I want the truth
Why couldn't the people on the top floors escape?
you should know how dangerous fires are leaf.
4 people in the south tower survived above the impact point because one stairwell survived. No one survived in the north tower above impact point because all stairwells were destroyed in the crash
um because there was a fire underneath them?
Some did; there was one passable stairwell.
how were they destroyed? was there a barrier or a huge vertical abyss spanning several floors?
Google hasn't helped much
Probably all the fire and smoke prevented them kiddo.
None of them thought the towers would collapse, it has never happened before or since.
Why didn't they just use the elevator?
doors to the roof were locked
I'm guessing they were blocked off by debris, smoke so thick you cant see where you're going, and hot ass fire.
hundreds of thousands of pounds of aluminum and jet fuel crashed into them at 500 mph.
then all the jet fuel caught fire. which caught the aluminum on fire.
Basically, yeah, in the north tower, the plane hit perpendicular to the building, destroying the 3 stairwells. But in the south tower, the plane hit at an angle, destroying 2 of the 3. For Google purposes, search "wtc stairwell a" for a better description
The reason should be plane to see.
Have you never seen an elevator they have signs all over that say in case of fire use stairs
There was a report that fire went down elevator shaft and out the lobby. Not kidding.
Well, they tried jumping, and we know how that turned out.
I didnt know Carlos was a fucking leaf
jet fyool dont melt steel beems
>why couldn't the people on the top floors escape?
they were told to stay put
Shut the fuck up leaf faggot.
> there was a guy stuck in the first hit towers elevator and had to wait until after the second tower fell. What a morning that must have been.
Apparently the roof access doors were locked to prevent people from going up there and killing themselves.
There were plans to evacuate some people by helicopter but nobody could get to the roof from inside.
americans are fat so they always take the elevators
the majority died from cardiac arrest after going 15 minutes without a hamburger
It just wasn't their top priority
They jumped to the conclusion that staying put was the best idea
The stairwells were blown out by explosives at the impact points because everyone in the 2 buildings above the impact points were marked for assassination. That's also why cell phones were jammed and there were no helicopter rescues. Everyone on board the 3 planes were also marked. Many people were also assassinated post 9-11 in the fog of war so to speak, some were tipped off by some insiders getting second thoughts to call in sick or whatever. Of course there was a lot of collateral damage and innocents wasted.
Many knew they were going to die and that's why some started jumping even though the fires were pretty much out. They felt the preparatory detonations going off in the basements.
Does anyone else get the gooks when they watch the footage of people hanging outside the windows?
>110 stories
>just walk up the stairs
What I don't undrstand is how some people chose to stay on the second tower after they saw the first tower get hit.
Like holy shit I would have been the fuck out of there.
Just some Muslims.
Thermite melting beams just before collaps.
Why don't you go on and scooter yourself on to wallmart wallmart where you can have a nice shart free of judgment, okay?
>why couldn't the people on the top floors escape?
When all the amerifats entered the stairs all at the same time on top floor the whole thing collapsed. Not because of jet fuel.
security told people to stay put. questionable to say the least
Some people actually went down and then were persuaded to go back up. Better get back to your desk and earn you boss those shekels!!
Literally bait
Canadians are officially not allowed to post threads anymore
The c4 blew up the stair cases
All the people who made it out alive talked about that
Even if some people are dumb enough to attempt to use elevators, some of the elevators were destroyed in the initial plane crashes, some people who were in the elevators literally fell to their deaths inside of them when their elevators snapped off. Fucking scary.
Sounds like a weak excuse. I would of just left. It's not like they would chase after me. A building is on fire next door, they got other things to worry about.
Doors to the roof were locked, thanks to Port Authority. At least that was the case for the North Tower, the one with the radio antennae up there. The South Tower, I think some people got up there and they tried but claimed they couldn't get close enough due to smoke and visibility issues.
I just read a good article about this: wsj.com
Worth checking out. Interesting info included the fact that as of that writing, in 2001, only Los Angeles had made roof access on buildings above 7 stories mandatory, in order to prevent scenarios like 9/11. They actually had/have a heli rescue crew to get people off burning high-rises.
Also Sup Forums, if you're gonna make captchas mandatory at least make sure they fucking work reliably.
holy shit my sides, here you go a present
jesus christ, the people that make these videos are so far reaching its actually amazing
Yeah, one of the videos posted in the 9/11 video thread showed firemen and emergency personnel treating and evacuating people in the lobby of one of the towers. Harrowing shit. Cameraman narrated, saying there were people on fire--you can hear screaming offscreen. The windows in the lobby were blown out and he said firemen had told him that the fire did indeed whoosh down and out the elevator shafts. Fucking disturbing shit. So even people in the lobby got torched.
They marked Anthony Perkins' widow Berry Berenson for death? Fucking why?
She was on Flight 11, fyi. Sister of actress Marisa Berenson.
This. Even security on the lower levels were like "the fuck?" when hoards of people from the upper levels walked down. Even had the fire alarm blip twice in the second tower before giving the all clear and that they could go back to work.
I didn't know that played out with security until today. Very odd that security would tell them to get back to work, they should be able to go wherever the fuck they want after witnessing a plane crash into the next building and watching people end their lives by jumping out the window.
A tragedy by very definition, we'll never witness something of that caliber again for the rest of our lives.
Nothing would have stopped me from getting the fuck out of there. With my stuff too. I would've assumed I wasn't going back.
People are fucking stupid, seriously. Always err on the side of caution. Always.
If you escape the tower the terrorists win
Couldn't shot web.
don't listen to the leaf. to OP: it was probably a combination of
the stairs in the north tower were rendered impassable to people above the impact zone due to the toxic, dark fumes and high heat, which warmed the floor so much people had to stand on their desks. Since the only stairwells were in the center of the floor, they would have had to face 1000+ degrees fahrenheit only to fall into a burning hell at the impact zone. There was truly no way out.
Kekked a bit.
Never considered this.
Frig off randy
Buildings like this should really come equipped with parachutes, Maybe just a few multi-person parachutes per level.
I think by a plane
t. parachute salesman
Just watched the new special. The NYPD helicopters attempted to rescue people from the roof. Unfortunately, they found no one there. The doors to the rooftop were chained shut on the inside months before in an attempt to thwart potential suicide jumpers.
>Multiperson parachutes.
>In a finance building.
The first Jew to get to the would take the largest one and sabotage the rest.
>chained shut on the inside months before in an attempt to thwart potential suicide jumpers.
The ironing is delicious
the thing is only one elevator shaft went all the way from bottom to top..blowing out a entire lobby and bursting thick ass windows.
In case you were unaware a bunch of Muslims crashed a couple of planes into the towers.
I don't understand why some people have to be such assholes about killing themselves. Fucking attention seekers ruining everyone else's day. Just drive out to the woods, call the cops, and put one in the ol noggin if you want to exit.
Are you serious? Maybe because of extreme heat and smoke, moron. I took the fucking bait and idc. Leafs have been winning the shitpost competition lately.
Were there helicopters trying to get people up the crash?
Makes me go mmm
>Chained Shut
>several months before 9-11
I wonder (((who))) could be behind this?
Samefag detected. Why would you land a helicopter on a burning building? Go eat snails, faggot. Real life isn't a movie.
A friend of a friend worked there. He said everyone was running down the stairs but then many stopped because of announcements that said everything is fine - it's a small fire and it's contained - go back to work.
Many people went back up the stairs, yet some decided to keep heading down and out of the building. This saved friend-of-friend.
>home of the "brave"
If Americans are brave then why didn't they try to find a better way down instead of just leaping straight out of the building like a coward?
Again, not a fucking action movie. What do you French know about saving anyone anyway? Go eat some stinky cheese.
for different reason such as, it's about to fucking collapse, would you fly that chopper near it?
Like one faggot jumped and so we act like everybody did.
Literally a few people saw a guy jump and the rest are passing on stories or just watched human-sized debris fall
Yes I know this is b8
You're actually serious aren't you?
to be fair, it's pretty brave to jump down. Not bright, but brave.
Something to do with a plane crashing into them
imagine those guys going through the plane wreckage, giving high fives to the passengers while descending to the tower stairs cages.
Up until the second impact, most people were working under the assumption that it was all an accident or just one hijacking.
The South Tower was in no risk of damage and people running into the streets from it would have both hindered the arriving emergency workers and been in danger of being hit by falling debris from the North Tower.
In hindsight it's obvious the tower should have been evacuated, but going from what they believed was happening in the time between the first and second impacts, it was the correct choice to tell people in the South Tower to stay put.
Because most of them didn't bring one of these to work with them that day.
that one guy who surfed debris down survived
yea, those sure are beams that were cut down several weeks after the attack.
gas yourself.
Exactly. Conspiracy theorists will reach for bullshit evidence to support their theory, then call bullshit on any valid evidence...
>the building collapses
And I naively wanted to believe they all died instantly. Was 14 years old when that happened
Elevators cant fall, the steal cable is connected to a counter weight. they were crushed to death when the floor collapsed.
Don't forget you can hear the roar right before he screams.
Imagine a family member coming across this meme kek