When is it time to stop pretending?

When do we finally start to accept reality for what it is?

>Hillary will win
>The 9/11 official story is the most likely and true
>there are no aliens
>feminism is necessary
>the patriarchy actually exists and women have it way harder than men
>minorities are opressed and they have every right to complain
>racists are literally everywhere and intentionally try to ruin peoples life based on their skin colour
>reddit is superior to Sup Forums .. i mean look at this fucking website lmfao
>sports isnt even that important
>every country/culture has its flaws
>not everyone in the media is a liar
>people can have the sexual orientation they want
>gamers actually are fucking retards and molest every girl they ever encounter in a video game

Happy monday Sup Forums .. its time to take the blue pill and revert back to a happy life

If you have more real truths that need to be accepted feel free to share

nobody cares about your retarded rant you fucking krautcuck

Hillary loves Merkel, Merkel is currently killing your country, and you say we should elect her?


Is this satire? I don't know why it would be but I cannot accept that there are people on this board this unintelligent.

I disagree with OP on every point except that about minorities. Whites are as we know the minority from a global perspective and have every right to complain.

>there are no aliens
No, they cross the border every day

>there are no aliens


fuck off shill

>not even trying

behold the cancer killing germany, the beta cuck

get culturally enriched faggot bet you like big saudi dick lmao

this is utterly retarded.

Careful, people are fragile on this board Mehmet.


>The 9/11 official story is the most likely and true
Which one, the one from a year ago where it was just some terrorists working alone, the one from this year where the fucking Saudi's bankrolled the entire thing, or whatever one they come out with next year?

#DropOutHillary starting to trend on Twitter

>#DropOutHillary starting to trend on Twitter

#DropOutHillary starting to trend on Twitter

>#DropOutHillary starting to trend on Twitter

>Brexit will lose




Made me reply


How would swallowing the pill that makes me think I'm the devil incarnate make me happier? I mean sure, it also makes me think I'm powerful, but what good is perceived power when you hate yourself?

Paid Merkel shill


>1 post

Refugees welcome

>Hillary will win
Speculation, even then you shouldn't vote for her
>The 9/11 official story is the most likely and true
>there are no aliens
Not sure since universe is supposed to be infinite
>feminism is necessary
>the patriarchy actually exists and women have it way harder than men
They have it harder because they're both weaker, less smart and can't keep up with men, not because muh patriarchy, if you lower bar for women then high-school students can start pouring into politics
>minorities are opressed and they have every right to complain
They have literally same rights and opportunities, hell they're even POSITIVELY discriminated and still prefer to complain and mooch welfare because why would they work when they have retards like you convincing them they're entitled to money of others?
>racists are literally everywhere and intentionally try to ruin peoples life based on their skin colour
Yeah, especially niggers and jews ruining white lives.
>reddit is superior to Sup Forums .. i mean look at this fucking website lmfao
So stay there? Why do retards with this opinion always come here?
>sports isnt even that important
Big discovery
>every country/culture has its flaws
Big discovery, still doesn't change the fact some are better than others.
>not everyone in the media is a liar
Yeah, some just modify the truth, still obscuring truth.
>people can have the sexual orientation they want
Doesn't oblige me to praise them or pay for their AIDS treatments from their diseased lifestyles.
>gamers actually are fucking retards and molest every girl they ever encounter in a video game

>u gon die shill
>your bosses cannot protect you, nor will they

don't bother dude


God, I fucking hate niggers.

>9/11 story is the most likely
How can a faggot be so bluepilled and blind


You must be drunk on Syrian semen, Cuckmany.

>not accepting the reality played out today that shillbot is done for
>not accepting the reality that merkel will be ousted soon
>not accepting the reality that Trump is the next President of the United States of America
>being this much of a cuck
You should build a shed in Sweden.


Heres another to the list

>Islam is great and every country needs to open their borders for muslim immigrants

When has Germany ever been right about any big picture thing? Germans are only capable of thinking in details.

>Hillary will win
Concern troll.
Go away, faggot.
We have a country to make great again.
>1 post by this ID

Bill is definately blue pilled

Its the color of his aids meds

It's only real if you believe it's real. Faith is all it takes, and faith is all there's to it.

>she probably will but Trump might, she might also keel over
>Memes aside I believe the 9/11 story is mostly true
>Drake's equation (that's the one, right?). there's aliens for sure dude.
>feminism is cancer because it destroys the family which is the cornerstone of society
>to some extent you might be actually right that "patriarchy" exists. But it arises from innate gender differences. Men are go getters, better leaders, etc. To revolt against it is to revolt against nature
>They aren't oppressed, they have lower IQs why aren't Asians "oppressed?" why do they outperform whites on most measures? 105 average IQ.
>in our society the most taboo thing to be is racist. Very few people in any position of power that would affect minorities would be genuinely racist. inb4 cops, blacks commit more crime.
>every coutnry/culture does have its flaws, correct. Some have way more flaws than others. And that aside, I prefer my culture regardless because it's the culture of my people.
>not everyone is but (((many))) are.
>they can have what sexual orientation they want but if they act like complete fucking degenerates and spread disease and anti-family attitudes they need to be gassed. We need to promote "heteronormativity" and not put anything else on a pedestal, at the very least.
>this is just dumb I don't even know what to respond.


Enjoying that brown dick up your ass, Hanz?

>mfw i take the blue pill and get a raging boner for hours