/BSE/ - BadSelfEater General

Mystery fake bank notes have showed up across the country. What do they mean? Why do they link to FBcom/ThankMrTeeth and BadSelfEater.com ? Nobody knows. Help us find out!

>dropbox.com/s/h80yqx65n9hca1e/Bill Back.psd?dl=0
>dropbox.com/s/916w7mn58j3rwcv/Bill Face.psd?dl=0

>badselfeater.com/ (with countdown to September 14th at 7pm EST)

>Department of Defense demo by Minerva initiative minerva.dtic.mil/
>Wikileaks/Assange fucking with people (not their style)
>WW3 with the end result of a one world government
>Metal dump
>Fed leak
>Historical info for McKinley or JFK assassination
>NEW POLITICO SITE (had info prior to their FOIA article about Clinton Library) hughhewitt.com/politico-co-founder-jim-vandehei-msm-anti-trump-bias-2016/
>CERN opening gateway to Hell/Saturn to bring Lucifer to Earth

>Vide Cor Meum by Patrick Cassidy

>[YouTube] Servants of the State for Your Good (embed) (on BSE site as of 9/11)
(last thread)

Please don't correct this record, it could very well end up being a leak.

Other urls found in this thread:

dropbox.com/s/h80yqx65n9hca1e/Bill Back.psd?dl=0
dropbox.com/s/916w7mn58j3rwcv/Bill Face.psd?dl=0

Recent findings:
>Poster at Clinton Library
>Poster at Board Game Island in Galveston, TX with ded dragon
>Poster at Trump Tower with hands clasping IRS logo
>Site changed from white to red and now has "you're welcome" in console, op video, and art from the posters in alternate views
>Hillary delivered her first speech about the emails in UN building next to Picaso's Guernica
>Bills distributed tonight in Chicago and Oklahoma City with "take one and live" message

>badselfeater = federalbeast
>the site is red now!!

>tfw Mr Teeth updates the website with a song you posted on arfcom

Hold me.


first for hamburgers

Obamas 3rd term.
I always thought you hillbillies were hitting the glass dick too hard, but it looks like it's happening, and would explain why Obama had no chains in that I pet goat II video.

OP is girl everyone!! Tits or gtfo! She knows the rules


Sup Forums exclusive High-Quality Map™

OP, is this true? You know the rules.

Anything in Washington DC, I live in the area

I really hope whoever this is burns this motherfucker down.

I have three theories:
1. Viral marketing campaign.
2. Market crash.
3. Federal reserve-related documents leak.


FYI, this is an actual well planned organization, even if its purely for luls.

Whoever made those Dollar Bills is a professional artist.

You want a good lead? Look for a similar style to how Trump/Hillary/Goat were drawn, especially Trump/Hillary.

Ignore the snakes/spiders/dragon, that influence is from old art.

Trump and Hillary is a style that is possible to lead up on.

Further more, this group has access of members across the country, and has been able to get away unnoticed so far.

4. false flag to study conspiracy theories from autists on a laotian cave dwelling forum

>not calling this place a Mongolian yurt building pow wow circle

Faggots the rule only applies if she was attention whoring or calling herself stupid shit like "fembot" or "femanon" or "fem_". She hasn't done any of that.

To add on.

Whoever the artist is would have similarly drawn humans. Especially in the face.

ACROSS all of their work.

Does anyone know much about the freemason society? Do they have chapters in all of the states? The coordination without any traces online implies it's a non-technology based group. They also included many references to the Denver International Airport which they built (pic related)

If it were the freemasons, what sort of havoc could they cause?

I'm impressed by their zipped lips. Every scrap of info is controlled. If there actually were dumb college kids running the show, one would've blabbed by now I'd think.

Someone explain

How does know she's a girl if she hadn't mentioned it before?
>logic, use it sometime

>not calling this place a burmese image sharing collective

The fact the bills have shown up across the country means its a well organized group.

All around the exact same time.

This is a group with range.

Whatever just stop trying to derail the fucking thread you retards.

yes they are all over the US. This isn't a freemason thing though.

Well, I come here for the Zimbabwean animal husbandry.

>not calling this place a Kyrgyzstani cave art gallery

Hes a gay twink stop being insulting


why would they blab before the countdown is over?

how do you know? they're artists after all. didn't they design the original dollar bills?

Free Masons keep to themselves.

What video

As far as I know the masons are just some old boys club and it's governance is mainly local.

Like the masons in my area basically tell all on their website. They do community charity through the local rotary club and shit, and to join you basically just have to have a clean background check, a history of involvement in local charity, and believe in a higher power.. and the local chapter here allows you to believe in ayylmaos in place of god for that last requirement.

They get mistakenly lumped in with other secret organizations. But surprisingly in a planet with 7.5 billion people, people have founded more than 1 autonomous secret society.

Aren't the freemasons mostly just, like, masons?


well that might be the reason for all of the theatrics. let's say they have information about JFK's assassination or something that they've passed down among the high ranks and due to the current political climate they're being forced to release info

Well just read it. "Free" + "Masons"

It started as a labour union; but had to operate under a veil of secrecy since such a thing was illegal and punishable by summary execution all the way into the late 1910s.



I think if we really want to understand what this is we have to determine their basic motive and who it would benefit hypothetically. If it isn't some meme for a new tv show then I'd say it's linked to wikileaks, college students or some foreign state sponsored operation.

what the fuck is this shit


No, this user is right for the most part Falling for the Alien trick is a great way to not move up far though.

Masons is more about collusion/nepotism/networking to better ones self and community.

Freemasons are pretty chill dudes. They really arent some secret organization, they just enjoying having a male community to meet once in a while. For fucks sake, everyone can join them, just contact one of them and get an invitation to a meeting of them

I once did, they wouldn't even be able to plan a picnic, let alone world domonation

As far as the plaque at the Denver airport goes, it's pretty much a tradition when making a building that the corner stone is laid and inscribed by the local masons chapter.

Sort of harking back to the day when Masons would secretly put symbols in everything they built in order to communicate the existence of the local chapter. Except now they can do it openly.

Where the fuck are all these newfags coming from?

Seriously... coming on Sup Forums and asking if there are masons in every state?

You serious m8?

can we get a clean version of the bill?

>foreign state sponsored operation
well if it's foreign then I'd assume it's Saudis.

>9/11 bill going through house to make it legal to sue them
>Trump sold condos to them at the UN building he built
>Hillary's accepted millions from them through her foundation

Mr. Teeth also confirmed bills were distributed in Canada.

Funny, I was cleaning out some old documents a couple days ago and found one of the pamphlets for my grandfather's mason lodge, the one you give people interested in freemasonry.

Mr. Teeth on Facebook. He has posted high res clean images of both sides of the bill.



The theatrics are Mr. Robot and le anonymuz tier. They are vague as shit and try to spook you with a fake happrning. Their images are packed with tons of useless information that's not hard to spot if you look at it closely. It creates buzz and gets people talking. It's a stunt but for whom is what we need to find out

Yeah, but their end goal was always just doing masonry for a fair wage. You see their symbol on buildings, but that's because they do good work. They don't even own the buildings. They're like the Barney Fife of secret societies.

Just wait until the 14th.

It's probably related to the new South Park season. Season 20.


It's going to reveal the new NIN record. NIN has done this thing before.

Use Google, and limit the search results to a specific time frame. Basically, when the company or organization was planning this ARG. I was thinking December 2015 to late July.

Search for clues before BadSelfEater appeared. You'll probably find an archived website, and a clue to the origins of this game.

I found this YouTube video - youtube.com/watch?v=fCqsOv_iD_Q

It only took me a few minutes. I know you guys can figure this shit out fast.

By the way, I'm a huge South Park and NIN fan. Love those mother fuckers. So, only love coming from me.


If i promise to buy your shitty album in 3 days will you stop posting these fucking threads?

I find it hard to believe that it would benefit any group to have a countdown + fake money if they were planning something serious. at the same time though, the artwork alone seems like a lot of work went into it. what I dont get though, is a lot of the graphics on the fb are pretty shit compared to the artwork on the bills. did they commission the artwork for the bills from someone?

thanks duder got it

Yeah. They obviously don't have the freedom to make ornate architecture that they used to; everything is done to pretty precise plans these days. So the corner stone tradition kind of makes up for that. Of course not everybody errecting a building really bothers with the tradition anymore. But usually for public buildings politicians will partake I guess to avoid losing the mason vote.

Dude, look at THE FUCKING OP
>dropbox.com/s/h80yqx65n9hca1e/Bill Back.psd?dl=0
>dropbox.com/s/916w7mn58j3rwcv/Bill Face.psd?dl=0
Are you a fucking retard? Do you need to be spoonfed, no, not spoonfeed, do you need to have the links chewed, pre-digested and spit into your fucking mouth?

>2mb larger

Yeah I could see Trent Reznor doing this.

they added the hashtag to the youtube title after this thing started gaining traction

We can only hope.

I'm not prepared in the slightest for a happening. Need to start gathering supplies for whenever a happening decides to happen.



The last thing you should do to make anyone take you seriously is putting garbage on the street

This is /x/ tier shit.
Fuck off

What does this have to do with politics? And no some seekrit message doesn't mean it belongs here. If you tune your tinfoil hats right and find something bring it here but please take this shit to /x/.

Similarly, older Aussie buildings often have "888" written on them - nothing occult, but indicated the site was built under an 8 hour workday agreement. Big political thing back in the day.

Any videos posted prior to the registration of the domains are suspect. The video owner can just edit the title and add anything they want. The actual video content doesn't reference #badselfeater at all.

the band tool has been rumored to release a new album this fall too.

I also came into this thread to complain about this thread. Nobody will ever be the wiser that I have nothing better to do with my time.

>What does this have to do with politics
>Literally has trump and hillary on it

A fucking leaf

>same time

The mods have been allowing the threads.

You are not a mod.

So therefore the authority you speak with is just you having an autistic meltdown.

It really saddens me to watch people waste their energy on a viral marketing stunt.

You guys are starting to look like fucking retards.

Tool has an album in the works fuck DECEM I could see those faggets doing something similar, but not to this level honestly.

Reasonably well planned too. The CCTV "footage" was premade, photos taken weeks ago etc.

The lyrics in the beginning of the video you posted are from a tool song as well...

Its not an attack or something. Its literally marketing. fake money is what legitimizes the ominous counter and gets people talking. It's hype for some dumb show or for assanges upcoming leak or some government false flag for who knows what reason. Maybe some false info leak to turn the spotlight while they do shady underhanded shit.

You're on Sup Forums and THIS saddens you? Are you new here?

This is just a fucking stunt.
Clearly some tin foil got an artist to do the design, mass printed them, and is just toying with people. Also I live in the Georgia area where the supposed sighting was, but I haven't heard any news about it or anything.

Take the gigantic dick out of your ass, I skimmed the OP, who cares if i asked a goddamn question.
Also bringing more attention to the bill is important when that is what the thread is about.
You sound really angry man. Get some fucking help.

Seeing as how it's at least 4 years old, no.

Most of the so called sightings on leddit are from brand new accounts. My guess is that they didn't actually even distribute the bills. The only legit sighting has been in Chicago so that's probably where the people doing this are based out of.

I kinda think so too. CERN, Denver Airport, Anti-god symbolisms, muh "dollar iz not backed by gold anymore :(" are all youtube-tier conspiracy theories that anyone that browsed conspiracies online for at least an year all know.

There are already tons of symbolism and clues on the official US dollar bills if you look closer; why would the powers that be make this unsubtle meme conspiracies bill?

Because he's a shill, he doesn't actually lurk on this site.

New Tool album confirmed.

Woah some basement dwellers finally sprawled out of their holes and are trashing streets with pieces of paper with Trump's & Shillary's face drawn on them. Woah man this shit must be like really important. Bumping for sage.

My grandma got really serious one time when talking about the Freemasons group in northern Texas, she said they were up to no good and she encouraged my grandpa not to be a member anymore but she didn't go into detail of why.

So this video has the #badselfeater hash and its from nearly 5 years ago.


Also, found these two social media sites that seem related to BadSelfEater:

Twitter @PM2020DEV
Facebook /ProjectTyler/

Main ARG site - badselfeater.com/ (you guys probably already knew it)

I'm only guessing and somewhat hoping on this statement - I think it's an ARG related to NIN. We might see a Year Zero Part 2 album come out. Year Zero was very political, and a lot of the BadSelfEater material is related to politics, NWO, and the occult. Maybe version 2 of Year Zero; instead of the US govt, it's about the world elite.

Reznor is always ahead of the curb and with his experience making soundtracks, he'll probably deliver an amazing fuckin' album.

Or, it could be South Park dabbling with ARG's and going all out. South Park has a lot of money behind them, and they focused heavily on the PC/SJW culture last season. They could be focusing on the world elites, world banks and occult/conspiracy ideas that has injected itself into pop culture over the last decade.

Anyways, you guys are smart. You'll figure it out. Or, just wait until the 14th. I don't think it will be a major happening. Just a dope ass NIN album or a dope ass South Park season.


Yeah, im now 100% of the new Tool album bandwagon. This is something those guys would do, and the artwork is right too.

Tool is fuckin' cool too! I'm down for that.

I'm out. Got to go to work early.

Take it easy.


>a lot of the graphics on the fb are pretty shit compared to the artwork on the bills
I don't think the artist is as good as we're giving them credit for, desu. Clever, yes, and certainly not bad, but there are small mistakes in some of the secondary images and little of the material seems to be original.

Didn't show up in searches a few days ago, likely title recently updated