you assume there IS an explanation? All we can do is provide our own theories. The movie did not explain in any way why she's so powerful so far. Idk maybe she has a fuck ton of midichlorians in her blood. Or maybe she IS a jedi master with amnesia. In any case she objectively is a Mary Sue.

Without using the answer to this question, please answer this question.

Because JJ is a filthy hack. I'd rather hack his face if you know what I mean. With a hacksaw.

Because the straight and narrow is simple, and people are merely blind to it because of life's complications. To be one with nature is not something that requires years of training, it's something we are all born with but have forgotten with time. She had pure, honest faith and a desire to do the right thing, her will was one with the will of the force, so the force equipped her with the means to achieve their mutual goals. She was truly doing the right thing in a universe of shit, and that alone made her one with the universe's true power. If you haven't noticed this movie is about confusion and being led astray, Snoke explicitly is a manipulator and has to concoct grand schemes to keep any wisdom of the Jedi or what is right opressed. That's why the villains use brainwashing and authoritarian speeches, and why Finn's early arc is about him shedding the identity of a storm trooper and becoming himself again.


Abrams has never written a main protagonist who WASN'T a Mary Sue. He just did to Star Wars what he did to Trek, where Kirk is a super genius that all the universe and characters revolve around because the script says so. He's terrible at writing engaging heroes because his first instinct is to make them objectively superior to everyone else in his story and then have the supporting cast worship them.

Because modern movies have to be HYPERCHARGED.

>literally arguing that a virtuous main character shouldn't be blessed by the force they are fighting for

>fly a ship she had never been in
The film literally states that she has.

>do shit the owner of said ship had never been able to do
Again, film literally explains this with dialogue.

she points out how the new owner (her boss) made modifications, and her knowledge of those modifications means she clearly had a hand in working on the falcon.
The only shit she knew about the Falcon that Han didn't, were the things that had been done to it since Han lost it.

MIDICLORIANS... also feminists

>explains this with dialogue

The only way this stupid cunt will be made interesting in any way is if she falls to the dark side. If I remember right, she had a twinge of it after Kylo was down and she contemplated killing him

It was clearly needed because even with that retards still can't understand how she knew how to fix the falcon.

>Bawww it's a plot hole because Han doesn't know about modifications which took place when he didn't own the ship!!!

She's stong in the force. stronger than Ren. also she extracted some jedi skills from Ren's mind like mind trick and lightsaber skills. afterwards she used them against him.

Has it ever occurred in your sexist mindset that Rey just might be a prodigy that she is just that good cause she a natural and can just do it

Why? She' s a magician

Sure, prodigy.

Damn, Luke was a fucking pussboy.

>STILL can't formulate an argument

>Be JJ Abrams
>Made a AU trilogy before handing that star trek shit back to CBS
>Disney wants you to make a new star wars
>Think of Ideas
>Make Token Black stormtrooper who mutinies
>Make Bootleg Wedge Antilles to ship with token trooper
>Invent knockoff empire, make them more like nazis
>Make Rey OP as fuck because girl power
>Write Luke mostly out of the picture and kill off han solo

This is a Disney movie, in no way shape or form will they say a person 'can't be ready' or 'isn't good enough' to do the right thing. Disney is a family company that tells optimistic and inspiring fairy tales. Rey is a good person doing a good thing, that's all it takes. Human beings have an infinite potential to do good, it is only fear that stops us. That's what Disney was going for with TFA.

Most of the barebones concepts are Kennedy's fault.
JJ is just the one who executed them

Shit writing.

She was blacked by Finns saber off screen.

That's a JJA thing. His characters are always born special and better than everyone. He did that shit in ST too, even made Chekiov a math genius for no reason, because fuck experience and character developement when you can be an Aryan Ubermench.

Holy shit brother.

lots of midichlorians

> Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord of the Sith so powerful and so wise, he could use the Force to influence the midi-chlorians to create...life. He had such a knowledge of the Dark Side, he could even keep the ones he cared about...from dying.


How could Luke guide a high speed missile into an exhaust port using his mind when all he knew how to do was deflect low distance laser bolts at a ball?

Because he was well established as being an ace pilot with a strong connection to the force, talents which were augmented by Obi-Wan guiding him

Poor writing, and feminist writers trying reakky hard to make their female protagonist seem like a badass.

Watch them backpaddle her whole character in The Last Jedi.

Mary Sue, JJ Abrams was going for all the feminist brownie points.

I cringed a few times watching it in the cinema, I'm not giving any more money to Disney Wars.

There's only one explanation.
She's Kennedy's own self-insert fanfic character.
She's literally fits the original definition of the term Marysue.